Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

I switched to Sonya (I was the only one showing initially) And the Illidan player went Chen, when he learned that Mei can blind

We managed to win thanks to the Valla player being very bad, and the Mei giving us five 5 vs 1 on her. (She actually E’ed into our team by herself.)

I made good use of “Giant Slammer


Congratz to your victory. But the most important question did Butcher leave the vegan state?

Oh, he switched to Gul Dan at the last second. I was a bit worried about solo assassin Gul Dan, but, suiciding enemy Mei.

Dear random Artanis in SL, if they have a Tychus/Greymane, do not take Reactive Parry. In fact, when the map is Alterac, don’t take Reactive Parry ever. I am so happy I had 3 times the siege and XP as you did as Cassia, because I had to lane and camp, instead of, you know, killing people like I am supposed to.

Seeing people playing my favorite hero really poorly is so irritating.


Been playing a ridiculous amount of genji in sl lately (2/3 games neither of which were dragonshire). Still need to get back into groove. Last game i tried to duo boss on braxis and got my friend killed. Also just got slapped around by enemy brightwing so my rotations kept getting nullified. Luckily my friend’s stukov was able to carry the day. Also artanis you can ping spam me all you want but genji/artanis don’t win as many 2v2’s as you think we do.

Also to the girl who started texting my friend while he was tanking for me…. Thanks for getting me killed


I got in a game with a 14 winstreak so far, wanted to get to 15 before I called it quits, everyone left in the first 3 minutes, depression


At least you had a 14 game winstreak, this is more like a two gain of salt post. :wink:


Your friend texted back a girl instead of playing?! If you mean call then that’s more understandable

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I hope Frogsaron returns to the forums soon. The forums and this thread aren’t the same without his presence.


When someone on your team is playing your main, it’s better to avoid looking at what they do, or pick.


They also took Psionic Synergy into Tychus trait, and of course the enemy Greymane took Cursed Bullet.



He was very funny. But his constant complaining about the game being bad and his teammates always being potatoes was a little annoying. I also think he just noved on to things that made him happier.


Thanks for letting me know Shadowmere, he’s only been gone for about a week, I thought he was just taking a break. :frowning:

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The Old-timers rarely leave for very long. Hopefully he’ll come back just play a couple games and we will see him again on the forms a little bit happier.


Well that’s a good way to look at it, I would rather him be happy and take a break, even if that means I miss out on his good humor. I remember he did point out himself that he had put too many posts in this very thread.

It’s just a pity, as slowly so many of the regular forum posters are leaving. Even a year ago these forums were very active, not anymore, the weekdays are really quiet, sometimes only a handful of new threads are made and usually they are the usual suspect kinda threads.


Ah but i’m already more happy then i have ever been. I learned to channel my frustrations into better things and just let negativ stuff in this game be. Something i should have done long ago.

Already done some games with Harb so I’m good.


Welcome back Froggy! So pleased to hear you’re feeling happy and sorted. Of course you return when I’m out of likes! I noticed you missing the first day you didn’t post because I hadn’t run out of likes that day.


It’s 5am and there are very few of us online so the same 10 people rotate around every match. We are reporting the same individual for the sixth game in row for insulting the team and for intentional afk several times during the match. Nothing is happening because he learned to stop using chat after the second game.

Reports from the same account only count as one per session not per game, so ten or even, 12 reports won’t be enough.

Wow so I need to relog and form a premade to make reports count? Amazing, I’m off to torrent some nice single player game so done with this trash. If only 10 deaths and 2000 xp for several matches in row was enough to tell someone is sabotaging on purpose. I believe the game could have easily noticed something was off because it asked me to rate my match experience each time.