OMG Ragnaros is a bruiser?

Experience comes in more forms than just hero level. You can play with or against said character and still net understanding of how they play, what role they fill, which heroes do they compliment, etc. I’ve only just begun to try Valeera recently, but I have a great understanding of how she plays and how I can counter play her because a friend of mine played her almost exclusively once she was released. My level with her was zero for quite a while, and yet I knew when her power spikes were, relative burst, etc. Taking the time to understand how the general community might play the character through builds, guides, or even a Reddit discussion isn’t worth nothing, it’s part of learning. No one of these things is necessarily enough on it’s own, but you still wanted to judge me by just my level with the character, or discredit me otherwise. I will continue to point out that that is a very flawed approach to how knowledge and information works.

Oof, so it must just be inexperience, and it’s totally not worth your time? You didn’t address how you made a large miscalculation in gauging Rag’s shield capabilities in a Blast Wave build, and you didn’t address log information that contradicted your claims of the build being bad, even though I provided the link for said logs. Guess you just didn’t need to defend your argument from inexperience.

You’re either too stubborn to admit being wrong, or just a boring troll.

MVP black was running him quite a bit to great success over the last few years. His blow-up potential with crowd control is fantastic – especially on Tomb of the Spider Queen. I believe he even came out in the grand finals a few times.

I’ll look it up.

At the very least I’ll see some non-lava wave play.

The basic tenant to “Rag is a bruiser” seems to be “go Q build.” Sorry, but if you have to go a certain build to be considered a certain role, you’re not that role, or at BEST you’re multiclass. Go W build and he becomes a ranged mage. And I think realistically, even going Q, he’s mostly a melee assassin.

Having played Rag a bunch, and having gotten paired up against actual bruisers, he’s easily the weakest of that pack. He can’t 1v1 any of them effectively unless they’re bad, and he certainly could never front-line in a game without a true tank (where-as the majority of the new “bruisers” could).

His sustainability is weak unless he goes Q, and even then he still is out-performed as a bruiser in any toe-to-toe matchup.

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Just watched the “Leftovers vs Vegan Dumplings” playoff game from two days ago.

Ragnaros was picked by Leftovers in the 3rd game. Keep in mind, Leftovers was the favorite, and by far the better team. Kills were 30 to 5 for leftovers. And Ragnaros was 3 of those five kills.

Though they did send him solo bot in the early game, he wasn’t picked for being a good solo laner. They normally don’t pick Rag for the solo lane.

He was simply the only hero that could work with the Stitches kidnap combo and still solo lane. (Basically, Stitches gorges someone, Medhiv portals him away, and as the hero comes out, Rag throws Sulfuras smash to secure the kill)

They played him alongside two tanks (Stitches, MalGanis), otherwise, the front line would have been too weak.

He is a melee burst assassin. He isn’t a bruiser because there is no survivability/defensive options in his kit (no, talents don’t count, everyone has those). He has high burst damage and good macro play balanced by his low survivability and lack of mobility.

fun fact. On release, they nearly classified ragnaros as a specialist. I’m guessing they didn’t specifically because he’s more of a “defensive” laner than an offensive one. I wouldn’t find it too tragic if they played to this more - i.e. perhaps allowing his E to be cast on allied towers, causing their next attack to be a fort attack or something…

Pretty sure Malthael is a bruiser under the new system.

He most certainly does not beat Sonya, her surviabilty with whirlwind requires either stuns or mage level burst to break, she is top tier in the bruiser category aside from stuns because of said self heal

I personally wouldn’t call him balanced. He’s rarely ever picked because he’s so limited. If he could be everything he would constantly be picked or banned.


literaly last post i saw was how to play ragnaros, and i gave a good answer:

i will clarify that, he propably is THE BEST sololaner out there, given the fact i sometimes KILL other great sololaners with my health and mana to the full. he is AWESOME if u play him right bruh. even on the op side must say, but its cause many fail to live to the expectations to the fireord, he was buffed slightly in health.


and i must agree varian is a red flag for ragnaros, but isnt he the red flag to all heroes in a 1 vs 1? with twin blades?

as for sonya, well sonyas tend to go to team fights most of early game, so i cannot really clarify, but i defeated sonyas with ragnaros in a 1 vs 1, its not imposible, just REALLY HARD XD. and yes some luck that the sonya is bad may be needed XD but other than that really ragnaros can do INSANE dmg to single targets with some talents ( best are w talents for sonya) and other than that, he can roflstomp any other hero that sololanes against him.

this man gets it. UR THE ONLY PERSON WHO SAID WHAT I SAID :smiley:

i thought nobody knew.

lets be best friends

nobody realizes that. which is why it has come to surprise to u. even on high levels of play i rarely see him. its kinda weird why nobody knows but believe me he can do stuff. and if ur really lvl 51 with him, u gotta be kidding me. either ur playing wrong or the comps u were with were unfortunate ( which is impossible cause as i said he molds to almost any comp) soo we are left with 1 possibillity dood. sorry.

besides, as i said up here i said lets make him a hard hero, well if u really think he is weak, we can buff him, i mean why would i decline to buff my fav hero a bit :smiley: . BUT DONT U DARE SAY HE NEEDS A REWORK. DONT.U.DARE. IF THAT HAPPENS AND IT IS VERY DIFFERENT IM QUITTING THE GAME AND I SWEAR THIS.

More like lvl 20 necromancer bruh
Thats a tasty 2 months dead thread, delicious! :hocho: :dragon:

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i love old things, theyre precious XD

Oh I wouldn’t say that. Slows, roots and stuns spell your death. No other bruiser is as afraid of CC as Ragnaros (Except Artanis, but I find him pretty weak too). You can’t challenge any ranged hero, you don’t deal enough damage to scare tanks (Johanna can even take away your Sustain)

Because of the wave clear Lava wave provides, they keep his team fighting options low. And Molten core is no longer as good as it was since people figured out it was better to attack it than to run away from it. You know exactly where Rag will re-appear.

I have to disagree. I have yet to see him picked as solo laner in any Division S game. Even getting picked period is pretty rare.

Yeah, I’m not inclined to believe that all the pros are idiots who can’t recognize which characters are good and which aren’t. When something is good, people play it. When I play against Ragnaros, he doesn’t give me any trouble. I target him in team fights because he has no way to defend himself.

If I have to pick a Solo laner, I’d rather go leoric and entomb ppl to death, being able to combo with my allies and STILL having an escape (with unstoppable no less). Blast wave is one of the most horrible ability in the game. Why would you put AoE and move speed on the same talent? It puts the ability at odds with itself.

The more I rank up, the less I play Ragnaros. He works best against inexperienced players. And drafting him is easy because no one will pick him.

i gotta say that u arent wrong, but the thing is that with ragnaros i always keep my distance in teamfights, like a ranged assassin, that can hold his own for a bit against divers. maybe it’s why u dislike him. as i said maybe not everyone knows how to cope with him. but since i have fared awesomely well with him, getting one of the HIGHEST win rates, and usually upvoted alot. i will assume that u do know how to play him, but it’s more challenging for u to activate his potential. just remember that keeping ur distance as well as poking as much as possible will be very helpful in lanes and teamfights. i see ragnaros players diving in teamfights, which is horribly wrong. in teamfights just poke enemies with (w) and help out allies with (e). when the tides start going ur favor go closer and dish out more dmg, this pressure will surely prove useful. i think its why w build for me is most pickes/most successful cause the poke of it can ( sometimes) do as much dmg as a pyroblast.

mo’ dmg meteor per hero hit+ exploding meteor + longer meteor that can be directed + spell armor = INSANE dmg to backlines.

i wont blame u he can be confusing, but following the general rules of keeping safe will bail u out. its again why i say make him hard/legendary.

keep playing him and hope for the best i guess :fire::fire::fire:

I consistently have the least deaths in my games. I don’t think I need to learn how to keep safe. Storm league reset everything, but my win rate as Rag used to be 68%. It’s currently 61% in unranked.

W build is a talent path you take when you have no choice, because the front line is too dangerous for you. But it’s damage is not that great. It’s always going to be worse than if you were playing a mage.

Also, I never pick meteor bomb Lvl 16. And I would not recommend it to anyone. It needs an enemy hero to be at the very end of the meteor’s path to actually do anything. And both other talents, Giant Scorcher and Blast echo, are Rag’s biggest power spike. You shouldn’t sacrifice them for a talent that’s unreliable.

if you don’t spec meteor he is.
If you take Empower Sulfaras talents he’s a self-sustain bruiser in the vein of twin-blades Varian that can chain self-heals in teamfights where he’s enabled, if you take blast wave talents he becomes a tankier Illidan who’s inescapable and does big dives on the enemy team (level 1 talent that nearly doubles blast wave dmg, the talent that gives you a free second one and the talent that gives a shield for all blast wave dmg is stupid stronk when you can blastwave the whole enemy team)
TBH the level 1 meteor talent is a trap talent in that using meteor is so incongruous with the rest of his kit that they might as well make “can’t use empower sulfaras or blast wave all game” an official part of that talent


which is why we pick quest early game, cause it then becomes a tool of destruction. better than the other 2 in my games.