Ranked MMR Messed up?

I finished last season with gold 1 / close plat 5. After the hero league changes I only play with silver 1 and silver 5’s on my placement matches. Is there anything that I missed ?

I wouldn’t read too much into it. The Matchmaker is a joke. If only you’d feel my pain in the past like 20 matches… full of people that have no clue on how to play … and in high gold too -_-. Was 1 match away from plat and now I am almost gold 3 meh

so far I have 5 lost in a row on my placement matches what I don’t understand is I was gold 1 on team league and gold 3. I thought that matchmaking thing based on my highest league not the lowest one…

Same, its not just you
I’m pretty sure they have an algorithm to place you with people in a way that everyone have a 50% win rate

You missed the news that this game is dead. Zero support, plus quite a lot focus on how to make this game more worse, just like this “new” storm league. Everything they do make it worse. Blizzard is dying.


It happened to me (but lower ranks) went from Gold 4 last season and was 5-5 in placements and placed Silver 4…
Last season when I dropped to Silver 1 (after a bad run) everytime I won I got positive personal rank adjustment till I went back up. This season everytime I win I get nothing. It’s like my MMR dropped an entire rank despite being level 700 and been placed between Silver 2/Gold 4 ever since they did the last MMR reset.