Pineapple Pizza Thread (Controversial Opinions here!)

It kinda is or they wouldn’t have made it an emoji in HotS :smiley:

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Pineapple pizza is an SJW thing now? Huh?

Lord in heaven, words have no meaning these days.


I too do not understand that reasoning.

Me neither, bad food taste transcends politics

Dont put pinaple on your pizza kids

It so happens to be the fastest way to meet hula dancers in Hawaii.

Now for my controversial comment, since I don’t think it has been said yet:

HOTS is dead.

HOTS is alive and kicking

change my mind


I call any out-of-nowhere trend from about 10 years ago or less, that opposes anything that was well established and vastly accepted (perhaps even encouraged) by society before, a SJW nation attack.

Is a joke if that makes you feel better, a reference to Avatar: TLAB in case you didn’t notice.

This is not a new thing. The pineapple pizza thing has been around since before I was born. The entire reason it exists is because it’s a very extreme opinion - some people love it, some people absolutely hate it. There is no middle ground, which makes it naturally contentious.

Also, it’s not a matter of social justice. Even if it were a new thing, that still doesn’t apply. Like, this is what I mean when I say people throw around words without thinking.


The pineapple on pizza has been a staple of pizza for decades, indeed, as I said. The “debate” about it, on the other hand, is not. That is 100% a new thing that started just some years ago (like 5 or so).

And as I said, it jokingly fits the SJW stereotype 'cause, instead of them people simply saying “I don’t like it, but is ok if other people do”, the trend is to yell “it doesn’t belong to it! simply 'cause I don’t like it! It shouldn’t exist!!” (You now, the extremist behavior so characteristic of the any SJW stereotype).
Also, something that makes it even funnier is that only an actual SJW IRL would make a big deal out of a joke too. But that’s none of my business.

Have a good one, dude.

Citation needed.

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Can’t be a citation when there was, simply, nothing being debated back then. I can, however, track and cite the earliest known origins of such “debate” to 2014 on twitter. Growing a little bit after Ramsey Gordon on 2017 and the Iceland president comments on it, around the same time. Before that, not a single word of people “debating” on it.

But, in the end, hating pineapple on pizza is an stupid trend that started “just because”. One thing is to don’t like it (which is fair, many people don’t like many foods), and other (the actual dumb SJWesque trend) is wanting to “prohibit it” or claiming “it doesn’t belong to X”, just because you don’t like it.

As I said, have a good one, try Hawaiian (pineapple with ham) you may love it. Peace.

Bro don’t engage. Anyone who throws around sjw left and right is just going to inevitably say something offensive. Best to just leave it to the imagination.

Also i love this thread and do not want it deleted

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Nice off topic thread totally against forum rules that no one care about cause hots forum clique. People either a member or they kiss up to gain favor.

Watch these responses

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Pineapple pizza is good ONLY if you apply it via cheese grater.

I don’t need a chunk of Hawaii in my mouth… I get it, you’re a pineapple


Food rivalries have been a thing for decades though; some trend longer/stronger than others, but it seems like the ‘debate’ just oscillates between whichever fancy pants figure manages to say something about it once another trend dies down.

For instance, New York and Chicago have had rivalries on pizza/hot dogs and other stuff for who knows however long, though a key part of the exposure to the debate may have been from Jon Stewart’s rant on the Daily Show program however long ago.

Part of the issue of generational and regional branding on foods or restaurants is people may want something “authentic” – rather than a cheap knockoff from a trend follower – so that forces a sort of authority on what defines the expectations of the foods’ looks, ingredients, flavor profile and preparation.

Social media has been an outlet for a number of opinions to get too large of a platform that emphasizes select words too much and esp reinforces the ‘understanding’ of a food, esp for people that are too busy distracting themselves to really think through their ‘outrage’ on the matter. But since they’re fueled by one outrage to the next, they can’t be bothered to think it through for more than two seconds because they’re caught up on the ‘authority’ of whatever.

Or bother to remember that kids tend to “not like foods” before they even try them, and some haven’t ever bothered to grow out of that esp since people can keep getting their nastalgia/childhood resold back to them over and over again. And food isn’t any different from that, thanks Pixar! :smiley:


So in summation, you were born yesterday with a smart phone in hand and a Twitter account ready to go.

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Acidity has a tendency to lift heavy flavors. I made some pineapple mango habanero hot sauce last month and added an entire bottle of whiskey and apple cider vinegar to it. The acidity from both the booze and the cider complimented the sweetness of the mangoes, pineapple, and habanero very nicely.

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Romeo and Juliet anyone?

A bit of pineapple on Pizza is fine. It isn’t my go to pizza, but I wouldnt turn my nose up at it if someone was offering a free slice.

Also, Lili’s Water Dragon is the better ult. Looking at my match history with Lili since I started experimenting with Water Dragon I’ve played 23 games, I’ve played 12 with Water Dragon and won 11, whereas the 11 I’ve played with Jugs I’ve only won 2.

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I don’t care what you put on your pizza. Period.

It’s your pizza, the only thing that matters is you like how it tastes.

Unless it’s babies or something. Don’t put babies on pizza, anything else is fair game.