QM Random healer: Stukov/Tass only?

Random picking healers only for QM gives you Tassadar or Stukov like 90% of the time. Any idea why?

Most likely because they have a decently low representation

So… that would mean it’s not random.

You can still be random and have a defined set of rules or select pool that it drafts from. It’s random by definition because YOU are not making the selection

Think it would be better to Favorite a few Supps to up your chances of not getting only Stukov/Tass.

Well, that’s because it’s not random…

From what I understood, Auto-Select first picks the hero and then starts searching for a team.
And it usually picks a hero with a low searching time, so you won’t wait too much time.

This also happens with Rexxar when you select Random Warrior.

Random = being or relating to a set or to an element of a set each of whose elements has equal probability of occurrence. (source: Merriam-Webster)
