QM balance is better than Storm League

The matches on QM are mostly equal and are fun to play, while Storm League is mostly a one sided stomp. Blizzard should punish arranged teams more in matchmaking.

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People stopped playing SL cause of all the smurfing, trolling and bad matching.

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You can’t compare QM with SL.

Yeah, you can, that’s kind of the point of choosing a mode to play.

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QM you can do what ever you want, SL you will have to work as a team or get stomped. So i can see how you would think QM is better. IF you dont work with your team or are not on the same page as your team it is not fun. Plus the Player base for ranked is prob much smaller so match making is not the best. you will play like 5 games in a row with the same poeple all the time.

Tbh they both have their issues.
Yes it happens that you get a 3-4stack in SL which sucks
Or a plat 1 playing with a silver 1 ending in a mid gold rank to « balance » out stuff.

But to me qm is even more cancer unless you play with friends and cover most roles.
How often did I pick a mage to end up in a 3 mage vs illidan, Valeera, butcher to just end up getting wrecked.
Or having no tank the opposing team having imp as a bruiser while u have no tank no heal but one side gets an aba that hats and « heals » while other gets a murky.
Or having a 3 melee vs 3 squishy back lines when you could just have swapped 1 of each to put it in the opposite team to balance it out.
And in qm how many times would you pick a hero like a xul which works on specific maps and has a specific role and you end up on battlefield of eternity as a main tank like rly…
At least in SL you get to have a full standard composition and can pick a hero in situation where you might be able to have success

It is something like this currently. It doesn’t matter what you do or how you pick hero.

3 wins in recent 15 matches and from plat to end of gold… It doesn’t matter how you pick your heroes or try to stack with team.

I may be alone in this but, I NEVER play Storm League, Ranked, Unranked, etc.

For me? There are only (2) modes in this game: #1- AI Matches for learning your character, and #2- Quick-Match. Quick-Match is where true Warriors are forged! No drafts, banning characters, etc. You just get thrown into the mix and have to make the best of the crew you have. Not just battle experience with your particular character but, also just learning how to work with most teams overall.

I’ve logged over 3,000 quick-matches. It’s what made me the player i am.