Rework Illidan Suggestion for Hots

Hello everyone especial Hots, have a nice day, I wish best for is a simple Suggestion for Illidan for improving his performance in game, in practice this is a buff especial has emphasis on Illidan health and stability and in continue say some about Ultimate abilities and also about talent.

Note: This rework’s suggestion is for Hots , It is not has aspect for comment or criticism or for showcasing ( in really meaning work,also you can say your idea and comment) and likes As it used to be.

Rework Illidan Suggestion for Hots


1)Maximum health is Increased from 1725 to 1810
2)Health regeneration is increased from 3.59 to 3.71


Damage is Increased from 66 to 72.

W)Sweeping Strike
Damage is Increased from 119 to 126.

Duration is reduced from 2.5 second to 2 second also this cooldown is reduced from 15 second to 10 second.

Area damage is increased from 46 to 113 but no longer Increase Illidan maximum health by 220 per hit, instead Increase Illidan maximum health by 30% for it’s duration.

R.2)The Hunt
Get 20% attack speed for 3 second if target has above 75% health.


Level1 tier

Damage increase from 22 to 27, heal Illidan for 50% of damage dealt.

2)Battred Assault
Increase basic attack damage bounce from 35% to 45% but reduce bounce damage of hitting at least 2 heroes from 125% to 110%.

3)Unending Hatred
2rd Reward: after gaining 60 basic attack damage, Increase basic attack damage by 20 too.

Level4 tier

Number of Casting for completing Quest is reduced from 30 to 25.

Level13 tier

2)Elusive Strike
Sweeping strike reduce cooldown of Evasion by 2 second each time it act on enemy Hero.

3)Sixth Sense
Increase number of spell armor against next source of spell damage from 2 to 3.

Level 16 tier

2)Fiery Brand
Increase damage amount of 4rd basic attack on enemy Hero from 9% to 10% of their maximum health and Heal Illidan for 30% of this amount.

3)Blade of Azzinoth
Duration is reduced from 8 second to 6 second.

Leve20 tier

1)Demonic Form
Increase attack speed bounce of Metamorphosis to from 20% to 25%.

4)Bolt of The Storm
Reduce cooldown by 20 second.


That’s a lot of buffs for an already balanced character

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I think he’s a little bit weak right now, but only needs some small buffs and he’ll be fine.

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This Hero is not balanced ,he need more stability replace buffing Evasion and his Ultimate is not balance.anyway i igonre tha bounce damage of The Hunt.
these buffs are not increased to him suddenly,he must get them in some patch note,but i am sure he need these buff,most of people have unsatisfeid of his situation.

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Just as Xul has an extra baseline ability, (1) Bone Shield, I want Illidan to have
(1) Vengeful Retreat, which lets him backflip disengage the backline if the enemy team closes in on him. He could flip over obstacles with this as well. It should have a 45 sec cd.

That and/or give Evasion 25% spell armor baseline, and the talent can up this to 75% (13 talent currently in game).

This game took away items and individual XP because it focuses on team play primarily, which I like. However, it is very important to make sure that the player base feels like they have a strong sense of individuality. Adding reactive abilities is the #1 solution to what this game seems to be missing, in general.


I did not see the balance, TEN THOUSAND YEARS!

Dylan,I think you are some hopeless about Illidan,I think one of reason is it people dont want to pick it some especial in ranked system.
but I think your build is a huge buff,sure every of them is nice but make a evil of him.
at all,I have fun with your edit about level 1 Tier and edit for Evasion,it is great.
nice concept though.