Pineapple Pizza Thread (Controversial Opinions here!)

Designated place for hot takes, whether on heroes or in general. :pizza:

That being said! No politics

Pineapple Pizza is good. Acidity of pineapple + fattiness of meat and cheese is an excellent combo. (Canned pineapple yucky tho)

But onto the game related ones.

  • Malthael W build is better than Q.
  • Dehaka’s dark swarm build is amazing.
    Now the real issue: Those two work well to deal with Samuro.

I think you hit the nail in the head right here.
I do like pineapple in my pizza, but sometimes the pizzeria uses canned ones that taste 10x sweeter, and that is too much sweet and clashes with the rest.

In other words:
-“pineapple in pizza, aye or nay?”
-“depends on the pineapple, actually” :stuck_out_tongue:


If you order that in Italy the restaurant keeper will likely politely ask the customer to go away…


In Italy they don’t even have it on the menus :wink:

Apparently in Britain they think us Midwesterners put corn on our pizzas


Corn does sound a bit weird, then again I’ve heard of even weirder pizza toppings, like strawberry or banana…

Strawberry is actually bomb. Put some feta cheese and raw spinach on there with a nice garlic crust… :yum:

I don’t really care what you eat. However, you put a pineapple on my pizza, I put a pineapple up your ~ss. I hope that’s fair.


Haven’t eaten non homemade pizza in years.
Not a big loss


Enjoys his pineapple pizza.

Person across the room slurping oysters out of the shell



None of your opinions are bad!

W build dehaka is by far his strongest build imo but only against the right comps

W build malthael is also pretty good. Very mobile. Q build is just better in most cases.

Roasted pineapple is just good. Tomatoes are a fruit and ppl forget that.

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I die less and do more damage with W, so it might be a me thing :person_shrugging:

But we put corn on our pizzas…

Fruit does not belong on pizza, unless it’s a Cici’s apple desert pizza.

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Pizza is gross :face_vomiting:
I have been on a keto diet for 2 months and it makes you skinny and gives you more energy.

This is a nightmare turned real.

Tomatoes are fruits.


That’s a hot take if I’ve ever seen one.

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Why should I care what other people put on their Pizza?

Why should other people care about what I put on my Pizza?

That being said, the best pizza I ever had (this was when I worked for Pizza Hut, so it wasn’t a menu item, it was something we came up with for our personal meals):

Thin crust, medium salsa (instead of Pizza sauce), onions, ground beef, cheese. Run it through the oven. After cooking, sour cream, shredded lettuce, black olives.

So good

Alfredo pizza only :sunglasses:

I think we need to go deeper to be truly controversial than pineapple. We should all admit that Italian (esp Neapolitan) pizza is inferior to pretty much every pizza out there, be it American (New York or Chicago style), the cheap ones made by Turkish immigrants everywhere in Europe or whatever. Glorifying the purity of toss some leftovers on bread dish eaten mostly by the poorer classes as some sort of higher art form frankly sickens me. Luxury is where it’s at!

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