R.I.P.: Stan Lee

So I know this probably isn’t the place for it, but since we have no “Off Topic” section to the forums, I am going to put this here anyway.

Stan Lee was a Pioneer in the comic book industry, and without him, much of the way we look at fantasy in general and Super Heroes specifically would be MUCH different. He will be GREATLY missed.

Excelsior Stan.


“Don’t give up on her, either of you.” - Last Cameo Quote - in Venom.


RIP Stan Lee

Orphe needs to give credit too her kit

Can we actually have one for real? Would be great lmao.

Also RIP.


no we can’t
cause blizzard would still have to moderate this madness

Talking like a mad man.

Stan Lee? Seriously?


Stephen Hawking’s gone, even Totalbiscuit is gone.

Death sucks.


In a weird coincidence the 4th comic, ‘Orphea’ released today as well.

Why would this have the “acceptence” of being posted here if politics or any other topic which doesnt include the game doesnt?

Equality please?

Because it’s not flamebait. Most off-topic topics are breeding grounds for terrible discussions. This is a bunch of nerds banding together to mourn the greatest superhero in the world.


The legend is gone, thanks for everything.

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In a weird coincidence he already filmed all his cameos.

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Personally, I believe that HotS, among many things, owes a great debt to Stan Lee. He pioneered the heroic fantasy as it is understood today, and invented a number of facets of a proper superhero that remain a modern archetype. For example, just looking at the basic concept of a superhero, they may be human or not, but their powers tend to be limited and themed, unlike the gods of the past. They have strengths and weaknesses that can be exploited, and their abilities often reflect their personalities. Thor isn’t the same character as Spiderman, each has a unique story, personality, and set of superpowers. The same can be said of the heroes populating the Nexus.

In addition, Stan Lee was responsible for the imaginings of many young people, who would fantasize about having super strength, psychic powers, or the ability to control the elements. Heroes of the Storm directly ties into those fantasies, and takes them one step further in that they allow us as players to live them, albeit somewhat indirectly.

I find that the Nexus owes much of its design, and very existence, to the man, and it is fitting to see a tribute to him posted here.


Thank you for saying all of the things that I was a little to choked up to say at the time I started this thread.


Malthael: “…Hmph! I was only doing my job.”

No more “Where is Stan” in Marvel movies? Awww

“You know, I guess one person really can make a difference. 'Nuff said.” - Stan Lee
