OMG Ragnaros is a bruiser?

What I said includes picking “shifting meteor” Lvl 1.

Even though you can change the trajectory once, the meteor still only explodes at the very end. If you could trigger the explosion yourself, it would be a different story. But you can’t. Even just standing still after the shift allows a target to avoid it.

Look at it this way. Giant Scorcher deals 9% health, and has a 4 seconds cooldown. Meteor bomb has a 12 seconds cd. (Also, your Q cd can be lowered, but your W cannot)

So in the same time that you use meteor once, You hit with Q three times. Which means 27% of a hero’s health plus the baseline damage of Q.

At level 16, With Q quest completed, that’s about 1323 dmg with Giant Scorcher on ETC. With W, the damage varies a lot. You can hit the dummy for about 1240 dmg if you line it up perfectly. But since no hero in the game has a stun that’s over 3 seconds long (Except maybe Mosh pit) you can’t pull that off in reality (But even then, a Q build double hit on multiple targets with giant scorcher would still get you massive damage in an AoE)

For blast echo, the exploding meteor can’t compare to the utility from two talented E’s in my opinion.

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I was flamed hard recently in a qm match for not going meteor build. We had no range damage dealers at all. But i went q because i honestly felt like that wouldn’t have made a difference. Meteor cd is to long wish it had cdr than i would use it more.
Prefer blast wave or sulfuras builds.

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Yeah, I really wish meteor would have a shorter cooldown for such a clunky slow moving skill shot. Or some sort of cooldown reduction quest baseline.

well really i fare better with w, however as i said before ragnaros can mold to any situation. maybe my situations were different than urs. therefore i cannot conclude what is better, but if u find q build more successful u can play with it. if u can even i would be happy to watch gameplay of u with it. :smiley:

no more necromancy.

Ragnaros is looked down upon so much because people just mindlessly build Q on him in situations where it makes no sense. like 95% of the time people choose Ragnaros in QM and build melee against a team with massive CC chains and then complain. You can always just build meteors which allows for a pretty nice chunk of safe damage.

Rag lives and dies by his trait and smash. Smash does as much dmg as the darn kael pyro. You land that on some low hp target and its as good as dead(unless enemy has mediv or uther).

Also his trait. Popping that in tf is a sure loss for enemy.I once won a match by telling my team to engage 4 vs 5 on GoT on enemy side and using it on fort on their backline.Did like 60% of enemy whole team hp with that use(also killed one assassin by landing all of my skills on him in like 1 sec).

The main problem is ppl go q build. That build is bad. Or more like if you go that build there are stronger heroes that do the same as that build. Like the darn malth.

His best build is full e build. If you think that build wont work then DONT PICK HIM.As for meteor. Well kael,guldan and KZ do the same thing only like 5 times better.

E build slows enemy shields you, gives the target speed and does all that twice in lvl 16. That is a lot of sustain in tf.

Just make sure you got someone to help landing smash ulti(that 40% slow rly helps but aint a 100% land so hard cc is better). Best is prb taunt var but most tanks can do that.

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I wasn’t talking about the builds. Just Lvl 16 specifically. There are games where I go meteor build, but I still don’t pick meteor bomb at 16.

Sometimes some talents are skill intensive, and they don’t get picked at lower levels, but perform well at higher leagues when used by better players. Meteor bomb however has the lowest pick rate at every ranks, from Bronze to masters. (The pick rate is actually a bit lower at masters)

I’m kind of mad that they put this talent at 16 (or that it exists at all) because Rag doesn’t have much power spikes at level up compared to most heroes. And this makes him effectively have only two talents at that level.

W is safer, but it’s not super efficient due to the long cooldown of meteor, and how unreliable the skillshot is. Without a diver on your team, securing kills is difficult. Also, often in QM, you’re the ONLY frontline on the team. So you pretty much have to go Q, or you have less sustain and less damage. And you end up with a team of backliners against a team that has some frontline.

it’s not unreliable unless you’re not used to skillshots. it’s very easy to build damage with it quickly and the full build can also burn down structures VERY quickly. The only reason why Q would be better is if you’re against a team with little ability to CC chain or screw you up at close range (which is obviously why you should be building Q in that situation in the first place).

it strongly depends as the Meteor Explosion talent can make it pretty easy to secure kills, especially against squishier teams.

This is what’s called building incorrectly for the situation. I understand WHY you think this way as it’s one of the traps of QM. if your team doesn’t have a frontline then having someone like Q Ragnaros isn’t going to save you from a CC chain heavy team. you have to build to your team’s strengths, not build only to compensate for a role you might be missing.

This actually happened in one of MFPALLYTIME’s games recently. a Ragnaros went full Q build against a CC chain heavy team and blamed his hero for being bad when Meteor would have been far superior and allowed him damage without getting destroyed constantly. People fall into QM traps far too often and forget that building+ strategizing for your teams strengths will win games.

When a skillshot deals almost no damage on a non-moving target, and it’s a slow moving projectile, (Like Malthael’s death shroud) it’s not exactly a reliable source of damage, nor hard to avoid. Those things have about the speed of continental drift.

Also, I’m not usually looking for sieging power at lvl 16 with Ragnaros, unless I didn’t pick lava wave, which is rare.

The only way to “Quickly” deal damage with a 12 second cd ability, is if it bursts. Which Meteor doesn’t.

I’m not a pro player. But when Playing against Ragnaros, I don’t find it hard to avoid meteor. Even when you can shift it, it will slowly move in a straight line, and you know exactly where the explosion will be.

I may personally die less when I go meteor in QM against another bruiser. But my team tends to die more, as every target the enemy have are squishy back liners.

But it doesn’t originate from you, nor have to move directly away from you, like Malthael’s Death Shroud.


Bruh, you smell like ash, go clean yourself.

i mean, true.

for u at least.

lemme say something: if you say u fare better with Q and E more, play em. i fare better with W to be honest. and im serious i RARELY TO EVER regret picking W talent at 16. as i said before:


ragnaros is very confusing in terms of talents, builds,comps, and maps. for me i think that cause i am lvl 400 MAYBE in qm i am playing with noobs ( even tho we can easily see 1500+ in every match like. 3 or 4 of em)

soo MAYBE he is suffering in high ranks. and MAYBE he truly is better with Q and E builds. but for me. i am doing awesome with W, and the proof is all the winning matches i had with him. even in losing matches i do quite the pressure, but as i said since im not high lvl or league i tend to see noobs u cannot even IMAGINE IN UR WILDEST DREAMS. im serious in my lvl of play i can expect an AI leaver/TOXIC/etc… in every match.

needless to say just play ur way and imma play mine. it suits me well to play W and it suits u otherwise. as i said if u can i would be ECSTATIC if we can see replays. i respect ur thread and note ur opinion, however i cant see the light in ur words due the major differences we have :stuck_out_tongue:


  • believe it or not, saying stuff in ragnaros-ian is quite lit. try it , and yes he is propably the most bad*** guy in WoW. other than broxigar…
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I’m diamond 3 EU player and I’ve came back to playing ragnaros recently, especially on Storm League and that’s simply because he counters falstad, got one of best waveclear (if not the best) in the game and is really underrated, double soaking as Rag is just lovely.

In case of builds, he doesn’t have a weak one, that’s for sure.
He’s totally talent dependant, and talents should depend on enemies not yourself.

Q build is very very good, gives you some heals, loads of dmg (9% of target HP additional dmg over 3 sec with 2 sec cd after hitting at least 2 enemy heroes on lvl 16 just melts tanks) but you need at least 2 or 3 front liners on enemy team otherwise you wont get cdr and much value out of it, also stuns will remind you of how squishy you are. At the same time, why would you pick Rag to melt tanks? Good Tychus or Malthael are doing the job way better than Rag unless you need a lot of waveclear or someone to babysit murky/falstad.

W build gives you loads of ranged dmg, it’s really fun and very therapeutic when enemy is just running on the meteor and you can literally see them melt, spell shield is also nice but by going W you’re losing what you could have by going Q or E so the main question is why would you pick Rag if you need ranged dmg? just pick a mage.

E build is personally my favourite, waveclear is just insane, double soaking is literally enjoyable, way more dmg than you think especially in tfs, on lvl 16 you’ve got two explosions, both give you shield for 100% dmg dealt which believe me is to be or not to be, if you will take AA dmg talent on 13 you’ve got way more dmg than you think, E also gives you speed boost, explosion slows enemy speed and on 16 you’ve got it twice) I love playing E rag against Zera (he’s always lurking about, same with valeera) or tracer, just E on target she’s focusing and she won’t know where to run because range of E is bigger than her AA range.
People just don’t like E build, please test it on your own. You can pull so much AoE dmg in tfs it’s insane.

Smash isn’t a bad ulti, especially vs Anduin, it deals like 60% of his hp + stun.

Good luck :slight_smile:

I’m guessing we both pick lava wave most of the time. Or are you more S. smash?
(Lava wave makes inexperienced players lose without them even knowing why)

Having my soul out of my body actually sounds pretty interesting.

You can also counter Fal with Dehaka. You teleport faster than he flies, so you can stay in the lane a bit longer.

That’s true, but falstad can’t do much vs ragnaros otherwise he will get killed,
Dehaka counters him only soak wise and that he’s a global.

depends really. low level nuubs tend to forget team fighting when drafting, so i actually mostly end up picking sulfuras just cause we suck at teamfighting. and on the other hand overrate sololaning. like. ik its very strong and benefitial BUT CAN U AT LEAST PARTICIPATE WHEN THIS OBJ WILL MAKE US WIN OR LOSE >:{

Interesting. I actually don’t have positive trades against Falstad unless the player is bad and pushes his luck.

When I’m Falstad against Dehaka, I just Poke with Q and W and the occasional AA. I’m never in range of any of Dehaka’s abilities.

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