Ranking in bronze is terrible

I know bronze ppl probably belong in bronze. But me and my husband have been sinking lower and lower. He dropped from silver 3 to bronze 4, and I dropped into bronze 5. I have just won 3 matches in a row, and got only 25pts for them!! It’s Impossible to rank up.

I’ve been with so many feeders, or ppl throwing because they didn’t get to play who they wanted, etc etc.

Also if we report someone for feeding, can we not but teamed up with them in the next match?!?

It’s just annoying and broke .


Simple trick is open a whisper with whomever trolled you and watch and wait until they are in another game to que up.

Thanks for that tip. I just won 5 games in a row, and I’m only getting 25-26pts each. There’s no way I can rank up like this.

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Yeah its a huge problem but blizzard refuses to address most of the problems in ranked right now. Trolls rule that game mode sadly.

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Hey, I can give you some tips, but first of all you need to look at things from a different angle. You getting 25 points per game means you are BELOW bronze 5, so first of all you need to climb out of wooden league to the point where you get 200 points per game, that should be your first goal. Also keep in mind while you can have some bad games because of feeders, leavers and so on, in the long run its only your skill what matters and will make the difference of you being bronze or master! Don’t make any excuses!! Best tip to give you is obviously you start watching some tutorials on the game ( notparadox on YT for example) since you lack some deep understanding of the game. focus especialy on how to soak since this is the most important part in the game. Even me as master I always find new and interesting things that I didn’t knew before. Second: pick your role. Don’t go flex, assassin or bruiser. Tank or healer is your way to go ( I would prefer rank myself but that’s on you). You having a main role means you don’t have to focus on all 80 heroes but only at 4 max. This means you gonna be much better at drafts and you will become better mechanically with this heroes. Why healer or tank? Because it is complete BS that assassins can " carry" games. The reality is no one likes or can play heal or tank, this means that you playing tank/ heal would always make sure that people on your team can play their beloved assassins meanwhile enemy’s gonna force someone into this roles who can’t play them, thats where you gain the advantage from. Also you will be more consistent in your games, this means less loose streaks and hopefully a steady climb with much less frustration.

You should not be able to fall below bronze 5. What is the point of having a bottom rank if players can are not even given a chance to climb out of it? Its just gonna discourage player to even bother playing this game.

Actually I’m for an open end league like masters but for bottom tier under bronze 5. But blizzard is actually making them a favour by putting them into bronze 5 where they don’t belong, making games for true bronze 5 more fustrating. Your understanding of how ranked works is wrong. Getting 25 points per game means you are below bronze 5, let’s say around bronze 7. This 25 points only make sure that you have first to climb out of bronze 7 into bronze 5 and than further upwards. Once you are in bronze 5 you will get 200 points per game as everyone else. Let’s make it further clear: bronze 5 MMR is around 1500 silver has to be around 1700 and bronze 4 around 1550 ( if I remember this correctly, numbers can be off but the logic stays the same ). so someone below bronze 5 with an MMR of under 500 would get crazy 200 MMR points per game as well as 200 ranked points. Two wins would more than " double " his estimated skill while a true bronze 5 player would only receive 10 MMR per game. This would make the game crazy unbalanced and frustrating for both players. That’s why we have the lower points in play once you reached bottom tier, so instead of being fustraded and disappointed, this players have to understand the system better and try to improve instead of complaining.

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Ok so then how about the accounts in silver and gold who are getting 400+ for wins and losses?

posted answer already in the other thread

That is the problem. There is no cap to how many points a master can get and rise in grand master leaderboard (all the way to #1, and even then you can accumulate unlimited master points).

But there is also no floor to how low Bronze 5 can go given low enough win rate (all the way to bronze 9 or bronze 10, which aren’t even real visible ranks).

Why they didn’t just introduce another league under Bronze, like Iridium or something, is not clear.

Reminds me when ranks were 1 to 50 at hots release. Rank 1 encompassed all kinds of people from mediocre gold skill people to the top HGC professionals. It was not a good system.

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masters get roughly +/- points per game not more not less. the more rank points you have, the higher is your MMR. This means accumulating unlimited master points is not possible since you are limited by your skill (aka MMR). Making another league (or better leagues) could for true solve the problem

Well, top GM has 10,000+ points already at this point in the season. Lowest master has 0 points.

Of course there will also be a big difference between Bronze 5 with 200 points and 50% win ratio, and a Bronze 5 with 0 points who has lost the last 39 of his 40 matches.

Their visual rank might be Bronze 5 (both of them) but one is much lower in MMR.

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But if I am in a 5 win streak and not moving what the point?! I just had a 3 win streak and nothing I’m not going anywhere.

explain not going anywhere? you still get ranked points right?

I’m getting 26pts right now per match mmr is higher than my teammates, and he’s getting 200 per match. We are both rank 5. I’m winning games and I’ve been such in the middle of rank 5. I’ve also never bottomed out in rank 5.

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you are below rank 5 . since the game can’t put you lower than bronze 5 it just gives you less points per win/loose. Under bronze 5 your MMR becomes disconnected from your rank, so basically it is now lower than bronze 5 should be thats why the thing with the points. you need to first raise your points( aka MMR) back to +/- 200 than you can continue climbing to bronze 4 and further.

My mmr is high, and if I never made to bottom of rank 5 how am I below it? This is ridiculous

Y’all misleading OP or something?

It has already been confirmed that Bronze 5 is heavily bugged when it comes to the MMR increase and they made a blog post about it with no fix yet.

Its pretty much a glorified MMR Hell.

Ironic to see a myth becoming true.

I wouldn’t listen to that spawn guy, he claims all this info then when you ask for links he says you cant afford his information or advice which clearly shows he is a troll.

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Thanks for the tip didn’t make sense to me