Report smurf function

Ruins game, no penalty. We need to be able to report these people and get their IPs banned.


While I think smurfing is pointless and a problem. Just raise the level cap from 50 to like 300. or make it where you have to have 15-20 owned heroes at lvl 5 or higher to que for ranked.


There is no safe space in competitive games. You win some, you lose some. You have no guarantee that the player was not new and pretty good at the game. I know a lot of players that tried the game and had prior experience in MOBAs. They weren’t smurfing just because they sidestep previsible skillshots.

Report them if you want.

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If you are new at the game then you do not belong in ranked, you have bots, quickmatch and unranked to practice and play in.

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