RIP Keith Flint of The Prodigy

I know this isn’t directly HotS related but I always felt that Junkrat was mostly influenced by Keith Flint. Maybe it’s the hair, maybe it’s the accent… I always appreciated that he reminded me of him!

The Prodigy has always been a huge influence on me musically so I’m legit sad about this. For those of you who haven’t given them a listen, they’re definitely great to listen to while playing. Especially while playing Junky. :wink:

RIP Keith Flint and thanks for the amazing music!


Kieth… :sob:


This isn’t your blog, so butt off with non-HotS crap.


Honestly, this is the saddest thing I’ve read on here in forever. Way to be dude.


He will be missed.

The old adage, if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Get your pointless non hots related stuff to your instagram please.

Some of the responses here just make me despair. :disappointed_relieved:


No respect for an awesome person :sob:


This simply isn’t the venue for that. I haven’t known blizzard to make an exception, which means this thread will likely be deleted. Either epitaphs are allowed on their forums or they are not. Since this is the first such I’ve seen, I’m guessing they are not - as quite a number of people have died since HotS started…

Although, the similarities to junkrat are something I never thought of. hmm.

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What? Why are you quoting me? I didn’t make this thread! Quote them!

Because you’re the one who claimed the resistance in this thread was due to a lack of respect for the person. I’m only pointing out that it could alternatively be an understanding of the rules.

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May he rest in peace. Losing talk talk singer recently wasn’t enough i guess…

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I would understand wanting purely HotS related posts on here if there were an off-topic forum as well. However, there are plenty of threads like “What to listen to while playing HotS” that are just as relevant as this one imo. Either way, one could easily reason against it without being flat out rude about it.

If you want more HotS discussion in here, feel free to discuss Junkrat’s concept design if you disagree on the similarities. From my POV, he IMMEDIATELY reminded me of Keith Flint (watch the video to “Fire Starter”) so it’s pretty relevant to me and perhaps others.

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