Returning player

So I quit playing ranked hots HL almost 3 yrs ago, early 2017 just before hots2.0 and has been playing hots casually and spending time more competitive on another games. Right now, I have been enjoying a lot on new xp orbs system and started to give SL ago.
Nevertheless I played 3 SL placement matches and ended up on plat 5, and compared to the 1st time I played hl on july 2016 the placement matches were a joke.

1st game I played muradin and mostly gets carried by my teammate, i am mostly soaking another lane while ganking inbetween soak on alterac valley, had like 3 kills and 23 assist with 0 deaths while mostly i just peel my teammate half-heartedly and only using storm bolt for opposing team varian twin.

2nd game I played Hanzo on braxis, ended up losing because 1 person troll and afk in the middle of the game. I had the best stat for dmg and soaking killed 3 people had 3 assist and no death nothing special got stomped so hard

3rd game I played Rexxar on dragon shire (eon the match) and went for pushing offlaner build, spent most of my time just guarding top (as well as split pushing different lane than the DK pilot) while rotate just to secure dragon or help the team if they are outnumbered had 5 kills 6 deaths and 15 assists.
Overall i feel like my performance was like utter s**t compared to what I used to do back then, How did I still ended up at plat 5 while a friend of mine who carried really hard a minth ago as li ming/orphea only ended up on low gold???

My stats were not special on my games, and tbf 3 games for placement matches was like meh, did Blizzard messed up ranked for the past seasons??

Blizzard has screwed up ranked so much, They are forcing the 50% or less or win rate by poor mmr that some how has gotten worse, if you solo que in ranked, you almost always get matched with a player who is gonna throw game by feeding or split pushing all game.

nothing has changed when I stopped playing for one year. It’s not the MMR problem or the ranking system. the main problem are players are not thinking about winning.

First thing comes to mind is to play for most players is the survival/defensive game. Stats and defensive style does not win games which ppl need to think past that. It’s great team coordination what win games.

I dont’ care if someone has like 5 deaths and the rest of the team as 1 or 2 deaths. As long the team is winning and keep that confidence up u will have no problems.

Well there is 0 punishment for players who join ranked and do not even try so.

Yeah i am aware though, actually what made me quit ranked was hanamura map release and not so long after the implement of stats on new ranked system, idk if that system still holds true, but i kinda assume it has to be since they don’t really have better placement algorithm besides seeding qm mmr

yeah i noticed i played 2 games earlier today and the 1st game i won with a decent mm quality, have 2 plats and 3 golds on both sides, next game i was actually getting matched with 2 plats and 1 gold in a party and 2 bronzes while my team was 4 silvers and me it was really difficult though even we tried and made correct decisions like soaking in the right time and taking the right camp at the right time while maintaining strong presence on objective we were just not able to outplay them mechanically, sure there were some mistakes being made though and my teammates actually don’t really have the patience to play the mindgames againts my opponent and charged head on but i was just dissapointed with the MM overall

Try your best to find players to que up with. I am a support main so I have to be with others who i can trust otherwise I am worthless lol

Yeah but the thing is hots is not my main game anymore, I prefer to play Hs or other games and if i do have spare time to queue for SL than i do play hots, i noticed a lot of my friends queuing together in SL seems like the norm right now

If its your first time going on ranked, Blizz checks your past data of QM, supposedly you had good winrate in QM, and thats what got you at plat :slight_smile:

Ah I see, but isn’t it really small sample compared to 10 matches placement we used to have back then??

I mean tou could play like crap and still end up on diamond 3 if you were grandmaster right

That further shows what is wrong with this game, Sorry someone who is good at qm is most of the time not gonna be good at SL

Yeah but most moba uses the same mmr seeding system, dota uses the same system as well before i quit the game 3 yrs ago

This makes NO SENSE at all.
Apart from the fact that if they are FORCED to fill a role that they have no idea about.
Being good in QM and not good in Ranked makes no sense.

The only difference can be, you are up against standard comps in SL most of the times. And you might have bad winrates with heroes or roles that you do not play well with (Like i am totally pathetic at tanking, but still sometimes i need to fill in).

Good in QM is more of a chance, that your lucky NOT to be matched up with a counter. QM stats are not reliable. That is why the game does not take into account the QM stats if it can find some SL stats.

But the person here said he came back after several years into ranked. the game didnt have any data for past recent SL plays. so i believe it used up QM.

And, no matter what, with thee next 50 or odd games, you will climb if your skill is better than where you belong :slight_smile:

Yeah it does, qm match games are more luck based and random than anything else, if you get lucky and get a ton of good match ups then you believe you are better at the game than you really are.

Sadly skill does not play much of a factor in this game, If you solo que, i do not care how good you are, all it takes is one troll/game thrower and I promise you will not be able to carry it.

The only method in this game right now to climb is use 3-4man parties and hope you do not get that 1-2 players who are gonna troll you. I climbed from plat 4 back to diamond 3 cause I was not getting matched with players who does dumb crap like split push all game and ignoring objectives or rage afking when they die at 2min.

SL queue takes like 10 mins anyway and most of the time you have to carry bronzies and silvers and they really don’t know the logic what is the main reason behind my suggested decision. Playing moba game is difficult right now not necessarily hots though, even sometimes i still play dota2 ranked and it’s the same story as well i still have to carry people way below my mmr bracket and most of the time my teammates throws without really know what they were doing. Honestly i kinda like how the mmr implementation in the game of battlerite. I remember i had like 35-40% winrate around when I started the game but i was placed on platinum division 2 because the game placement algorithm puts alot of emphasis on mechanical and decision making as well as your general performance although winning more certainly helps alot.
I think overwatch uses qp mmr seeding as well though since i was placed gold when i first learning that game and when i play OW nowadays they always put me in gold league during placement

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Agreed, and that is why i said that this is not true:

they are lucky in QM, not Good at qm :slight_smile:

and true, the luck factor is quite reduced in SL , specially as chances of having counter hero picks is bright.

You don’t punish regular usage of a game. That makes no sense. Your idea is plagued with a lot of bad stuff.

No, the game never put such emphasis. It was an algorithm XD. Numbers being crunched together to make zero sum loss average.

Don’t compare HoTS and DOTA 2 XD. Not even the same game. DOTA 2 takes 200 hours to understand even to a decent level. HoTS is much more easy to pick up and carry.

Sure you played with lower MMR players at some point and you ‘‘carried’’ them. You also have been a dead weight for your team roughly the same number of games.

Are you dumb?? You need to learn the skill to read properly

I mean battlerite placement matches though that emphasized on performance based MM, if you haven’t play that game just try. I used to have like 38ish% winrate (I think mechanically it was the hardest top down game to learn personally) on that game I started placement matches during preseason and ended up on plat 2. Because during matches there are visible numbers of each player contribution like damage(abilities dmg as well as m1 damage), protection(spells that offers temporary shielding or healing) and disables(any kind of cc, silence, snare, root, stun, incap, petrify, freeze etc etc) and actually i main 2 champions with the highest impacts on stats probably (varesh [mixed between hots mages and tassadar with dragonblade ult and li ming wave of force] and jumong [basically battlerite’s version of hanzo] ). I thought when hots announced performance based placement MM it was gonna be just like battlerite system

I remember during my 1st time playing hots someone told me to carefully pay attention to winrate before starting HL so i did that, and i have 2 dota2 account to test my suspicion, my main is almost 3000 mmr higher than my smurf, because i tried to test smurfing in that game with only mattering stats not the win percentage

If only hots heroes all are free i might try to smurf as well

Ps : and in dota if you know all the basic mechanics such as creep aggro (you can pull creep wave and position the wave into your own advantage using this technique), harassing, map awareness, controlling creep equilibrium, and identify the correct farming pattern you are golden, you will never be a dead weight if you know all those stuff and perform decently

Compared to hots i found most of hots high level gameplay is not as simple as in dota since the experiences are shared and no gold means no item progression to solo carry the team
I mean you dont even have deny mechanics and creep aggro in hots for most of the part

I’m a regular user of the game and I am punished with players who afk games and feed kills for no reason so how come that is not getting dealt with hmmmm?

I have made a smurf and tested the system in this game. I tried my best to get that account banned and for over 2 weeks and it never happened. Blizzard does not care about this game, they will add a patch here and there but they are not looking to make it better or any major changes.