Party restrictions - "What do we do now?"

My friend and I play hots 3-4 times a week (~3-4 games per session) with a little more on the occasionally free weekends. We were plat/diamond. Now that we’ve hit master/diamond we cannot play together which makes us ask “What do we do now?”. Yes, we will try some unranked but it doesn’t feel the same.

We prefer ranked for 2 reasons. Games are played more strategically and with points they feel more impactful.

A simple post explaining a (edge?) case where party restrictions might not be perfected yet.

It is sad to say the only way for you two to play together is for the master to lose games and fall back into diamond. Blizzard really needs to rethink this system.

You can’t. You have to leave ranked lobbies and drop down in rank until you’re all Diamond 1 or lower.