Remove the Valeera character

lol just finish a match where this bullsit character stun + backstabbing us to death
and hi blizzard team I think you guys are such a joke and deserve to be fired , lets just shut down this game if you feel so reluctant to really work on it


I will preface this by saying Valeera needs a rework. Her kit is… Very polarizing and poor in terms of interaction. That being said…

If you’re struggling with a character who’s entire existence is countered by literally any non-point-and-click ranged ability that hits in any time frame under 1 second, maybe the character isn’t the problem. Valeera doesn’t even have the damage to kill a number of heroes she should counter(assuming she even gets her engage) because her damage is pretty mediocre, at least for a while. I’m pretty sure in probably any rank except Bronze and maybe Silver, she has one of the worse win rates in the game too.


Are you SERIOUSLY saying that Valeera is op and that dev team deserve to be fired? Are you…bronze 6?


Maybe he want to replace her with Stealth Assassin from Dota 2. :smile:

I fully understand that you are dissatisfied with the current state of the game and I give you the right.

Unfortunately, the company does not have the discipline and performance we expect, but I’m sure we will see a better game in the close future.

IMHO, for me, Valeera’s gameplay is like constantly sitting on an uncomfortable chair. You try to make the game as comfortable as possible, but no matter how hard you try, everything is exactly damn uncomfortable for you.


Hello my old friend, MR lalution, wish you the best.

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You made my best days at past, while we started the project, that days were awesome and I can not experiment them without you until now.

it was so long ago that it became nostalgia kekW

Yeah that cyberbullying :wink: I was in bad health that time, now I am better.


She is a rogue. She is an assassin. She does what her character is meant, and designed to do. She has the same counters as Nova, Nova being one of those counters. Maybe Blizzard should make other characters the same. Please learn how to write properly as well. So many posts with broken English, and they aren’t even sarcastically written.

No removed now! She is my best that why any posts has broken? let hope that will answers.

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