Remover dodge penalties

ive identified 3 people that I have 100% loss rate with them as an ally and 100% winrate as an enemy of them.

600-800 lp loss when a fail draft + them as allies is too steep a penalty.

cut the trash mentality im not discussing this because I know youll find every excuse under the rainbow to say im wrong and I don’t care what you think.

the current system has made it so you are better off taking the 30 min loss being a horrible trash teammate under the above conditions while silently waiting to end to avoid a demotion

there are 2 core issues that killed heroes of the storm.

1st the psychopaths who are bad players bad teammates as well as uncooperative to highjack 30 min games via dodge pentalties and no way to get mm to avoid playing with them so you get them 3 games in a row sometimes

the 2nd was your ban bot. none of the people who are trash at a game will listen but they will remember sounds contriditory but it isn’t. one day they will literally wake up get tired of losing and remember that jerk who gave them the answer. on top of the lack of improvement from these horrible players you banned people making it so you get put with the same trash players more and more as the good players quit/are banned farthing what becomes a death spiral.

I already know plenty of people will throw fits about what im saying and “no your wrong cause my fefes”

this is how it actually works. that’s what actually happens. that’s not fefes that’s fact. if you wanted to fix mm at all you would remove oppressive penalties like the dodgepentalty

I have three options for a trash mm like this and its the same for everyone.

  1. take the loss which is retarded - im not talking 1 or 2 games im talking 6-8 games meaning its a proven end result

  2. open them in a whisper so I can monitor their in game status to avoid them while I fnd people to que with

  3. que with people.

solo que its a frozen 50ish percent ive grouped with 2 bronze players and they had 60% and if we do it often enough and avoid a solo que it could even go up to 80% winrate. you are not giving people tools to succed and the forums them selves are the proof your tired of dealing with the false bans you did which is why you added the swear filter ive seen the screen shots about “we don’t ban for swearing hurr durr” that you have made and I have seen it from other companies ive even had jokes at one particular game tell me to just take a false ban because 2 people out of 200 meaning 197 didn’t give a damn had their fefes hurt.

last I checked 197 not giving a damn is a majority and 2 extreme problems getting butt hurt abusing things to suit themselves that had a previous ban for death threats is an extreme minority.

im not wasting my time talking about this arguing semantics is a giant waste of time when we both know you will refuse to do this even though it would improve mm. after all its never been about improvements and always been about peoples fefes.


You assume a lot of things about stuff you have no insights upon. I’d be careful if I were you.

An option to NOT queue with some people will be handy.
If JOHN is toxic or deliberately doing issue, or is blind n deaf in the game, JOHN should be flagged or blocked, to ensure that match making NEVER teams JOHN with me (as i had blocked/flagged him)

Can have limited flagging/blocking options…
Van block/flag 2 players in a week only.

Of course it will make the waiting queue a bit longer, but at least we would not have to play WITH the same crazy guy 3 times in a row,

And every next game becomes more painful, as tht idiot will recognize you too n his craziness increases with every game

If those people are as bad as you say, they will demote quickly and you won’t have an issue.

If you are as good as you think you are, you will rank up quickly and it won’t be an issue.

I am guessing the truth is somewhere in the middle.


Yep OP is asking to allow him to queue dodge causing 9 other people to re-queue for 5-10mins because he’s an insolent child who can’t play nice / play with one other person on his team.
There should be an “avoid” option on other players probably limited to max like 5 players though. It should also not guarantee you wont get that person though, just make it less likely. I bet if someone is truly a troll/toxic almost everyone in your rank will have him on their “avoid” list and he has to get matched with someone. It would also be abused by people avoiding people who had a bad game / bad day rather than toxic trolls.

Part of Storm League is not being able to choose you who get matched with unless you’re a 5-man queue. Avoiding players is detrimental to the rest. In no way should the matchmaking take into account the feelings of an individual when it determines the seeding for a match.

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I lost 1600 points this season already because my internet sometimes disconnects for a second, which is enough to bug out the draft and prevent me from being able to choose a hero. 800 from each one.

Is that fair? Nope. Does it make me want to uninstall? Yup. Will I be spending money in the shop of a game that treats me this way? Hmmm…

So you are blaming the game because of your shoddy internet connection, something they have zero control over.

there is a kid who lost me like 8 games. the a$$hat is bronze 2 im silver 4 and was at silver 3 and a 55% winrate despite him until I played just now.

spare me your bad jokes those of you who disagree are likely the problem we are trying to avoid and it shows sadly later not sooner. that loser who said “have fun in bronze” is bronze the sheer amount of lp ive lost to perma 20 min dcs and draft trolls. blizzard flaming was a tool for a community to police their own. dodging was a tool to avoid people who int throw games and greif.

you have declared to us you want us to play with and tolerate people who should never be tolerated ever. if I wanted a for funnzy mode I would do brawl or qm. storm league this kind of crap IS intolerable and you will realize it only after you go broke as a game company sadly.

again at least one of these trolls and problems is bronze. has lost me something like 800 lp and there are hundreds of them. instead of worrying about new heros or chat how about banning these afks and greifers for a change. not that youll do it.

HOTS is the only program that causes my SSD to crash. The only one. And it’s -600 and leaver status guaranteed, every time.

Agreed w/OP

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It s also the only program crashing my router’s internet connectivity at my parents’ place :joy: