Playing Hearthstone and HOTS creates lag issues


  1. Load into HS game
  2. Load into HOTS game
  3. Win/concede/quit HS game
  4. Observe lag
  5. Force quit HS
  6. Observe lag reduction

I’ve been observing massive lag spikes during games, if I’ve been playing Hearthstone during my wait/HOTS draft. Once the HOTS game loads, it will spike up to 2k+ ping, which will drop down once I quit out of HS.

I do not need to be in an active game - just having HS open AFTER an active game creates this issue. Menus do not seem to.

This sounds like a #technical-support issue, click edit then change it to technical support.

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Done, ty <3 :slight_smile: I need more characters :slight_smile: