Please rework Kharazim lv13&lv16 talent!

I understand you want to balance all lv7 talent not just go for Q. But spell and physical armor just too ordinary for lv13, also Quicksilver is totally waste if you pick W 30% move speed in lv7. Unstoppable seem like the only choice in lv16, 100fists is bind to iron fist and echo just suck thank to the nerf!

I can agree about 13 lvl, but

This is not true for sure.



Expected simple request to switch tiers.
Oh well, I’ll hold on to that upvote.

unless enemy team have 0 control

HoW yOu DiDn’T lOsE bEfoRe 16 LvL tHeN, oR wHy YoU dIdN’t PiCk HeRo WiTh UnStOpAbLe On 7 LvL?

dude, we are talking about kharazim right now and i don’t care others.

Frankly Khara really doesn’t have other talents at 7 other than Q. It’s the livelihood of Khara which is why it’s no brainer choice. It’s his mobility of getting to and away from people/abilities, what he was designed and later especially reworked around. It’s why he only has Q talents at 16 also, they just provide too strong synergy. The synergy creates and provides to the whole niche of how and why Khara gets picked instead of healer X. It just shows how clueless the devs are on why talents don’t get picked.

Had they moved new heavenly zeal and blazing fist to replace level 13 Q and E it would’ve actually created options and made them viable talents. 13 was always talent that was picked as needed basis, nothing there was mandatory for his playstyle. The real problem with what they are trying to do(make other talents competitive to Q) is that Q is his only good build. To go to same level with talents that don’t have that great of a synergy they need to be very good by themselves which shoots him over the average compared to other healers or they won’t reach the point of competitiveness and they remain sub-par. Khara already has his niche, he doesn’t need to be a generalist healer. If they want to change his role/niche then do actual rework on him.


Kharazim’s lvl 7 is actually very competetive. You don’t NEED 3 charges - You already have 2, one for chasing, and one for escaping. Just don’t spam em, you’ll be fine. The other 2 talents are also very solid - Mount speed on the entire party whenever you heal (6 seconds of 30% mount speed with the lvl 16 double heal), and burst healing on a single target (Which CAN boost BOTH of the heals on the 16 if timed precisely). Finally, Fists Forever talent, all rolled up in 1 single talent - Great for any of the 3 builds.

The second heal doesn’t proc the movespeed


I’ve tested it and… Orphea is right.

It really isn’t. It’s kinda like saying he has 3 options at level 1 when in reality there is only iron fist assuming your enemy doesn’t have blindfold on their eyes or severe brain damage. Otherwise why would you draft Kharazim there? Your team needs speed? Get somebody who doesn’t have to make huge sacrifice for it. From healers that’s baseline BW & Lucio. With talents Ana and Alex(seeing as you did make the premise enemy has low CC it’s not sacrifice for Ana). From Other heroes in the roster Tyrael&Zarya(both of which work well with Khara), Varian, even Ray if you don’t need big MS boost.
For Khara he needs those charges and lower CD. It’s what allows you to move around and be effective. Either you hamstring your playstyle(and team) or you face enemies who simply won’t punish you if you don’t understand why the Q talents are so mandatory. And again if they don’t punish you there are better heroes or you could be punishing them for not punishing you even harder with iron fist.

With Iron Fist, the math has been done over and over again - Insight is only ~13% less overall damage than Iron Fist, AND provides significantly more healing. It’s not so much that the enemy isn’t punishing Kharazim, but rather that with a fairly consistent 75 phys armor (From stuns), constant uptime on a 4 range AA with double damage output (From lvl 7 talent), with an effective 4 second CD on your heal, and roughly the same on dash?

Really, the only thing that counters Insight Kharazim are blinds. Stuns and Roots just allow you to punch even longer before having to back.

Yes. Problem is not everybody plays vs AFK chaos dolls which you talk about. You talk about theoretical numbers that don’t actualize when enemy presses buttons. It’s the whole reason why those talents are so bad. It’s why all the Illidans and Xuls and what not don’t top damage even though in theory they could. In reality enemy doesn’t just let them do whatever they want.

Insight? Worst talent Khara has at level 1 by far. Enemy will never let you stack it on lanes which means your team has no healer while you stack it 2/3 of the game on camps having lost the game by the time you get it done. It also provides less burst healing than trans making it significantly less valuable in terms of healing. It provides significantly less burst damage making it significantly less valuable than iron first for damage. If enemy does let you just hit them then why didn’t you just go iron fist and kill their squishies since enemy does let you. It’s not just coincidence pros never used insight, the numbers simply do not back it up. Just because in theory it can do a lot doesn’t make it good talent when the requirement is for enemy not to know how to play the game.


Like Noir said above. Other traits than Iron Fist become a problem anywhere outside AI or Bronze MMR.

You have to be in the enemy players faces to get trait value. Competent players wont let you constantly hit them for healing. If you stay in for a long time they will Crowd Control and burst you down to low health before you get off a single heal worth of extra AA’s on the enemy team.

Iron Fist guarantees value by doing extra damage to whoever you were attacking before you have to retreat. Because you will eventually have to retreat, unless the enemy are already on low health.
That’s why it has such a high pick ratio, and is basically mandatory in higher MMR as proven by Hotslogs. (Even in the upper mid leagues of platinum+diamond, Iron Fist wins 4% more than Insight)

As someone who has played Kharazim a lot, level 16 is solid.

Way of the Hundred Fists fits perfectly with Iron Fists build.
Cleansing Touch works great as a flex talent if the enemy team has a lot of long CC, like slows, roots, or silences.
Echo of Heaven makes Insight build absolutely insane.

Level 13 is garbage, though. I’d expect to see talents that weak down at level 4 or 7, not post-10.

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but he’s so much fuuuuuuun!! :tired_face:

[quote=“Frogspoison-1419, post:9, topic:20818, full:true”]You don’t NEED 3 charges
Stopped reading here.

No hero NEEDS anything.
In matter of fact, no hero is NEEDED also.
Im matter of even more fact, this game isn’t NEEDED either!

What I’m trying to say, trying to argue what a hero ‘NEEDS’ is silly at best.

In matter of fact, I wouldn’t mind if Khara got a mini-rework where he gets some more interesting choices around.
I mean, his level 13 is so freakin’ dull!
They could at least move the Blinding Speed to 13, so we can go Insight + Blazing Fists + Blinding Speed for a proper mobile monk.

Also, it would be great if Blizzard went back on the idiotic change made on Relentless and gave it back to Kharazim instead of Sixth Sense.

Ive always felt that if you took insight, blazing fist and blinding speed were redundant talents. He gets too much CDR that you no longer get full value


That’s why I always picked Heavenly Zeal at level 7. There was just no point to picking Blazing Fists or Blinding Speed.

Blinds don’t counter insight kharazim because you still get trait procs even when your hits are missing.

It only counters iron fist because it prevents damage but your trait still procs.

So much misinformation from your posts…