Quickmatch games are worse than before the patch

I understand the intent behind the Quickmatch matchmaking changes: require certain classes of heroes in an effort to guarantee better balanced matches.

While this is a noble goal, it just doesn’t work in practice.

The problem is, the game incentivizes playing certain heroes via the quest system. So, for instance, it tells me I need to play a Specialist, but the average time for a match exceeds the time that the matchmaking system gives for the “balanced” team match, so it goes to an expanded matchmaking, which completely defeats the point of the “balanced” matchmaking, on top of having the effect of longer matchmaking queues in general.

So now, I’m waiting 5+ minutes for matches that end up not even being balanced.

Case in point: I waited over 6 minutes for my last match to start. And here were the teams:

  • Tassadar
  • Azmodan
  • Tyrael
  • Yrel
  • Tyrande
  • Kael’thas
  • Lt. Morales
  • Blaze
  • Ragnaros
  • Greymane

This was on Battlefield of Eternity. As you can see, these teams are hardly balanced, and we got demolished. It was not fun to wait almost as long as it took the match to complete, only to lose to a team that out-damages us by 2x.

This, more than moving developers off the project, is killing the game for me. Please consider making Quickmatch actually quick again. I’d rather lose a match in that amount of time than have to wait 10 min to find a match. At least I’d make progress on quests.


Yep. Well said.

15 additional characters.

I just out damaged a Yrel and Samuro as Li Li so I’m pretty sure the problems extend far beyond just composition issues.

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I guess I’m supposed to assume you had the first composition of heroes and the issue being the second.

However, that sort of match would pretty much happen even with the older set up.

Both teams have the core roles with a tank, support, backline dps with the biggest different being tassadar compared to another backline hero.

However, to that end, the tyr/yrel have incredible sustain to allow dives to murder the teams healer and skirt the one semi-frontline, blaze, at which point the issue is likely the composition the players have expecting to play to the other sides tempo, rather than using what they have to their own advantage. amzo + tass are solid aoe damage w/ a frontline that can either cluster or isolate particular targets, which is further compimented by having tyrande.

The issue seems more likely thatthe frontline are too intimidated to engage, so they fall back and get zoned out to allow blaze/kael/rage poke to stand out and just whimper in self-imposed defeat instead of hitting up the +armor dive enabling talents they have to just obliterate the backline thus otherwise free to poke willy nilly.

I dont think so.
20 char

i get worse picks in ranked . i find games fast and u can lower ur q time if you pick hero that have lower estameited time for example nova have around 120 s estamited time and johana 18 s .Just scrole mose over hero and u get info .ONly problem is for people who dont have all heroes

FYI, matchmaking seems to be working a lot better as of tonight. I’m getting matches much more quickly, and they’re a lot more even. TY Blizz.