Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

You know what would be funny ?
If all 5 enemy players used thier taunt on him at the same time when he comes around :smiley:

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I had this happen today, hence why I am here. Not angry over it, just sorely disappointed.

Was playing Hanamura temple with a level 75+ Sgt. Hammer and all I thought was “Oh, this is gonna be good!” and was disappointed by how…ineffective they were. Lots of derping around, getting mugged by the A.I, one attempt at soloing a samurai, and just not living up to expectations.

I was expecting them to blow me out of the water (I was playing Valla but a good Hammer can out do her against bots) and they were bottom of the barrel.

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I once had a lvl 999 Hammer on my team. But when I saw she was silenced I knew it was just a ordinary troll I was playing with and not a super good one.

Keep spam pinging people and then she target spammed me for some unknown reason for 15 min. When game was over she keep spam inviting me on both bnet and ingame.


That one Aba on DS, who never left the Hall of Storms for entire match.

That one Aba who hatted only our tank [Garrosh I think??], who was going 1vs3 or 1vs4 for entire time.

That one Aba on DS who never placed a mine, until something like 18 minute, when I asked him why he does not use mines at all. He told me, that he has no range o__O.

I told him to place them wherever, then he placed first 3 [and only] mines in the game close to our bruiser camp.

Then after 20 minutes of 4vs5, we’ve lost.

…and no, he was not “first time virgin aba”. He was level 60+ on that. Apparently Aba was his main, and he has 55%+ winrate on Aba o___O.

Oh God plz, drop a frag grenade or something like that.


Sometimes I question myself if Aba players even know how to place mines anymore. Getting matched with so many Aba players lately that does nothing but afk with his monster ult and let enemy players roam the map unhindered.

Properly becasue he hides in spawn like 95% of all Abas does today lol.


I have no words for this.


Guess he has never bothered to watch how long his mine range is on mini map. His range on mines are like 1/3 of the map range.


So, against all odds, Valla is not banned and I grab her.

Last time that happened, my team screwed the draft. This time.


No tank vs Butcher, AND the jaina kept going afk. I’m stil friggin cursed.
Why are all my team mates incapable of drafting!!! WHY!?

(Oh and in case you’re wondering, yes, Aba went Monstrosity, and BW went bribe)


There are a lot of ways that bad players can have “good stats”. He could be boosting his winrate with AI games (and hoping people never sort for other gamemodes) or only drafting Abathur when he knows he’s probably gonna win anyway (such as being comfortably Plat but being matched against gold players) OR he queues up with teammates to inflate his QM winrate. I’ve had an abathur on my team that I had to baby all game because he had no idea what he was doing. Check his profile after and he had Abathur at like level 150+. People can spend a lot of time playing a hero and still suck.


That Aba went monstrosity is fine for me, but it triggers me to see Abathur at all in your comp. :smiley: Only Xul as frontline against Joh, Butcher and probably another frontliner… with a fragile backline… have fun.

Aba+Xul = budget Cho’gall version?

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I mean, this is not necessarily bad here. The BW player is doubling-down on macro gameplay in the absence of a tank/front-line, and on a map where mercs can directly contribute to the only win condition (or you can at least deny mercs to the other team more easily if someone has Bribery). The rest of the team has amazing waveclear, so should be easy to get stacks. There is Aba to provide some supplementary healing and utility to help compensate for the loss of Hyper Shift. I’m not saying it was the correct decision, but I can definitely understand why the BW player considered it.


Report Bribewing for not playing Brightwing.

You can’t be serious. If anything, you must have meant, “Report Jaina (or Abathur) for drafting Jaina (or Abathur) instead of a tank or at least another bruiser”. Right? … Right?

It’s always “blame the healer” :frowning:

Its a joke. The only optimal way of playing Brightwing is not playing Bribewing.
If you play Bribewing just to steal enemy camps then you risk yourself getting killed.

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I’m not someone who thinks monstrosity is always bad, but on a small map like ToD? Where you can teleport from the core to the middle of the map? It’s like picking it on Tomb of the Spider Queen.

Also, since we didn’t have a tank, I can’t imagine why the guy thought fights would last long enough to do anything with the monstrosity. All it did was die. Plus, Aba’s most valuable talent on ToD is Mule, which he did not pick either.

Given that the enemy obviously has the advantage, when would the BW player have the opportunity to go steal camps? Just like the last bribe BW I had (I seem to attract them) The only time the player bribed a camp was when the whole team was with him at that camp anyway.

Seriously, I never report people for their picks. No matter how bad they might be. GIven the picks and the builds, those people likely had no clue what they were doing. I just with they weren’t always on my team.


ToD small… what? I consider it’s one of the bigger maps, even though it’s not warhead junction, cursed hollow or Blackbeard’s map. It’s medium size at least…

cough Forced winrate cough :crazy_face:

Only if you runs alone, but what about gang-squads? But I mean in lower elos people are unaware anyway so you are less likely to get caught and in higher ranks you can run with your team and steal a camp… I don’t see a problem. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why do I have the meme picture from anakin+padme meme in my head…


But if you’re roaming with your team, why would you need bribe? You can take the merc camps as a group.

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It’s faster by some seconds through bribe? I experienced games, when my team want to steal a camp, but wasn’t fast enough, got caught and in the end give it to them. :joy: Fights around camps are usually really tight and dangerous.


I’d still prefer Hypershift. A stolen camp doesn’t have as much value in my eyes as an extra 8% hp heal plus cdr on your global.

If you had gotten that camp, I don’t think it would have significantly raised your odds of winning the game. Not getting it wouldn’t make you lose the game either. And you would have gotten it by simply rotating 1 second sooner (Or bringing different heroes)