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Tbh. dual bruiser + tank with Ragnaros isn’t as bad as you think. We all know that Rag is kinda squishy for a bruiser, but can deal good damage. He also could go W-build and then he would be another mage like Jaina.

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It depends on what the fifth person locked. I personally wouldn’t want to be Dehaka, Rag, Rehgar, Jaina and another ranged Assassin. If they locked Imperius or Sonya someone with good engage and a stun, that might work.


I’m going to add some salt for an enemy team I played yesterday in SL. Or team was already mostly picked with Johanna, Li Li, Cassia, Sonya and KT. Knowing all but our last pick of KT, the enemy drafts Twin Blades Varian and The Butcher into our team… They didn’t get a single kill the entire game. Platinum one trick Butcher player, it’s time to find another trick.

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AA vs triple-blind setup… they had a lot of fun. :joy:



Enjoy blinds for weeks i say. And yea some people should really just stop being a one-trick and start drafing better heroes. But those people would say they still have a chance even vs that much blinds. Those 3 heroes can blinds both Varian and Butcher for a total of 6.5 sec if Joh takes two charges of blind talent.


It was crazy, I was playing Li Li as my team asked for it, this was before the Varian and Butcher picks. The Butcher was a one trick, so it’s slightly excusable, but the Varian player wasn’t, yet with full knowledge of our team having Joh/Li and Cass he still picked Varian and went good old yolo Blades.

I was just so thankful I wasn’t on that team, I felt very sorry for their healer and tank.

  1. Where do you see a tank lol.

  2. Would you want Ragnaros+ Dehaka to be your frontline?

Personally, I hate W build Ragnaros. It feels like you need to be carried when you pick it.

Well, your team only had 4 blinds…


I’ll answer for me, I wouldn’t at all. Most likely the Rag who picked that would go W build to make a bad situation worse. Even if he didn’t, Dehaka lacks the tools needed to tank properly, I wouldn’t want to be in his position.


Losing as Ana with 3 silenced players in same party was fun.

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3 silenced players? I think I’ve been match with 3 silenced players once before too. Were they in a party together?

since your last pick was open and you were 2x bruiser i would assume the last pick would be tank. i’m guessing thats not the case based on the context of the later posts though :frowning:


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Ye, then i saw that I knew I was in for a troll fest and I was not disappointed. I got a troll fest out of it. Tass feeding 1-10 and moving into forts until he died. Gaz was half afk whole game and feeded big time too and spam pinged Tychus. And Samuro were trying to 3v1 whole game and died of it.

I dont know about Tychus but I reported them all for trolling and feed. Never seen a weekend this toxic and full of bad games.

Hope its just the weekend curse and nothing more since weekends brings lotz of trolls into this game.


I just wished the last player would be smart enough to make this comp viable, but yeah I also didn’t saw the tank.

Maybe with a third bruiser or a tank it can work, you know the draft is not a wish-party.

Either way, I wasn’t looking forward to solo assassin jaina. But one player ended up being afk and the game cancelled.

I have yet to win with a triple bruiser tank. Any kind of AoE destroys it.


This seems quite common, though I don’t know how people achieve it. Being both AFK, yet still managing to feed more deaths than players who aren’t AFK. :frowning:

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Me neither. As someone who played HoN/Dota 2, where the fog of war is thicker and more troublesome and that’s why calling miss is more needed than in Hots, I am surprised how this is possible in Hots that people die solo so often.

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Becasue paying attention to enemy movement on mini map is hard and none-existing for most.

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Is it that’s why Medivh is cheating in birdform? :joy:

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Yep. He cheats by giving vision. Its cheat to know where enemy team is 24/7. Its like playing a hero with inbuild cheat.

In the last week I saw a game from Khaldor TV, where Medivh (almost) basically did nothing else than just scouting enemys in bird form, it was funny to watch.