Ranked pit and how to escape it

So… I’m kinda confused.
I decided to join ranked once and went 2/3 wins on pre-ranking. Got in silver5. “Nice”, i thought and played some more. Won a game, get points, then loose a game… and lost the same amount. That’s when I realized it’ll be like OW season1 again…
Let’s be clear i know i’m not the best player. I know i sometimes make huge mistakes and, hell, i play with lockscreen. But this system is kinda absurd. I climbed to silver 4 and then got down to bronze 2. And in most matches I played decent, really.
But sometimes I played with bad players, which is ok, happends. (Also there was a guy who actively banned our team’s picks for trolling or couple of times didn’t give a thing about our team begging to ban caunter, like Lili or Johanna against our’s Raynor and Lunara. Needless to say they both got picked, lul) I thought once I reached my level of skill in rank i’ll be balancing around it but as i loose i got down in rating and more i got down the worse my teammates plays.
Yes i know, “get gud” and everything but i can’t win alone. My profile stats are all around 50% wins on every role (that said even with consideration i try to level up every hero to 5 for gold, even ones i hate and bad at on qp so a lot of looses there), but in ranked that’s not how it goes at all.
Am i missing something? I’m tired of qp, i want some thoughts with picks and bans, that’s fun. But the “you loose the same you get” is unhealthy imo and traps you in elohell.

Honestly i think this statement shows already the beginning of your problems.
What is going on in your brain that you come up with such a statement? To who are you comparing yourself when think you played decently?
You should compare yourself to grand masters and pro players, then you should realize that you probably play like sh!t and that’s the reason you don’t win most matches in bronze/silver. I am not saying that to insult you.

Many players have shown that they can win almost every match in bronze/silver because they are so good at the game. It really comes down to “L2P” if someone can’t rank out of bronze/silver. You know… the enemy team is also full of bad players - not just yours… If you think you are trapped then you most likely belong there and have an inflated ego.

If you are on EU you can add me (VanBust#1724) and i might inv you for some games with my other noobie friends when i try to coach them.

4 man premades to give you the highest chance of not having player game throw/afk and so on.

Many of the players on this forum have slowly risen in the ranks, the game cannot force you to be there if youre good enough. Some games are a guranteed loss, but the better you are the fewer of these exist. If you’re a gold player then its going to take you alot longer to get out of bronze than if you were a diamond player. What’s your main hero pool? Maybe I could assist you a little

storm league is such a joke now, MMR is garbage. It comes down to which team has the bigger idiot or who has the better premade grp/

2 weeks ago i had a 55% winrate with over 100 games played and now i am 48% it is luck of the draw not skill you can play perfectly or get MVP and still lose. i have been playing for years and ranked gets worse every year.


Well i hope so.
Been playing league for 7 years as support mostly so I tend to stick to that. Reghar, Medivh, Whitemane (also my stats say Lili is my highest winrate hero with 90+%, never thought, huh). I’m ok with other supports mostly, like Auriel when we need some waveclear, Zarya and Tyrael when we needs something tanky (also nobody can change my mind Tyrael is a support)
I can play other roles if i needed but i perform worse, obviously.
If you have some tips i’ll be grateful.

Which rehgar build? dont play medivh at your level. Even if good at him you wont get much value out of it. Maybe que with friends if you want to learn him. Rehgar is the best support to climb with. if you go w build you can not only get camps, but also dive mages at opportune moments. Lili is fine but also a little weak rn. What you need to be doing is getting camps/soaking and she can do neither of those things. Try to get your teams even on xp by doing that and avoiding fights and then join your team to go for objectives/bosses when its an even playing field.

If you win about 50% then you are exactly in the area you should be. If you want to climb you’ll need to work on your skills to become the reason why your team wins instead of just being one more smuck in the pool of 10. As long as you’re only performing on the average with the people around you, or “decently” as you put it, you really shouldn’t expect to go anywhere.

Playing as healer? Get as much damage out as you possibly can along with get as much healing out as you can. When playing support keep in mind that every death is your fault. Keep that in mind and focus on what could have gone differently. Could you have stepped forward to increase your teams presence and make them less likely to dive for an injured ally? Did you recently cast a spell on an ally that wasn’t the one that died? Why did you? Was it nessisary? Could you have gotten a little poke or harass in to deter the enemy? Could you have body blocked? Have you been putting on an aggressive front from the start so when your enemies see you step up they step back on instinct even when they shouldn’t?

There’s a lot of stuff to keep in mind, part of it mind games and burning insticts into your opponents, some decision making, some of it even actual game skills. Don’t get in the habit of blaming the teamate even if it IS their fault because you need to get used to people misplacing, being dumb, being bad, ect and find ways to keep them alive anyway. Winning the matches you could very well have lost is how you climb.

Then having 65% win rate you should be higher than you currently are right?

Well it depends when it happened. The system is really silly as things move very fast early on and rank moving slows down. If you got in a hole it can take awhile to dig back out though it should happen eventually. That’s not overly much higher than 50 so it won’t exactly be quick going. Probably why so many people smurf is that silly system. It gets results more quickly for the impatient. But yes you will if you maintain it just don’t expect some shiny instant border changes just because the problem got fixed you’ll have to keep it consistent. But you already know this because you’ve admitted before to actively climbing despite making a billion posts in the very same thread you admitted it in complaining how impossible it is. Don’t know why you are constantly jumping into every thread on competitive forum to complain.

Dunno how talking about your win rate being higher and being a higher rank is complaining but ok.

Oh I do maintain it. I have learned to never play this game with randoms. 3-4man premades are your best odds and if you get a troll in a game. Log out and come back a hour or so later after so you don’t get matched with them in back to back games.

2 season ago on my main account. I had a 37% win rate cause of trolls and game throwers. That was during when I only solo qued. I then waited and started queing in 2-3 mans and climbed back to diamond 4 but its rough at times.