Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

I know you do :eyes:

because your team gets confused between “time to feed the Buttcher” and “time to feed on the Buttcher”. You can really blame them. After all, they are only different by one word. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Mostly it’s because the player who play Butcher either have no clue or are godlike with him.


Nobody ever clears lanes, I am delegated to it.
“Nice dmg Malthael”


zeratul dies while deep in the enemy backline alone. pings me as if to say, “why no heals”? four or five minutes later, he dies again doing the same thing. pings me twice. with each death he pinged an additional time

thankfully, i think he did take it to heart when on his fourth death i finally said, “what do you want? if you don’t want to die you have to stay near me.” he didn’t die again and we won soon after


It is so cute when new players (account level 130-something Morales) do not understand how most of the heroes on the roster work.

The Morales had queued with a new account Hammer (who liked to eat Ming Orbs and Nova Precision Strikes), so I can’t really hold it against them. Although it was also cute how the Morales kept stimming our Garrosh, when we had Artanis, Hammer, and Junkrat.

We won anyway, because our Garrosh was really good, and Artanis is OP on BoE in QM. I just found the whole exchange pretty funny.


I want to play but I’m having internet issues :rage::sob:

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Just got out of a pretty embarrassing game where my team kept doing nothing but going into fights at 40% hp, trying to 1v5, etc. I was Abathur. I kept telling them that they couldn’t get away with staying in lane at such low hp and that if they actually went in at full health, we could win fights and such. It was pretty obvious they didn’t even want to play HOTS which made the experience pretty unenjoyable.

game ended 5 kills to 23 in a pretty one sided game. One of the dudes in the game was Diamond 3 which was very confusing because he was the worst player on our team by a LOT (it genuinely appeared like he had no CLUE how to play). I’m probably just getting bad players because I’m kinda sorta in the middle of a loss streak (which has included several games with people just straight feeding and a few with afks) but it’s always a bit frustrating to get people who don’t even want to play since it means I’m just wasting my time.


Imagine you want to play SL when you have free time, but you know, that a lot of bad people play there at this moment… Because Friday - Monday things…

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Yeah, I made the mistake of playing yesterday.

The highest lvl player on my team was 178. They didn’t have enough heroes to be able to draft a decent comp, and we ended up tank, double bruiser ans solo assassin Gul Dan.

Played another game after and the same thing happened.

My Team: Ana, Nova, Chen, Rexxar, Valla (Me)
Enemy Team: Who cares, they had KTZ
Game Length: 15 minutes

Ana would stay in Shrike Mode and Chen would Drink all while KTZ would chain them then ult them, he got his quest done in 5 minutes.

Nova would literally do nothing, used ult once the entire game on the tank (Leoric) at full HP.

Rexxar took boss and camps and actually did well.

I had 80K damage at the end of the game and on the MVP screen it said 75% of Team Fight Damage. I also went AA build.

This is depressing as heck, to have such braindead teammates that don’t even attempt to dodge skillshots or aoe damage. They just stand there and take it.

Really starting to hate this game mode, and coming from LoL where people are actually trying to win and not just getting destroyed is making me put more and more playtime into it.

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Just lost a match because we all were weak. No engages, even good engages, everyone just on the save side, better retreat…
This is no fun any more, don’t know if I can keep on…

ah it’s the weekend. that would explain the influx of horrific players, people who afk and feed, etc.

When you see a < lvl 250 player on a hero with the brown default horse mount and that hero is also on the free-to-play rotation, pepper your angus.


This game used to be so much fun. Why Blizzard had to massacre it? :disappointed:

Match 1: Qhira with 12 deaths in 16 min
Braxis , I was rexxar they lost a 4v3 bot

Match 2: Arthas top dmg
You know if garrosh trows tychus follows up? He didnt
You know when your team died ,1 is top and they are with 5 channeling the tower. He wanted to poke, got hooked by stitches and died
We went for a all in lvl 14 v 15, he trowed a grenade so I thought he was with us. But he went top. Flamed us for fighting. I realised to late he went top… Flamed at us for fighting lvl 14v15
He had 43 stacks on meme quest lvl 4 btw , diamond player

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This one is quit old but i will tell it anyway. About 2 years ago i lost a game were our Whitemane healer spent whole game b-stepping in a circle on bot lane minion waves. 2k healing done whole game and all of it was selfhealing when someone came by and attacked her.

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No internet for more than a week now… :frowning:

Me again.
Enemy gets boss late in the game, we are almost complete (I will respawn in a few seconds). “Don’t die”
Our dps both decide to waltz into the enemy as 1v5, both die, we have no damage to fend them off, we lose.

We DOMINATED up to that point.

I started this season with Plat 1, halfway to Dia 5.
The first 40 matches I had a winrate of 50 % and would always just deviate 1 game up or down.

I just got deranked to Plat 5 with 28 wins and 41 losses = 40.6 % winrate.
