Please implement role balancing in quickmatch

Quickmatch frequently matches teams with role imbalances, whether it is no ranged damage vs ranged damage, 3 warriors vs 1 warrior, etc. Please update the matchmaking system so that if one team has a ranged damage so does the other team, if one team has a bruiser so does the other, etc.

I see these role imbalances all the time and depending on the map and compositions it can create incredibly stompy and unfair games. Thank you.

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has been said a million times but:

play draft if you want perfectly balanced comps

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Are you sure about that? Sometimes i trust QM team comps more than i trust the decision making of other players.


we had role balancing for awhile. then a bunch of impatient babies whined about having to sit in queue for like 3-5 minutes. the horror. anyway, we’re never getting role balancing again. sorry :expressionless:

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I do know that there’s a somewhat role balance in terms of support/healers/tanks but I don’t know how system deals with dps. If what you say is true they might need to mull over that as well.

It has this already. But QM does not care about the number of whatevers in a given role

  • If one team has healer, other team has healer
  • If one team has tank, other team has tank.

It does get a little weird with bruisers and supports

  • if team has no tank but has a bruiser, both teams will have a bruiser
  • if team has no healer but has support, both teams will have support.

That one is not 100%. I had games were enemy team had a support and my team got a melee bruiser instead like Thrall or Xul. I agree supports gets matched up vs each other but its rarely the case 80% of the time.

Also range dmg dealers i have notiest one team gets 1-2 while enemy team gets full melee.

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That’s the nature of QM. It just means that mode isn’t for you.

QM rules:

  • If one team has a Bruiser, the other team has at least one too.
    Unless Tanks are represented.
  • If one team has a Support, the other team has at least one too.
    Unless Healers are represented.
  • If one team has a Tank, the other has at least one as well (Bruisers don’t need to be in both teams).
  • If one team has a Healer, the other has at least one as well (Supports don’t need to be in both teams).
  • No mirrored Heroes (everyone is unique).

Rules that might not be active anymore but existed:

  • 1 Stealth Hero / team
  • Murky, Aba and Cho’Gall are not matched together

Exceptions to rules:

  • Varian is listed as Tank for QM (been both version: Tank and Bruiser, but the Tank version was the less unfair so that stayed).
  • Some Bruisers are not forced to face Bruisers on the enemy (usually ex-Assassins/Specialists) like: Thrall, Ragnaros, Xul, Malthael. These are often matched against Melee Assassins.

All listed rules can be broken due to these:

  • Premades.
  • Not enough ppl available for the MM. In this case, usually queue times get longer a bit, but nothing insane.

Now since we made this clear…
Mirroring roles won’t create balance.
Neither will mirrored numbers.
I’m playing this game and reading its forums for a long time, and “unfair” compositions have only one in common: the team that lost has the disadvantage according to the complainers. It doesn’t matter that in another thread the team composition that lost was the unfair winner.

Also, that’s my personal preference, but imo, QM should be as chaotic as possible. The main goals are:

  • Getting a match quickly.
  • Playing what you want without any obstacle (like it getting banned or picked by others).

That way, QM pushes limits, making you to play in situations you feel countered.
Forcing you to adept. I like that.

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It’s actually impressive they created this many restrictions and still managed to keep QM with a decent fast queue time.

It’s the most popular PvP mode for a good reason.

But yet those complainers want qm to be as balanced as ranked. That’s thier problem. They want balanced games around the hero they picked. That will never happen. Also if enemy team has cc they want it too since cc in this game makes it unfair for those who gets no cc.

Ok interesting thank you all for the feedback. I knew about the healer and tank rules, I have just been surprised when i get a team of all melee vs multiple ranged damage / mages, or multiple bruisers/warriors vs a single warrior.

For example the last game I played I was Varian (tank) with a squishy team vs Malganis/Yrel/Ragnaros (1 tank 2 bruiser). I know any comp can win but its just a little frustrating.

I do remember 2 christmases ago when they had perfect role matching (and super long queue times). I’m not saying to go back to that but at least having the roles equally represented I think would help a lot. And most of the games I see are not premade teams but five solo players, so in most cases they could simply switch one player from each team and it would be totally fair.

That… never existed.
What existed is guaranteed 1 Tank, 1 Healer and 1 Rassassin on both teams.

never going to happen . been asked for an been ignored for years at this point . don’t think they understand that happy players are more likely to spend money .

it was already quick enough before the degradation. because QM can afford to wait longer in queue than usual drafting modes, since it doesn’t have the ridiculously long drafting session before the game starts. :expressionless:

To be fair, QM balance kinda works, as it puts role vs role per player in each team in each match.

HOWEVER, it is true that sometimes it screws up by not updating new roles for some heroes, like Tassadar, who is still put against Supports. Also, it doesn’t make a difference between ranged and melee, that part is also true, plus some heroes are more CC heavy than others (or they don’t have any CC at all), which can greatly affect the match too. That also needs an update.

But other than that, is not as bad as people want to believe (still far from perfect, though). The only reason a team would be not balanced at all in the role by role basis is that the teams are premade parties. At least in my own experience, I can’t remember a single case where there were 3 tanks and 2 healers vs only 1 and 4 assassins or something like that, there is always a hero serving the same role on the other team for each player.