Ranked Maps are bad

We need to limit the amount

I would personally like only 3-5 maps total in the ranked pool

Infernal Shrines, BoE and ToD are the worst maps, I would like them gone from ranked


I dont get why they do not rotate the maps as often as they used to or keep it simple and just allow all the maps to be played in ranked. I am tired of BOE, Shrines and hanamora. Cant stand those maps

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Worst map by far is Volskya. Even when you’re blowing out( or getting blown out) by 3-4 levels all game,it still takes 25 or more minutes to finish. Ridiculous sometimes.

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I like Volskaya though… mech is actually fun and powerful

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Yeah, its not fun the way it is right now. Some of great fun maps are missing while you are forced to play some, that are annoying as hell and limit roles you can play(i wish to play Abathur after long matches were i had to fill role, that i dont like and them comes Towers of Doom… i really dislike that map, because on silver and especially on bronze your team ignores the camps and lets enemies get all of them all the time. On other maps you can conter that much easier, since they had to run longer way.

Bring back mines, dunno the hate in that map

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