Progressing in ranked

anyone noticing that match making is so loose now it is effecting game play? or how about if your above 50% winrate you ban 80% of your games. I started this season with an 60% win rate and now down to the low 50%. what i found out is that if your above 50% winrate you end up banning 80% of your games. which is sh!t. I am not a great player prob gold or plat would be the highest i ever get if they did a reset. So the quickest way to rank up is to get a leaver penalty. believe it or not. but that drops your mm so your not always banning and then you get the 50 point boost. For example i dodged a que, it droped me to bronze 3 i then won 5 games in a row and with the boost from the points coming back i am in bronze 1. it is the only way i know how to beat the system. if some one would just take me out of bronze i would not have to do this. But the even though i am bronze 1 i am placed with at least 4 b5 every game. so take what i have learned as you wil.

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yeah no … not really… not anything of what you say… Do you ban more often if you win ? absolutely not. Can you climb faster with leaver penalty? No. MMR is still tied to rank points, no matter how many points you get per win, so you gain nothing except maybe climbing for a short time because of a random win. Also you dont need anyone to climg, get gud and learn to play.

To beat the system all you have to do is make 4 man premades cause they are most likely to be matched against randoms. I climbed from plat 5 to diamond 3 that way on my other account and I have already climbed from gold 4 to plat 5 on this one.

i think you missed the point. MMR is basically a ranking of your skill level. So if you can lower your skill level to be placed with lower skill players so you can snowball the game, it will give you the advantage. Plus you get some of of that MMR back. i win 90% of my games after a dodge draft and i only do it once and a while so i only get one leaver game.

MMR IS your rank! Since the last season is completely tied to your rank. So for example: you are gold 1 with 500 points which is your rank and MMR. You get extra leaver penalty which lowers your rank and MMR to gold 1 and zero points.
Sure you can win the next game more easily and the second one too. But after 2 games you are back to gold 1 with exactly the same 500 points AND the same MMR.

i find 3 man grps work super well too. but all my friends and people i play with are plat or higher so i cant play ranked with them.

MMR IS your rank! Since the last season is completely tied to your rank. So for example: you are gold 1 with 500 points which is your rank and MMR. You get extra leaver penalty which lowers your rank and MMR to gold 1 and zero points.
Sure you can win the next game more easily and the second one too. But after 2 games you are back to gold 1 with exactly the same 500 points AND the same MMR.

your totally right it only will work on a couple games lol Idk y i go on huge wining streaks after them then… lol

Yeah 3-4man groups you will most likely be matched with randoms so good chance of climbing for awhile. When i started this season I got on i think a 11 game win streak lol

This ranking game system is broken. And that will never be adress, they will never do anything about it, since this game is on maintenance mode now, when people would understand ?

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how the ranked system is supoosed to be broken. you can climb, you can fall. what else you expect from a ranked system?

You sound like a bronze player lets be honest. Ranked isn’t about progressing it’s about finding the appropriate place for your self. If you want to climb badly work on yourself. If your good playing against bronze and silver players is like clubbing baby seals. Improve till you just steamroll everyone around you and the rank will come.

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Wow, what a selfish mentality you have, why are you playing video game if you want to do everything by yourself ? Hots was created as a team based playing game, to compete league of legend as i call selfish playing game.

The point is to play together to win the game. If people know how the game works and how the map, the heroes , then it s possible to win as a team.

Selfish? Realistic. If you want to climb you need to improve, your the only thing that’s in 100% of the games you play, improve yourself and your winrate will increase. You won’t climb without improvement as the players who are improving will win more often than you keeping you where you are by beating you. It’s ironic though calling a support main selfish though. I win games by essentially making my teams survive far longer than the enemy teams healer can so far 80% winrate simply by working hard making sure no one dies, quite often litterally.

My team lives, theirs dies, I’m better than their healers so I win more than anyone set against me does. That’s how climbing in ranked works. If you’re roughly equivalent to your oppenents then they have just as much chance of beating you so you sit at 50%. Be the difference that means victory if you want to win.


While I do agree with this that players always need to be working on themselves and getting better. The problem is that many games people will just rage quit, afk or auto feed team to the point you fall 3-4 levels behind and sure if they mess up bad you can come back but the odds are horribly against you.

With 4 randos on your team and 5 on theirs that’s actually statistically in your favour.

From the last 2 season i have played guessing a % I would say I am matched with these people roughtly 54% of the time when I solo que. I am also matched against premades much more often than that, thus i stopped solo queing and I was able to climb much better.

If you are roughly rating your bad teamate rate by your loss rate and you consider someone else’s fault to such a high degree I can see why your loss rate is what it is.

Look everyone gets absolutely bonehead retarted teammates lord knows I’ve had enough mentally lacking feeding lunatics on my teams but you gotta carry their asses instead of focusing on blaming them. If you get tilted and stop trying as hard for what you’re sure is a loss your just sealing your fate and making it a loss. Your probably right at about half my games having atleast one teamate that left me shaking my head but by god did I go on and win nearly all those damn games. Sometimes you just gotta play your damn heart out and work for that win. Bad teamates are a lot easier to carry than bad teamcomps.


Oh my win rate is 70% this season. I am just saying these people who troll and afk and tilt over 1 death are a huge problem in this game and needs to be dealt with more.

I have learned to deal with it by turning off team chat, focusing on keeping whomever the best player is on the team and making premades.


Why are you even always here complaining how impossible ranked is if you are actively climbing? This conversation just became immensely absurd.

Cause I would rather lose a game cause I was out played, not because someone on my team cried and fed cause they didn’t get there way.

As long as you are playing with human beings you’ll just have to deal with them being humans. That’s just a plain impossible thing you are asking for.