People like this make the community seem very toxic

Don’t care about Naming and shaming, Blizzard don’t ban these people anyway. These people destroyed the game and continue to do so and nothing is done about it. Ended with 28 Deaths of running it down from the start. But ya you will auto ban people for using pings too much to communicate with their team.
What a joke the Devs have become and Blizzard as a whole.
They have trashed the Blizzard name and every IP they have. Welcome to the new Blizzard. No wonder all the good Devs left.
i.imgur DOT com/YrEXSZk.png?1

Just checked his profile and he’s been doing this over 63 games and has a 7.3% Wr on Leoric. His entire match history is Leoric and losses because he’s doing this every game.

What? :rofl:
This is probably the LAST thing that affected HotS in a deadly way.

He’s still doing it, was on the other team this time. He’s up to 89 Games in a row just running to tower on Leoric and standing there respawning and dying over and over. I guess he hasn’t gotten 30 reports in 89 games yet. lol He’s at 5.6% WR from 7.3% yesterday.
Maybe he’s testing to see how quick Blizz will actually ban someone for this type of thing lol

This Leoric strategy actually works, though, if no one babysits him the entire match. He will slowly wear down the fort, then the keep. If you give up and let him do it, you can lose the match. It’s an extremely annoying tactic to counter, and when it doesn’t work it looks like trolling, but it can be effective.

Well it looks like it hasn’t worked for 89+ games he’s tried it… so I would say it’s nothing but trolling

Yup and he will be ignored. Best part is IF he was to ever get banned, he is just gonna go make a new account and do it all over again.

Screw the forts! Not worth it. Excessive feeding is the worst thing you can do in this game. Every death makes the enemy stronger and it doesn’t take much to swing things to their favor in a big way.