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Valla immortal.


How hard is it for Blizz to make a single patch to nerf just Valla. They got the data man.
Another game lost cause another Valla team just stomps us out and I had zero chance as Valeera with Aba mines eveywhere I got lol. Might aswell afk in base that how bad it was.

And ofc Aba comes out and slaps the core like he think he so great after he hided in base whole game being a giant chicken cause that how Abas are today. Hide in base and get carried to free wins.


I had really nice ARAM tonight. I’m certainly not pro Qhira, but this one just kicked in hard for me.

It was long, but we had an upper hand… Until 20, when enemy Raynor picked bugged talent, started to respawn every 4-5 seconds and the game turned into “kill the Raynor”.

Really, this bastard died 26 times in this one o___O. And majority of those deaths comes from Raynor going suicide on our core, to deliver the Hyperion. His team started to play “deliver the bomb”, with enemy Junkrat securing one of side paths just to help Raynor to deliver the Hyperion. All they tried to do is to distract us from killing the kamikaze Raynor.

He managed to reach our core only 3 times if I remember correctly, but unfortunately the last one was enough.

Not actually the first time playing against Raynors abusing this bug. In one of recent ARAM matches, I won against double Raynor using worgen Greymane supported by very nice Morales player. Usually enemy team ignore suiciding Raynors, but those guys were fully supportive in his endeavour.

Dear Raynor abuser and your team: Suck my middle finger.

[sorry, new account, low trust level etc. but I promise there 0 Ricks Astleys in the link]

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50+ death leoric is still undefeated. Seems about right. :rofl:

thank you matchmaking for assigning me a level 300 against a level 2000 a level 1000 and probably a couple more high levels, and thank you valla for leaving even though we were at an equal level and equal killcount

Level doesn’t tell you anything about skill though. It’s only a info that players with high level amount play a lot, but they still can be bad skill-wise.

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Finally did it. Uninstalled this game. Tired of watching every game is filled with bandwaggon Vallas that just plays her for free wins. Games are not even fun anymore. Every game got a Valla that out dmg eveyone by miles. And they spam the hell out of her cause why not. People are so bad thry need to play a busted hero just to fell great.

I will be back again to this game when this joke of a hero get hard nerfed to the ground again. Cya guys. I will be playing other games until this is addressed. Cant be bothered to lose anymore games while this joke of a hero runs rampart.

Losing to a 30% winrate Valla was the last staw in this. If a player this bad can win with her now then i’m out.


I’ll miss you Froggy. I worry though that with their recent track record, as soon as they nerf Valla they will introduce at the same time a new broken hero everyone abuses for easy wins. :frowning:

I don’t think it’s any coincide that The Salt Mines has become the new place where regular forum members post their quitting HOTS threads. :frowning:


That’s actually funny lol. It’s like a whole new game mode.

Let’s play president!

Both teams have to escort their Raynor to a structure.
(Hey at least you got a loot box out of that game)

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I will still be on the forums dont worry. I just dont fell its any fun anymore to get stomped by Valla teams that que up with her with the solo purpose of ruin others games.

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Why not ranked play, Frog? Valla is banned in ranked for good reason.

Don’t play ranked if you can only play abathur and medivh.

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That’s a relief that you’re still be here Froggy. Yes, Valla in a premade team built around her is the only time I make an internal groan and just want to leave a match. Of course I never do, but it’s just so cheesy. When it’s a random Valla although too strong, you can usually deal with her.


I can’t sleep, because I drunk too much coffee and I thought I can play one SL game… but what happend?

I get a troll, who announced that he would troll us. He picked Valeera, feeded enemys or stayed in stealth and did nothing. I am so angry right now I would like to punch this guy so hard to create new orders in a hospital metaphorical speaking. Thanks, Valeera. You got my report and I hope you get banned.

Another troll. This time it’s an Abathur on Battlefield of Eternity. Thank you, troll.

I guess it’s weekend and it’s filled with trolls.

It can sometimes be bad playing late Yusuke. I had an Azmodan player in my game, but he wasn’t trolling, just not good. It was WHJ and I was trying to capture a nuke. I was playing Uther and it was 2v2, but really it was 1vs2 as Azmodan just kept hitting minions. Even when I had both enemies at very low health, he wouldn’t help, not an orb, an AA nothing.

It was a very sad overall game, we had 2 global heroes, yet my team never caught camps or pushed lanes or picked up the nukes, so we had no map control. It was quite pitiful that the enemy Zagara had 3 times the hero damage of our Azmodan, and almost four times the siege and xp. Our Azmodan died more times than I remember and managed to take a single fort with the lowest hero damage on either team. :frowning:


I don’t log in to help you teach your friend with 5 games played how to HOTS. My recreational time belongs to me and you’re not morally superior because I dislike being on a team where brown horse dies 8 times in 3 minutes. I’m not a “prick” for asking if we’re being trolled. And I’m not a prick for feeling like my time is being wasted. If draft queues didn’t take days I’d be there so don’t tell me “QM bro” when its our only option.

As crazy as this concept is to a small of army you : I’M NOT HERE FOR YOU.

I’m just a garbage, garbage player and I lose a lot and that’s hard. The end. :weary: :sleeping_bed:


That’s makes you looks nice compared to smurfs I played with, who were overloaded with confidence and blamed me as Falstad, even though I did my part and we won the game. But some guys will always rage, even though they won.


I made a typo it was one smurf (D.Va), but still.


Would not be surpriced if they got anger issues real life and are just in general very hard to please.


I don’t understand why my team mates keep doing this.


I was first pick as Dehaka (Again, no one would show anything) And the guy locks Ragnaros.

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