Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

That’s a smart prevention against false reports and it’s good, because only few abusers would try to avoid this prevention and abuse the system, most players wouldn’t do it - too much effort.

This games were lost from the beginning and there was nothing I could do to prevent it:

Two premates want us to lose, at least it feels like it… in the first match they played Garrosh+Orphea and in the second Zul’jin+Mal’ganis. The Garrosh player were completely toxic against our Thrall player for whatever reason and Orphea later Mal’ganis just feeded hard…

So what about hundreds of obvious mismatches in skill or because of premades? Say a word, some kid gets trigger happy and reports you because he is mad for losing. These add up and there is no human reviewer who would be willing to step on your side. I do this as well very often, except unlike others I may first suggest they focus on a different activity such as basic soaking or camps, as to keep our disadvantage to a minimum.

Don’t get me wrong I have zero tolerance stance for any malicious chat, but if they’re going to include words “after thorough investigation” in an email, they better not be willing to waste more time extending an opportunity for appeals. If there is a pattern of bad behavior you should get banned, repeat it and it extends to every game on platform, see how long it will take for people to adjust.

Short story in 6 images, I don’t want to bother you with a big thumbnail.

I take a wild guess i say ‘‘you’’ since you dared to open your mouth in chat.
And feeder Gaz ofc dont get punished at all cause report logic.

I had tons of bad games today but I promised myself not to post about it this much as i used to do.

I thought this thread could reliefe some of that huge frustation i sometimes walk around with after a bad game but it dont. I just learned to ignore it now and move foward not thinking that much about it.

That is currect Minky. I have like 600 posts alone in this thread casue i thought it would help throwing my frustation into this thread but it backfired.


How did it backfired? I mean I like this topic to vent for the obvious reason to give other people some laugh about my rage in exchange to get some empathy. That’s the whole purpose of this thread, isn’t it?

Indeed that’s sad that he never found time to turn in. :frowning:

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Becasue i never felt it helped. doing it. And then i became even more angry. That why I was not on this forum for a week. to deal with my anger problems and just move forward.
I have already lost 6 games in a raw now with where matchmaker basicly puts my team up againts a wall with no escape and give enemy team everything to win.


ty kaelthas for afking the whole match, and although we won was pretty cringe of you imma be real


Won’t be long before they blanked ban half of the forum for naming and shaming to save their own face.

I’m sorry to hear that. Although I don’t post as often about my frustrating games here (many of my posts here have nothing to do about salt) I do take some consolation that many people experience the exact kind of awful games I have. It’s sometimes cathartic to share the pain!

I don’t see any naming and shaming here in this thread, am I missing something?


I told my team mate ahead of time, “Varian is bad against Garrosh, you have no escape
Garrosh stands on the point, Varian can’t move forward, and neither can we. So we just lost every objective.

Our BW took the bribe talent at 1. We’re on Braxis, every time he was on a camp we were there too. Then took all Q talents.

I swear.


I’ve had the same conversation draft with Varian and other players drafting a tank with no escape vs Garrosh, it never deters them.


Well, my neext game was a classic case of, “My team mate picked Azmodan, I lose”

Again our comp made no sense, but ppl just pick blindly. (Yes, we had a Qhira)


Dear Imperius player, yes everyone on our team wasn’t playing well, including me. However you should have been the very last person on the team abusing others for their shortcomings, considering you had double the deaths of the enemy team combined and almost double of anyone on our team.

It also might have helped the entire team perform better if you had hit your Q more than once the entire match. Yes once! I watched the replay and you manged to hit a single hero once with your Q and worse, when you accomplished this you did so alone vs 5 of the enemy and got instantly blown up.

I don’t understand the first pick Azmodan and Nazeebo players on 2 lane maps in Ranked, so painful.


I took a few days off (not the month i said i would…i might have a problem :upside_down_face:) and games got much better. even decided to give ranked a go, well lets just say the quality of the QM matches were much higher.

HOWEVER! I would like to let everyone know that I missed an Uther stun. That’s right… a point and click CC that was meant for Cassia hit a ranged minion instead. She used fend on my Artanis just as I was about to click on her :crazy_face:. I didn’t respond to Arty’s jab. I couldn’t tell if it was meant as humor or condescending. I couldn’t do it in the moment, but later as i was about to fall asleep that misplay popped back in my head and I couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of it.


It may not be with Uther, but if anyone is honest we’ve all been there. Some mistakes I’ve made make be cringe with embarrassment at the time. At least it’s comforting to know you’re not alone because usually within the same game other players will make mistakes just as bad.


Varian isn’t favoured that’s true, but he has an escape, but only at 10. Warbringer.

But the problem from your draft comes with Varian paired with Artanis. It’s rather a hard frontline combo.


Our Lunara escaped a gank with 5% health left, passed by a bruiser camp, decided to take the camp by herself. What could go wrong with that?

Another thing, I as Lucio, usually save my Q to save people from Nazeebo’s wall. However, some people don’t escape even after I break the wall. It’s like when they’re caught in the wall, their brain is just shut off.


I did that with Ancestral Healing. Not on a minion but a 90% ally instead of the 15% one.

Stop, you’re gonna make Hoku mad :slight_smile:

See previous picture.

It was a pre-existing condition.

Ah man dont make me remind myself of my mistake yesterday. I tried to cast healing ult on a 5% hp Azmo just to heal myself insteed. But lucky i had Q ready so he survived.

Also just rename this game to Valla only game. Just lost twice in a raw to the same Valla in QM. Can’t get more pathetic then this.

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They made a new Diablo game :joy:

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