Ranked Placement Query

Hello there!

So me and a friend recently paired up for Storm League. This is the first time we have played Ranked for several seasons. We won 9/10 placement matches.

Somehow, I was placed in Platinum 4 and my friend in Silver 2. We played every match together and I really don’t see how we could’ve won so many if there was actually such a huge difference in skill. If someone could provide any insight into this it would be greatly appreciated. I just don’t understand how this could’ve occurred.


MMR is seed from QM at first time

So you already played a long time ago and it use your old MMR

Yes there is no real season in Hots. This game should be competitive but the rasnking system says otherwise

I don’t think it does seed from your QM MMR For the first time. They seemed to have changed that. I made a smurf to test this and I had a 70% WR in QM w/ masters QM MMR playing vs masters in QM. I started playing SL and I got placed Bronze 2 after going 7-3 in my placements.