Putting a player on ignore

is seriously the most damn cowardly thing you can do. especially when you chirp and talk crap first. i just finished a match with some goon and afterwards he whispered me blaming the loss on me. then proceeds to ignore me before i can respond. honestly what a wet noodle loser thing to do. i hate it.

Moderator note: “Naming and shaming is not allowed on the forums”

indeed. you gotta turn off the whispers from non-friends in the social options menu. otherwise, be prepared to suffer more “drive-by toxic whispers” as I like to call them. :expressionless:


I’m no forum police, but I highly recommend you censor the name of the person you have a problem with because witch-hunts exist.


sorry, im not sure i understand what you mean. censor for my benefit, or the other player?

I still don’t understand why you can send messages to non friends if you choose to not receive messages from them…

Blizzard really knows how to allow toxicity in the game.

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It is against the rules to name and shame players on this forum

it shouldn’t be. there are many players that deserve to be shamed, at the very least. since it seems the reporting feature doesn’t work at all.

And who would be the one determining this? You? Or the person who flamed you for, what to that player, would probably be bad playing that should be shamed on the forums?

That’s why this isn’t allowed… someone else can always claim the same thing and then everyone has a pile of posts about how terrible they are and it’s nothing but forum trashtalking.


Turn off the function so no one but players on your friends lists can whisper you and dont accept random friend requests. I get a ton of players who try to add me after feeding or raging during a game and i just block em.

If someone whispers you and all you get from your reply is “they ignore you”, consider yourself a winner, and that coward a pathetic loser.


good way to look at it. i appreciate the advice

While I do not disagree with you

I am not the one making the rules here

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I don’t know why Blizzard allows people to whisper if they have ignore all but friends it should be set to if you only accepts whispers to friends you can only whisper friends. If they modify this setting it has a 30 minute wait time until it goes active. Conversely you should not be able to ignore a user who has never messaged you either. That way you don’t get the stupid snippy comments and then get ignored.

Was it necessary to necro bump this topic just for that?

A flamer will always find ways to do that. They can flame you, then instantly log out. Then it doesn’t matter what their message settings are, you can’t message them back.

Some people are just jerks.

Why is it imperative for you to ‘get them back’? Your retort would be as useless as their flaming.

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If you start /w people while having friends only set on then the system automaticly removes it and people are free to /w you back.

The Hots devs should also just do what WC3 Reforced did. Makes it so people cant /w you unless you are friends with them at all time. But we know that wont work here since how should people then have a chance to /w people if they want to join thier team after a match.