Player skill balancing

every time i sit down to play ranked, i get paired with the worlds worst players, and i physically cant win matches. any suggestions?

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I mean, there is still some “players” crying how much Qhira or DW are “op”…

yeah. its super frustrating because i feel like i should be ranked higher but i can’t climb ranked

Your feelings don’t reflect reality.

Premade or lose. That is how this game is designed.

except thats not true. i’ve gotten to platinum when i played with a full squad. we all did our part and we won games

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I guess we could team up but I’m mainly a marksman main. I’m bad at mostly everything else but healer

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wait, so your a healer main? didn’t know those existed lol

I am also a healer main and i understand these struggles.

Healing is the easiest role. Other roles have to do the macro

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do the same thing what they are doing. don’t put any effort. i’ve kinda stop caring about winning. cause no one cares at all. Give them their own taste of medicine. even they won’t learn their mistakes.

Nah they will just flame you and report you

why should i play bad intentionally? you sound like someone who would throw a match

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Most of what is left in this game do that. If you do anything they disagree with, they throw game to spite you.

dang. didn’t know people were that annoying

Find the good 5% of the people left in this game and friend them, play only with them and there will be hope.

The matchmaking system isn’t built to create fair matches, it’s built to encourage microtransactions. It will purposely team up more experience players with newer players to encourage them to purchases heroes used by higher ranked players. This is why pre-made teams never experience the issue because the matchmaking system doesn’t have the chance to place lower ranked players with higher ranked players.

You can find a bunch of articles about the patent Activision got approved for their matchmaking system that pushes microtransactions - just do a search for it.

HOTS matchmaking system was updated in November 2017 - literally a month after their patent was approved. Go figure.

PS. If you want the game the system, start a new account and only purchase the cheapest heroes until you can play ranked. It will limit your hero pool, but you’ll be getting paired up with much better players skill wise.

that will never change anyway. ppl report all time, for stupid reasons.

you dont’ play bad intentionally. just play casually.

Yeah but the problem here is the bad system in place is making it so that all these people who report cause they disagreed with you are getting players punished due to the 0 forgiveness and 0 reviewing or appealing in this game.