Personal Rank and Favored Adjustments

Long Story short I placed this season Bronze 5 - 0 points. Currently facing a demotion from silver 5 to Bronze 1 after losing an entire half rank of two losses. This is due to the mounting Personal Rank Adjustment that is stacking as i climb. I am literally climbing in spite of the way ranked is. Started at -5, which was meh. Again this is Bronze 5 - 0 Points and it already is trying to push me LOWER. Currently at Silver 5 that amount is - 15-16 every game with the favored matchup usually going to the opposing team which at one point gave me a -48 on a loss, losing me 248 points. My usual gains of a win 175 and -225 on a loss. Meaning to climb I must keep a roughly 75% win rate to keep climbing. Please either go with an MMR system or remove the adjustments to gained/lost points please.

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coming soon in 2019. they have announced they are going to be showing MMR and removing ranked points. they also announced HL and TL merging back into one mode like it use to be years ago.

so just do your best that you can for now. when all this happens your highest rank out of the two modes is going to be what is taken.

Any idea about when these changes are supposed to take place?

not officially.
my guess would be next season (around march). though it could be the season after that if they find things just arent ready.

…but its been announced and it is coming. the only reason it wasnt in this season was they didnt want to release it as is and still needing work done. they knew it still needed things done and rather than rush it out they decided to hold off on it. which is good, we dont need a broken thing added.

If I’ve learned anything over the last few years with Blizzard, it’s don’t believe anything they say is “coming” until it’s actually deployed to the servers.

We still don’t have:

  • PBMM (even the worthless neutered version they’re now talking about)
  • Loss forgiveness
  • Live observer mode to watch friends
  • Visible MMR

Personal Rank Adjustment is the worst part of Ranked mode. I’ve played about 350 games this season and lost over 3000 points JUST due to personal rank adjustment, with an average of around -11 every single game right now. I would literally be 3 ranks higher without it.

It is severely broken and just results in additional frustration for most players. On the flip side, its broken in the other direction for some players. I have one friend that was getting +40 every match and climbed all the way to grandmaster with a win rate < 50%, because he was getting so many extra points every game.



they added that. it just was broken.
it is now going to be reintroduced as an informational tool.

this one they announced as coming so just keep waiting?

i dont remember them saying anything about this one, but maybe it was a point in the game i really wasnt paying much attention to that. kind of like clans. i really wasnt interested at the time.

tbh i would like the live obvserver mode. i have always thought that would be a great feature. clans on the other hand… meh.

again coming soon. go binge watch a few seasons of something to keep you occupied.

it has its moments of frustration for sure, but you have to think of it as a two edged thing. when its in your favor and you are getting like +10 points are you complaining then? no, you probably arent. you probably love having 210 points per game dont you? rank up faster. well the same goes for when you get less points too. you rank up slower.

now im not saying rank points adjustment system is good. i find it very annoying myself. especially since i have got it up to around the same level the OP has. that -30 to -40 level really kills you. :frowning:

here is actually a recap of the last Blizzcon Nubkeks did.

You know when youre trying to fast forward parts of the replay or reconnect? That for 5 minutes every time youd try to observe a game unless you join it at the same time they do.

Probably why we dont have it.

Engine thing if i remember it right.

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yes that would be the reason. reminds me of another thing. i wish they would allow turning off replays again. i mean its fine if you want to have it on and upload.

however, some ppl like me, actually remember what it was like when you could turn it off. you could actually get back into games faster since it didnt have to resync the replay as well as syncing back to everyone else while the game was still in progress.

I started in gold 3, with 0 personal adjustment. Now Im at Master 2500 with +25 personal afjustments.

But I kept on 80% win ratio through gold/plat (now at 65%) instead of whining on the forums about bad system.

Personal Rank Adjustment has ruined this game. It’s such a huge penalty or advantage to the point where climbing or falling is almost completely dependent on PRA.

When you get a negative PRA and you lose a placement, it takes 3 games to get back to previous rank. When you have positive PRA, it takes 2. Likewise it’s the difference between having 201 or 199 rank points before a loss, and getting a free game before demotion.

I’m currently -4000 rank points just due to PRA this season, as an example of how broken it is. Remove or fix it!!!

Its workig as intended. You get positive rank adjustment when you get good winning streak and win in games where enemy is favoured. I got +30 because in Gold and Plat I literally was having win streaks of 10-12 wins in a row.

Even after 10 game winning streaks its still -10 every game :frowning:

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Focus on increasing your actual hidden MMR not the useless visual rank. The PRA is just an indicator how far your hidden MMR is from your currently held rank.
-10 would be ~-3 divisions from what you see (so a diamond1 getting -10 means your mmr is still ~d4 (and you would get d4 if a new season started now and you finished 5-5 placements).

If you’re so triggered by the PRA, then calculate and write down your actual “rank” after every game and see the progress there.
P.S. There’s a difference between lost and won game’s PRA, add 3 points for “rank” calculations of lost games.

The sooner they stop this nonsense with dual system, where hidden number is the important one, the better. At least they actually promised to show MMR last year (instead of previous “we don’t show mmr, because it’s change is not stable and players are too dumb to understand it” (not these exact words, but very close to it)).

No. I cant confirm its broken. I got negative points after 10 winning streaks and negative points after 10 losing streaks. I get -7 or so points no matter what happens. Its broken as hell

They already use PRA in december 2017 and january 2018 to drop players in rank so their target % of player per rank become as expected instead of fixing the system

That was admitted in a blue post…

Anyway it will still give you negative if your hidden MMR is lower than visible rank