Ranked HOTS doomed to Fail

Ranked Heroes of the Storm is doomed to fail for multiple reasons but here is at least 2 of the biggest ones.

  1. The premier league is dead. HGC doesn’t exist anymore.

Has there been attempts to fill the void? Yea sure. With Heroes Lounge Div-S or Nexus Gaming Series for the amateur level stuff (which was around when HGC was too). The main issue with those who still do play competively is there is no bar to attain. No end goal. At least to me. The meta is stale and dry as well.

  1. People use Storm League to get faster queue times and at least a semblance of a real game. That’s right. I said it.

I wouldn’t be caught dead playing Quick Match right now unless it’s with a friend. Why? Because you never get an actual composition that is worthwhile. Why don’t I do unranked? Almost for a similar reason. I want to play this game for how the game is actually meant to be played. Sure, there are the one off exceptions to the typical comp but overall, Storm League is the only mode worth queuing for if you wanna maintain your sanity.

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Yup I have seen a ton of player just playing ranked to goof off or probably do there quests or something. When you are in mid to upper diamond and players are locking heroes they are level 1 with and of course play like crap all game, well it explains itself.

Not inlcluding the match making. Randoms vs premades is never a good idea and hell the premades are often smurfs or boosters so that is discouraging players to play. I myself am not even gonna play next season, i am gonna do my 3 games, get my rank and quit until they decide to fix this bad system.