Out of curiosity about. Tassadar Rework

same here i’m waiting on his release to the public and yeah these whiners are living in a bubble unfortunately…

that’s correct sylvanas got reworked into ranged assassin too not just like other specialists who were just changed from specialist into assassins! i forgot about that

oh god i hated old sylvanas people were just afk pushing nonstop glad it was changed to the better now!


I expected having harder hitting psy storm, a non beam AA, psy storm giving a pulse of energy that could burst with an AA for additionnal or aoe damage.
Shields that would not give defensive but offensive buffs.
Oracle giving a spell boost with some talents.

I was ready to lose one ability, be it shield or E or even force wall.
Did not expect losing two abilites while keeping that god damn horrible beam auto attack.

What I quoted here is a post from Oct 2018, generally as a carry-over from the old forum transition. I could post any number of topics made by drlogan to find a myriad of responses where the sentiment that tassadar is in need of change.

However, part of the long standing issue with that is [people] generally don’t actually agree on specifics, but they’ll say they agree on a change being needed. And since they just want to ‘petition’ for change, it doesn’t leave much to imagine a wanted solution.

Wayback when the herald avatar of Tassadar had occasions of saying he doesn’t like being a bot or co-dependent hero when playing Tassadar. While he has since made posts to retract those statements, the general papertrail can be seen that some posters flip-flop on their position regarding what Tass is, what he should do, and what a rework could entail. In effect, people were being oblivious to the paradox they were demanding.

However, as aptly put by Jalosjetz wayback when, the issue was absurd and people are just going to upset themselves regardless of what the change ends up being; “templars don’t shield” “mages don’t support” “his enabling is problematic” and so on.

The general expressed concern is people wanted Tassadar to be “buffed” a more viable pick on when on a team, but to not be an HGC problematic meta-killer. The general gripes get voiced that his shields (or the lifesteal) were problematic, and he didn’t feel sufficiently independent of other heroes to live up to his unit fantasy.

So in the pile of topics I could pull and cite on just the newer forums (some as carry-over from older forum sentiments) the general view could be seen that people essentially blamed shields, but now some of them effectively stockholm-syndromed themselves into loving old Tassadar.


For me this is the same as Tassadar role change now (so he is not the first case)
That’s my point

Edit: also I kinda liked old Sylvanas and am abysmally bad with the new one tehe :blush:

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Any change will be stressfull. Even if HGC comeback, some people will hate something about it.

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I missed a point where I was ungreatful to developers for their rework.

i’m sorry not to be rude or something but as i read you’re saying that you’re “shocked” that he’s reworked while you were well aware that he’s going to be reworked. how’s that?

I asked for it alongside lots of people. You can check here, reddit or youtube. I remember I made a comment 3 years ago on a youtube video about it.

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I too signed those petitions today on reddit, to help people who want to retain some shielding on him. But the votes were pretty crushing and people apparently don’t even want the hybrid.

There isn’t much else to do now but accept it. It’s pointless pestering the devs now.

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Tyrande was changed from a non-healer hero into a solo-healer. Back then, the role was called “support” and changed to clarify the role of heroes to then be “healers”. So tyrande went from a support, to a support, to a healer.

Abathur was a specialist with limited ally-assist capabilities. Those have since been reworked to be baseline and he’s now a support.

While some would say they don’t match Tassadar in the changes done, Tyrande has had her heroics reworked, a baseline ability changed, and a dramatic overhaul of her talents to the point it outright removed playstyles.

The next closest changes would be role-shuffles rather than changes as a couple of bruiser-classed heroes were buffed to enable full on tank potential. The foremost examples of that being Arthas, Tyrael and Blaze; however, since the game has needed more main tanks, those shifts have been more favorably considered with a slight exception regarding Tyrael as some people still think of unit buffs, shielding and a lack of baseline hard cc more indicative of a support, rather than a tank.

Xul has otherwise also been given enough a rework that changes his “role”, though some of that is kinda less on the rework itself, and closer to how players found how to use him. The shift to his in-combat sustain makes him far more functionally a bruiser than a melee ‘specialist’ or ‘assassin’ and the dynamics of the damage he can soak has been a sore spot for fans that claim he doesn’t live up to the D2 necromancer fantasy.

Thrall was initially cast as support hero, but that kit ended up becoming Rehgar, so people don’t have the direct experience of spending years playing thrall as a healer. However, the role diversification shift had Thrall change from a melee assassin to a bruiser with aspects of his kit tuned to give him better durability and self-healing. Some of those changes are still ongoing.

So, Tyrael, Tyrande, Abathur, Thrall and Xul are the more pronounced heroes that have been reworked into a different role.

Some might argue that they don’t count, but if the question is have heroes changed roles from a rework, then yes, other heroes have changed.

Some people disliked the Tyrande changes, were fear-mongered by the Abathur ones, feel Xul doesn’t live up to his play fantasy (not enough standing back and free-summoning units akin to zagara) and otherwise think Tyrael needs more, but yea, other heroes have changed roles before.


The tass rework bad/good contreversy boils down to people who liked tass more for the lore, and people who liked him more for the kit. People who liked him for lore like the rework, people who liked the kit dont.


you’ll always find people liking / disliking things no matter what. i don’t see why tassadar is an exception here tbh and why he should be treated better than other heroes… people acting as if it’s new to happen and tassadar is the first victim or whatever they consider that~ sylvanas change wasn’t accepted by some and was accepted by some. people enjoyed her as the “afk pusher” other’s enjoyed her the way she became which is a ranged assassin etc… you can’t satisfy everyone

Its more than just a simple change from support to assassin.

The issue goes much deeper than this.
But to put it simply , the PTR tassadar feels like someone who had never played SC or barely know what a protoss is worked on this.

It generally feels off.
Yes some aspect is well made but some of the other things feels absolutely wrong .

I did a review on the PTR tassadar.

I go over every skill and talents and in the end explain why i personally have an issue with it.

I really don’t think many people are just now getting upset about it. If you play a niche hero and you know they’re getting a rework that could potentially turn their play style upside down, it almost feels like a betrayal when it finally comes. Like, everyone complains about them being terrible because they don’t play them and now they’re going to turn into a totally different hero so that the masses can be happy rather than their pre-existing fan base.

Tassadar mains had a very specific play style before this patch, and now it’s practically like they lost their main with nothing to make up for it. They’re going to complain. Anyone who is joining them probably feels bad because their complaints are legitimate.

Tassadar mains who enjoyed playing him as he is before the rework were probably not “excited” about it, but rather were not looking forward to it. You can’t really do anything about it before the rework is out in the open, because you don’t know for sure yet if what you feared would happen would actually happen.


Times change. This was for the better. He didn’t lose his identity, he gained it back. he was always supposed to be a mage. Now he truly feels like a high templar. Before he was nothing more than a Sentry, and that is not Tassadar. Now enough with the pitty garbage.


I like how people go, “Wah, he’s just another mage” but how many mages have force wall as a basic ability? lol.

I can think of a million ways I’ll use force wall AND a heroic to set up some awesome plays for my team.

I haven’t been this excited for a rework after a while. Honestly, I wasn’t even excited for it until I played him on PTR and was like, “wow, that is fun!”


exactly my reaction… they don’t even bother thinking out of their bubble…

maybe it’s time for me to make a thread asking for Nova reworks and when she get’s it i’ll say no thank you i didn’t ask for a rework in the first place! :rage:

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I’ve just had so many favorites ‘reworked’ into iterations I don’t enjoy anymore so to me, it is what it is and I’ve accepted it. Which is why I’m full throttle on the rework and those who don’t like the rework can just pick a new favorite hero like I had to.

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Nova was changed she used to be better etc… did i stop playing her? nope is she worse than before? nope. i gave her a chance i didn’t like what they did to her etc but that doesn’t mean i won’t play her anymore she’s still my favourite hero so far with sylvanas but would i like a Nova rework? hell yes and i would accept it no matter what rather than deny that i was asking for a rework you know what i mean?


I get that. Nova used to be my favorite but the playstyle just seems to generic now, compared to before, that I’ve lost interest but yeah, I’d love a rework for Nova.

I think the issue is that people who loved this iteration of tassadar are rebelling rather than actually not liking the rework. Exceptions for support and healer mains because they can’t carry out that role anymore on this particular hero but it’s like come on, how many people can say they are tassadar mains?

You can probably count them on one hand.

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