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I dislike even in SL when someone picks Rag as solo lanner and is the only other frontline and then takes W build and just hides in the back line like another ranged assassin. You know, draft another hero if you plan to play rag like he’s a weak Li-Ming.

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It’s kinda ironic, because Q and E build are his most sustainable builds, while W build is the mage build…

Even though I know what you mean I can still understand why others tend to be very passive with Ragnaros, because he is indeed very fragile compared to other bruisers in my experience. And if you don’t have enough CC (Uhter, Mei, Joh) to support him as a frontliner I would also tend to be defensive, but then I am not sure, if I would pick Rag, if we need him, when we have a weak frontline with no cc.

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Oh lol, I really need that coffee! I’ve edited it, I meant to say W build! I honestly should make sure I’m awake more before I post. Thank you for catching that Yusuke, I don’t mean that sarcastically.


I kinda thought that, so I added the second phrase, where I admit that Rag is still very fragile, even with Q and E compared to others. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I need you to live edit my posts when my brain is tired Yusuke!

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Why is it that EVERY time I play Garrosh and tell my team I need burst to follow up on my throws, they pick the opposite?

I checked my team mate’s profile, he’s a Tychus main. I say “We need burst, pick Tychus
When the enemy tank is Stitches, and your tank is Garrosh that sounds like a good idea to me. He goes Maiev!

And every time I used throw ally to save them when they walked into the enemy team at low health, they’d walk back in and and still get killed. Even the Auriel…!!!


I can see the appeal of Maiev/Garrosh because they can CC chain with each other reasonably well but it really does seem odd that a Tychus main would refuse to use Tychus in a draft where he makes perfect sense.

This is just the unfortunate reality that a lot of people below Diamond are incredibly overconfident in their abilities and will ignore your attempts to save them. I can’t count the number of times I’ve gotten Bronze 16 player number 45 or Silver 3 player number 66 who walked right back in to feed after I physically moved them OUT of danger.


True! There is a hidden misconception that players think, when they are save, they need to do sth. to get the kill, because retreating to base feels wrong to them… lol. Fight or die ideology?


Yes, she can and did follow up with her CC, but the targets wouldn’t die. My other dps was Li Ming. I think I just will not pick Garrosh anymore unless I aready know what my dps is.


Thanks to the feeder player (Chromie), who ruined my winstreak today…

He was literally afk-pushing and overextending all the time and feeded hard. Uncarryable.


It IS weird that a Chromie would have the most deaths on her team, but she probably got farmed by Nova.

I have to say though, solo assassin Chromie has always ended in a loss for me. It doesn’t make for a great comp. So the draft didn’t go well either.

The only good thing is that the enemy has only 1 interrupt to Mosh. Bad news is that you don’t have much to throw into that mosh :slight_smile:

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Because she always run alone and didn’t cared about positioning. She didn’t stick to the other 3. I did dual soak as Xul (top and mid).

Chromie, Medivh and Q/Poison Nova Xul: are we a joke to you?

So true. Never worked for me either. Chromie usually needs another damage dealer to help her. It could be a finisher, or an AA’er. Preferably not another mage.

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Thanks ignorant plat player, who banned Muradin and LILI, but ignored Valla, when enemys had 1st pick. And of course this guys dies first within 5 minutes.


Dear Johanna player. You kept getting “deleted” but it wasn’t the fault of our teams healer, it was because you kept using Falling Sword and landing directly on the enemy towers. As the enemy had no AA heroes and was full of Mages you might also consider not taking a full Blind build.


Another match that proves that comps are meaningless in lower elo.

Just pick 4-5 assas and you win, because your team sucks anyway. My team were so bad that even me as tank Varian were competing with them in hero damage. That’s why I usually don’t like to tank or heal for players in silver or gold, despite it’s my main role.

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“its just QM” as my allies proceed to troll/afk in base and then tell me i should search storm league to get good games. sorry SL queue times are 30min plus where i live

I mean I would also say “it’s just QM”, but I would still give my best for the win. The difference between SL and QM, you should tryhard in SL, you can play relaxed (heroes you have to practice) in QM.

In your case I would just report the players for afk/non-participation, if they don’t play in team.

I got cursed by phaseshifter:

#1 match

My team is too stupid to deal against 4 assas and one healer. Another proof you don’t need tank or healer in silver, it’s wasted. Pick whatever you want.

#2 match

Convection KT with 0 stacks and a feeding Anduin. Whoever said on weekend playing is a curse, he didn’t played with me on monday… most of my games today were just stomps and I lose faith in humanity again. How this guys are silver, when they are actually bronze 5?

The ONLY time Valla is not banned ,is against my team when we don’t have first pick.

I even asked him to ban her.



I experienced the same today multiple times, people even laughed at me and said “Valla is bad on ToD”. What is the end of the story? We got stomped, because my team can’t play in team and Gazlowe were basically all the time afk pushing but with no great xp benefit. :joy:

Looking on your team’s choices… looks like a hard lose with Ilidumb and vegan Butcher?

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