Orphea?! not like this! #toosoon

Having Orphea forced onto our character roster was like meeting someone I at first thought I MIGHT be interested in being in a relationship with, only to have them pucker up and force themselves onto me before we even agree to go out on a first date!!

Twas unprofessional to add a character that had so little writing behind them to the game.

Not saying it never would have been good to add Orphea, only that adding her only a few months after we even know she exists (I mean what, we only see her in like 3 short comics?) and creating a short cinematic as if that was enough, was not a good call.

Should have given everyone time to get to know her better. There was no need to rush things


I agree. Three comics isn’t enough to establish her in the game.

That said, I wouldn’t have minded her release if it wasn’t a blizzcon announcement, especially since it was the only hero announced


Like half the SC heroes have literally zero background at all though- they are simply units given a name. There’s no story behind them, no personality- they just suddenly appeared in the Nexus as their first appearance ever.

Consider that Tracer was added before OW even came out.

Also- while you may lament that there’s only 3 comics and a cinematic- the Raven Lord whom she is tied to has been developed for some time, and some would say the opposite, that ‘3 comics and a cinematic is too much time spent on a character Blizz, we lost a raid tier cuz of this!’.

Or whatever it is we complain that we’ve lost cuz Blizz did a thing in this game.


This is my main problem with her, i kind of can live with nexus original hero but i need to know that hero, i dont read comics, i dont like that format, let me meet her in event in game or let her replace for some time an annoucers so i can understand her motivations and character. before you releese hero you need to properly establish him/her


Except those units were pretty iconic, and some of them (like Siege Tank and Medic)do have very distinct personalities (which Hammer and Morales completely fail/don’t even try to capture).

So in my opinion, iconic is the key word, and heroes can be iconic because of gameplay reasons as much as lore, but Orphea had neither.

Except tracer had still been established trough cinematics and comics (just like Orphea), as well as the OW website. Besides, she is a lot less “generic looking” than Orphea (and than most of the OW cast, really), which helps her become iconic faster/easyer IMO.
Not to mention, Tracer was already pretty well established and iconic to OW beta, and especially alpha, players.

@OP: I completely agree it was too soon. With the level of development the character had, she was barely more iconic to HotS than “Conrad the rebel leader” was to TLV2, or Sven to OW.


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I’d say Orphea is pretty iconic- considering how much people are talking about her, and how everyone seems to know who she is and where she came from.

Then you have Hammer, Morales, Probius who I honestly don’t recall in the slightest. What’s their story again? What’s their big defining moment? How well established are their characters?

Oh right- nothing at all. Hammer’s a girl in a tank they made up. Morales is a girl with a heal canon they made up.

I guess if they’d said ‘oh yeah, Orphea is a twilight cultist from WoW’ then all this outrage wouldn’t be here huh?


Probably :stuck_out_tongue:

Joke aside, people would still complain “why this nobody instead of ?!?!”.
Oh, and also “why only one hero reveal at Blizzcon?!!”. That bit was a let down for me.

But Hammer/Morales/Probius/Blaze/Lunara and so on are on a different situation: As someone mantioned, they’re based on iconic units.

To illustrate why it’s different, I’ll reword it:
Nobody was saying “I wish I could play as Lt. Morales” before she was released, but some were saying “I wish I could play a Starcraft Medic” (there were several concepts and requests in the Suggestions forums, for example)

On the other hand, do you think anybody was thinking “I wish I could play a relative of the Tribute guy”? Personally, I don’t recall seeing that (which doesn’t mean it wasn’t the case, but still).


Yet there’s many threads of people who are interested in playing Orphea, many who like the addition.

Many where saying it was going to happen when she was introduced, and the Raven Lord has been around for years now- and is clearly being developed as the main antagonist for HotS.

I know there are people who don’t want her- but since introduced I think it’s clear there’s a market for her, and many who are hoping that this means HotS is going to get more serious about having its own lore.

Of course, there’s also many who do not want her or HotS to be anything more than an arena for Blizz heroes- but if we went off of what people don’t want, then we’d never get another OW hero.

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Probius was the Probe from the LoV cinematic. Morales and Hammer are co-op announcers.

It’s not much, and certainly not as much as Orphea got, but it’s something.

This doen’t count, because they were added to HotS first, and to SC2 Coop after that.

That depends on wether you consider twilight cultist iconic in WoW.

Unlike, say, Deathwing, most heroes that aren’t in the game yet would only be known to people who actually were already into the lore they come from, Orphea is no exception.

So some people who weren’t so much into that specific lore are going to complain. For example, there were a bunch of people who complained about Yrel and Whitemane being “nobodies” that “no one asked for”.

My problem with Orphea is that she wan’t well established even in that lore, and the only way I personaly find it acceptible to add a new hero with no lore behind them is if they represent an iconic class or unit that was well established in their source lore.

In other words, I personaly think it was too soon for Orphea because I’m close-minded that way :stuck_out_tongue:


Orphea is fine (just read the comics if you already haven’t
 still i was rooting for the lady of thorns to be the first original character) just worried if she just power crept Gul’dan and Mephisto at the same time.

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I have to agree that she should have been given more time for people to be acquainted with her as an individual or at least as a representation of something iconic as others have said. Releasing her without either of those criteria is kind of a slap in the face to fans who’ve been waiting for years for Blizz to finally release a hero that could have filled that role before they ever gave Orphea a comic.

I’ve said before that a lot of this could be solved with a PvE mode that gives a place to stick HotS lore in-game, where more players will see it. Even if it’s largely the other WC3 custom map “archetypes” centered on Heroes, it’d still have some noticable value to build up characters where players can see them

aw yeah let me dig into that deep Morales/Murky/Hammer/Brightwing/ETC/Butcher/Blaze/Probius/Stitches backstory and lore

such rich narratives

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Playing with iconic units for years > 3 comics a minority of the playerbase will see

units are not characters, characters are characters

their loss

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those characters are representations of units
their entire purpose is to be “the siege tank” or “the dryad” and such. They’re essentially there because you can’t put a literal non-hero in this game.

It’s how things are for better or worse. Most people don’t do “extra” stuff (i.e., doing more than just playing ) for games. It’d be a lot better if the comics were viewable in the actual game. I think blizz really needs to start integrating the nexus lore into the game.

okay but they still don’t have big draws besides “that’s the thing!! wow!!!” until the aftermath of “okay i like their dialogue and quotes”, they don’t come in with any character. they’re just tokens

like i wanted a Starcraft firebat hero to be Gui Montag from Starcraft just because that’s a pre-established name and if he acted and spoke like Vinny from the Atlantis movie that’d be bonus points, but i’m not gonna put Blaze up on a pedestal in comparison to Orphea while barking about how he’s got such a rich narrative and Orphea doesn’t

I guess? Really, it’s about a reason to care about the hero, not necessarily the lore or anything. People are very familiar with units they’ve played with in other games They’ve had lots of fun with those units. They hit the nostalgia buttons for people. They enjoy seeing those units. They’ve come to enjoy the way it looks, attacks,ect.
this is all a much bigger deal in an RTS where all your interactions involve units.

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I recently realized I have a bad case of double standards, because my most wanted hero for the game is Kyle “Blackthorne” Vlaros, and Orphea is infinitely more iconic and well established than Kyle to most people.

So, fine, I’ll admit Orphea is fine and has mpore than enough lore behind her to be included now (since I’m not prepared to admit the opposite about Kyle :stuck_out_tongue:)