Remove Unranked, tweak QM

QM needs to change and make it similar to unranked but with tweaks

What’s Changed:
1 - Remove pre-hero selection before entering QM
2 - Remove bans
3 - Remove preferred roles

What Remains
1 - Players will select heroes on rotation as normal
2 - No mirror heroes (unless its a new hero, reworked heroes cannot be mirrored)
3 - Pre-made groups and solo players will join together

This makes players have MM in their own hands, it’s the team’s fault if they don’t select a tank or healer or whatever. MM will only match MMR (if it even does that right).

This also forces players to experience somewhat what ranked is and it also joins the the QM and unranked playerbase together, so there are more variety of players.

I already know what the naysayers gonna say, but whatevs


Remove QM, making Unranked good.


This also forces people to learn new heroes in this new mode of yours, meaning it will be all but impossible to practice something due to no mirrored roles, and no one wanting to play anything but the new shiny.

Hard pass.

As I usually say when this sort of topic comes up, the weird comps is one of the things that appeal to me about both QM and ARAM. I often get tired of playing nothing but meta heroes and meta comps in the draft modes, and enjoy something completely different.


I disagree, ranked and QM have different mentalities. Since there is no reward or loss when winning or losing a game in QM, people are more cocky per se when playing. No one has their ranked persona on in QM, sure people want to win but there is no real reward at the end of the tunnel.

As I said in my post, people are most likely to insta their hero they want to practice with, there is no hard rule they can’t unless the opposing team chooses their hero first which is what, a slim chance of 1 out of 90 heroes?

Also who said QM is a practice arena? Unranked can also be a practice arena as well for players.

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For a new or reworked hero, make that a guaranteed chance the opposing team will lock them first. QM is currently the best way to practice as there is a 100% chance you will be able to play that hero.


In saying that, reworked and new heroes, people have said it before with such changes to QM. That mechanic will stay, don’t know how they coded it but mirror heroes with reworked or new heroes are allowed for whatever time the devs coded it for with current QM settings.

Let’s not.


But you said no mirrored heroes. I still see there being far too many opportunities for squabbling and flaming, as it will be common for people to not want to tank, and then complain when no one tanks. In QM, everyone knows the comps can be random, so that removes one obstacle.

But the argument that is usually brought up every single time this topic is recycled is that there is a relatively large proportion of the player base who play QM specifically because they dislike draft modes. This suggestion doesn’t address their preferences, and honestly, is more likely to shrink the player base even further.

Rather than ruin a mode they enjoy, it would make more sense to make the modes you prefer more appealing to them, rather than forcing the issue.


Why tho? What’s the problem?


I still stand by my idea on somehow encouraging new players to enter unranked mode, as it’s becoming a dying format yet still is necessary to revive in my opinion. This has nothing to do with QM though. I don’t see what logic one follows that calls for the need to replace an already successful thing, like sacrificing your herd of goats for a bountiful harvest or something.


Joining the QM and unranked playerbase is a good reason. Shorter queues, better match quality than QM.

the unranked playerbase is basically non-existent compared to any other mode, including ARAM. This thread is essentially the OP wanting to impose change on the QM playerbase.

Even if you were going to mix playerbases together, it makes zero sense to mix QM and unranked.


fix their game lol the very idea

You lose MMR in QM if you lose too much. I’d say getting constant awful games with sub-1000 MMR players is a punishment.

If you win a lot of QM you get paired with other people who have 2500-3000+ MMR and those games are much more challenging. (Though due to MMR averaging, you may still get the occassional potato on one side)


I play more unranked than QM, for two reasons.

  1. I want to actually draft and know which map I end up on. I prefer strategy than randomness.

  2. On average, unraked players are not as bad as QM ones. I play unranked specifically to get away from QM players, so I have no desire to be mixed with them.

Firm no for me. I can’t see that it would be an improvement. It would create a mode that neither side would like.


I guess it’s again time for the weekly pointless ‘merge UD and QM’ suggestion…

Just no. All you’re doing is making either mode less unfun for people who don’t enjoy it, at the cost of making it less fun for people who do. For QM players this is less bad UD but a worse QM, and for UD players this is a less bad QM but a worse UD.

Just stop. It’s a bad idea with zero potential. Either you ruin free picks (the one benefit of QM) or you ruin the balanced draft (the benefit of UD).

If you want balanced comps, UD already does it better than any of these wannabe semi-draft mockups.
If you want to pick your Hero, QM already does it better.

And no, you can’t get both, as balanced comps require players to shift their picks to suit the comp. This is incompatible with the ‘play whatever you want’ aspect of QM.


Nope. Twenty Nopes.

QM is good as is, just leave it alone.

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Yet still we shall raise popularity of unranked.

Remove aram as well. Qm and aram are basically the same thing. Luck based match ups with little skill involved.

Not going to happen, drafting is bad by concept. Good luck though, i do not care for whatever happens to UD.