Reseting match maker rank

I would like to see what would happen if there was a total reset of everyone’s mm ranking. This would do multiple things. First it would let you know how accurate the current ranking system is. If everyone fell back into the same rank then things are working. If many peoples rank change then thing have to be looked at further. I believe things will change at most level but the lowest and highest ranks. I am ranked silver and am not saying am great by any means but i play with friends who are platinum 1 and keep up with them and have great games even getting mvp far more then i should if im truly silver rank. They log off and i go back to silver and just get wrecked because of afk people and others just running all over with no clue what to do. Nobody will listen, nobody will work together, ill fallow what others say but half the team wont. If everything works as it should then this reset should not affect anyone and thing will go on and nobody will have any issues. So why not try a reset and see how the ranking system works?


This is a very poor way of judging your skill. I play with a number of Master level people, but I know perfectly well I do not have their skill or judgment. “Holding your own” with higher ranked players can mean you are being carried, often more than it means you are at their skill level, especially since they will be matched against enemies of lower skill, due to MMR averaging.

Having a Master ranked tank or healer supporting your DPS makes it much easier to get MVP than doing so with one in Gold. When I tank for friends who are much higher in MMR than I, I focus more on not screwing up than on making flashy plays, as I know perfectly well that my opponent is better than I am, and will absolutely punish me for the slightest mistake.

While I am not opposed to the idea of an MMR reset in principle, I feel that it will only serve to annoy those who do deserve their high ranks, and the rest of us average players will sink to our level soon enough.


I understand what you are say and i guess i feel the same as you in a way. If i have better teammates ill do better. I guess that’s my point in a way i still should not be getting mvp if im playing with all plat players and im silver. If they carry me and i get a win thats one thing but getting mvp suggests i am carrying them. Anyway if someone could tell my why a reset is a bad thing im all ears.

People would flood the forums saying that games were more uneven than ever, as they would be while the MM is again trying to find players true rank.

Only after several months, at the beginning it would tell you nothing, it would also depend how many games you usually play, how many you play under the new system etc…

I’ve been on teams comprised of Masters and GM’s, it felt like I could keep up with them, but that was just a feeling. Whilst I did well, they were covering for my mistakes, their skill elevating my play.

I hear you, I’ve been at every rank starting from Silver to Diamond and you get these kinds of people. My friends in high Masters tell me the problems of people throwing on purpose, having childish fits don’t magically go away just because you reach there.

I would agree the ranking system has problems that should be addressed, I disagree that a full reset would do anything to fix those problems.

I think it would end up annoying most people, the first few weeks would be chaotic. Even when they have done soft resets people have complained of uneven match quality.

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i mean i feel like there is already uneven match quality already. How often are you in a match league or qm when there is just an absolute face role win or lose. This happens to me multiple time a day.

Matchmaking rating suffers three things.

Doesn’t account for onetrick ponies.
Doesn’t account for teammates.
Doesn’t account for compositions.

It’s essentially trying to generalize something highly individual. As a result, a system attempting to mechanize something organic is deeply flawed… imagine our shock, right?

Sooner we admit it’s a lost cause to attempt that, the better off we are. No amount of inner workings are going to account for the sheer number of variables, nor will it account for your individual performance against four teammates who throw the game for you. And while I don’t personally play a bunch of non brawl pvp anymore I’m led to believe trolls/smurfs/etc are still in full throttle. Thus, I can safely assume MMR will continue to fail to fully represent people.

The system itself is flawed in the first place.

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i agree it flawed but have no idea what a better ranking system would be. This just might give some kind of insight on how it is flawed or how it is not not and maybe would just make everyone angry but if people end up in way different leagues then something must be done.

Personally, I don’t worry about rankings, mine or those of the people I play with. As noted, there are too many flaws in the system, and it will definitely vary by hero and role. I am a decent tank, an above average Artanis, and completely hopeless at most mages. Rather than worry about whether or not you should be in Silver, use the matches where you are paired with and against good players to see what they do, why they make certain decisions and not other ones, timings on things like camps and rotations, and try to apply that to your solo games rather than what you did to get MVP.

You definitely have the right attitude to climb, but it may be more about your macro game and decision making that is holding you back when you do not have others to help with that. Good luck!

Just to cheer you up. Tank is the hardest role to climb up with.
Fastest climbers always been the assassins.
Lowest/hardest in rank are the healers then the tanks
Fun fact In many tournement teams the main tank is usually the lowest in rank


The games would be a shot show. Playing with bad players is just crap. They do what ever they want think they know best and ignore all calls made.

Thanks, I appreciate the vote of confidence! :slight_smile:

While tanking can be frustrating, especially in solo queue, I just love it too much to abandon the role. Being average at a game isn’t the worst thing that can happen, and I feel as long as I try to learn from my mistakes, and as long as my friends believe I am more useful than an AI on our team, I can accept that I am not a person with Master-level skills!

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Vote of confidence? No its a challenge :muscle::muscle:
Show those filty ranged assassin mains what CC taste like

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Time to change from maining tanks to assassins and bruisers… :thinking:

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Challenge accepted!

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Sad but yes. Tanks have the most important role. They can make or break a game
But ranged assassins are making the most impact
Great examples are Q build sylvanas Valla Falstad (gust) they all have great waveclear and can both be defensive and have a tiny bit of substain later on
Honorable mention is Jaina with water elem and icyveins because its good vs every hero

Sorry for the rant :stuck_out_tongue:

I really like everything people have said and agree with it. I do wonder what do you guy think of a MM ranking reset. would it be worth it of would it cause to many problems? from my view if everything is working right in a very short amount of time it would work itself out.

I know, I played mainly tanks for my HL and SL.
And it is really annoying watch how you do Mosh on 4 enemies, while your damage teammates are killing creeps…
You can create all the opportunities on the world as a tank, but if you have bad teammates, they just never use them.

Also I always love those types which go melee into enemy team as Valla or so and then cry that you don’t peel for them. Like… you are in the middle of enemy team. as a ranged squishy assassin. :smiley:


This cheers me up too, I mostly play Tanks/Healers/Bruisers in ranked simply because most people refuse to fill. A bruiser I find easier to carry with, but usually those who first lock assassins and expect me to tank for them can’t hit a skill shot to save their lives. :frowning:

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I wanted to ask you AnaBanana, what do you think of the suggestion of a full rank reset? I honestly feel it would solve nothing and just aggravate people in the time it takes for them to return to their usual ranks.

I base this in part on the past when they have done some soft resets and people complained about the understandably uneven match quality that resulted.

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Real heroes are the tanks. They do a lot more then the dps mains.
If I heal I can always blame my tank for taking too much dmg
As I dps can blame my tank for not doing enough cc or zoning
But tanks need to make hasty judgement calls all the time. Dps just needs to think camps waveclear and kills
Solo laners needs to do all the dirty work (also good people)
Healers is just reacting to whatever is getting trown at them
Tank needs to zone, peel, take dmg but not too much. Leads the rotation.
If your doing an invade they need to decide they will win. Really much on their plate

No during SL we got a rank reset. I went from GM to plat 2 by just placements. And people below me got placed higher. I hated that