Please buff genji's swift strike!

Genji today is the new NOVA, quick match hero that only serves to finish enemy targets, in fact, I believe that NOVA has more impact on TF than Genji currently. It is very sad to see a hero who was once one of the best picks in the meta, being left out in this way, so I suggest the following buffs again:



  • CHANGE THE NEW TALENT TALENT FROM LEVEL 13 TO LEVEL 1 (Shimada Way). Like the tracer, you would have the option to have more range with the basic attack from level 1. Removing the damage bonus if necessary. It can be put in place of the “Pathfinder” talent, or even in the place of the “swift as the Wind) talent, exchanging this talent as an added bonus to the level 13 talent” flow like water ". old double jump talent at level 13, if necessary.

Final justification:
Today Genji is just a finishing hero who does not perform the role of “Ranged DPS”, who due to his lack of range in the basic attack cannot poke without being easily punished by losing half of his HP when trying to do so. Genji today also barely manages to enter the backline to finish his opponents (ex: hanzo, li ming, Chromie) who in turn are very safe punishing Genji, all because of the lack of range of his * Swift Strike *.

Well, I hope that one day it will be read carefully, I noticed that recently they made some modifications to try to get this win rate so low that Genji accumulated, and I know that he is a hero who bothers in the hand of more experienced players, however, if to compare, today there are heroes that require much less skill and that do more damage than Genji at its peak, finally I just ask that you leave the PLAYABLE hero in the ranked and competitive.


That is actually a decent suggestion, you would have to choose between more aa range or agile dismount. If you took shimada instead, your trait cd would be really high as a tradeoff.


Nah way of shiftmada would be picked 100%

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I wouldn’t mind a buff if the ability could no longer be used to traverse terrain, however your ideas don’t really work in a game where Abathur exists as a playable hero.

If anything, more heroes should follow his design philosophy where your success relies more heavily on actual display of mechanical skill and intuition rather than brute force attack move or superior scaling.

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this is a classic mistake. just sitting around waiting for a low health hero to finish. genji can deal good damage all around; the reset on swift strike is just icing on the cake. he doesn’t need any buffs. he will become too oppressive if he gets any.


I dont think swift strike needs a range increase its already pretty long. Putting the aa range at 13 was a fair trade between giving him his old range back and not making him too oppressive. Having it at 1 would make good genji’s op.


A contrarian opinion: Genji is low WR because most people are playing him as a “finishing hero”. Weird notion since his Q is essentially a shotgun and he has no less than two engages/disengages, one with reset, baseline. Plus protected btw. Genji should be played so that he is constantly harassing someone almost melee range and gtfo when things get hot. Just waiting to E someone every 2 minutes is a losing proposition.

Furthermore E is probably not a priority for buffs since it’s the most popular build anyways although a small damage increase might not be bad thing. However Genji has too many talents that are either bad or at wrong tier and competing with superior ones. What I propose is buff his Q build in two ways. First reduce the spread slightly which will probably raise the overall viability of Genji. Second, remove cyber shield and dodge from lvl 7 and move Q pierce from lvl 20 there. If it’s too powerful at that level it can be given Jaina treatment and only grant a single pierce. Or move lvl 4 Q talent to lvl 1 and lvl 20 to 4, so that lvl 7 could be a defensive tier and move either buffed agile dismount or pathfinder there.


I rather genji get his mobility nerfs reverted, or get more attack range BASELINE (not as a retarded level 13 talent)

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Lol i wish nova was as good as genji.
Last time she posed a threat and actually got to see high rank play she got 4 rounds of nerfs.


People still seem to forget that genji has a 3k damage burst, idk why everyone thinks he deals no damage.

Genji is definitely in a weaker spot rn, but buffing his E is not the way to buff him. All that does is make genji even more of a finisher 1 trick pony.

Make shingan baseline, but reduce the dmg by 50% (sample number), keep shingan as a talent at 13 which increases the dmg by 50% (putting shingan back to its current numbers). Shingan already does an INSANE amount of damage and is a huge part of what makes Genji skill intensive. Shingan is already an essential part of his kit, so adding it earlier would be nice.

Yeah, late game, if you play him perfectly and hit shingan perfectly, then you will deal those 3k burst damage, while all the other assassins do way more damage without so having to play that perfect :slight_smile:

Idk why they put this at level 13 tbh, this makes no sense, like, at all. This should definitely be a level 1 talent.


Yeah Genji definitely has to outperform the other assassins. But tbh I’m ok with that right now.

Genji has always had a bit of a power issue, either he is viable, but not op in low ranks but genuinely broken top level, or viable but not op in top level and bad in low ranks. That’s a bit of an issue with his kit, but I’d rather have him stay like this then get his entire kit/playstlye adjusted.

That being said, I still passionately stick with my idea to make Shingan baseline with reduced damage, with a talent at 13 to bring it back to its normal damage number. It would help increase talent flexibility at 13 while giving him a better early game. He would actually be quite the solo laner against non bruiser laners, good for maps like Alterac and CH

That’s not what I said at all? I said he needs buffs so he can be at the same level of other assassins.

So you just want him to continue the way he is so he is outperformed by every single character in the game?

He was fine even for top level play and they kept nerfing him, even when his winrates for both casual and pro play were already negative.

I’m trying to say that Genji has to play so much better then other assassins to get the same or similar amount of value. Zeratul’s dmg is sooo much easier to land then genji’s, and the payoff is nearly the same. Zeratul’s evasive ability is also better at most stages of the game, since blink can’t get interrupted. Genji has to offset this disadvantage by playing EXTREMELY optimal.
This is definitely not a good thing, but I’d rather have him like this then put Genji back in the state where he gets random changes every patch because he keeps shifting between to good and to bad. And I definitely don’t want a full rework, since that would probably be a Mei-level alteration of his kit.’

For me current Genji is the lesser of two evils. It’s definitely not ideal, but I’m ok with him staying as-is for now.

I’ll always take buffs, I’m just worried they will be followed by nerfs if the QM crybabies come out again. I’d hate for a small buff to be balanced by taking away or nerfing something that defines Genji for me.

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Yeah, that I gree with. For example, I am a level 98 Genji and I have to sweat a lot to have almost the same impact of any other assassin.

I don’t like this, especially since before the last nerfs he already had around 40% winrate even in pro play, so he was definitely not a problem.

40% winrate is definitely problematic and he needs buffs asap.

Well, Blizzard doesn’t balance around QM, so they can cry all they want. Blizzard balance around ranked play from diamond+

Genji’s kit sucks to face when it does well. He flits in, takes the kill and deflects anything coming at him afterward. It’s stupid. It’s no fun, there’s no reasonable counter besides wait for him to come in, and stun him back to Hell from whence he spawned. And let me enlighten you: “stun into a kill” is viable against basically anyone in the game. The difference is that they don’t have a dash with damage, a jump on cooldown with no mana, nor Deflect.

When Genji does well, you as his enemy just kind of spend your whole life in fear of him dashing in to make a kill and then jumping out in the next second. There is exactly nothing fun about it; most times he’s just applying chip damage from afar until he can take the kill and leave.

Nova had the same problem. Playing hypervigilance to your surroundings constantly isn’t fun or rewarding; playing the “Nova will appear and delet from 8 range, so I have to constantly keep bushes swept, be moving, and always be near escape or cover lest I be mulched from beyond my vision.”

There is no middle ground with these designs; by their functional nature, they’re awful to play against when they do well and awful to play as when they don’t do well. For them to “succeed or fail,” one player basically has to sacrifice their experience entirely. One side has to feel woefully underfunded. Hope you brought sight to Nova fights, and hope you brought consistent stuns to Genji. It’s a demand outright against players.

You want 'em fixed, you need to start at the concepts that make up the hero. Maybe “immediately take the kill, turn invincible and then flee with your second mobility key because you have two of those” is an awful design at its core. “Snipe, invisible, from well outside of anyone’s operative range” is an awful design at its core.


Definitely fair, my opinion is not a popular one, or a good one lol. I hope for buffs but expect nothing or changes I don’t like.

Most of the time, but I feel like Towers got overnerfed because of the QM people.

perfect, exactly, other heroes do the same, easier and without taking so much risk.

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