Non-Participation - Change my mind

You can’t measure how serious others are and everyone has his own relative opinion about how serious they are and how serious others should be. In the end it doesn’t really matter - what matters is the performance of players.

It’s not the same people who play QM and ranked with the same mindset just because you meet players who act the same way in both modes. There are already a lot of players who don’t play ranked because they don’t like the pressure and being a tryhard/playing with other tryhards. Then there are players who are tryharding even in QM/URD…

I don’t think it makes sense to dictate the mental state of players, like how they should think about the game modes and how serious and how tryhard they have to be. Especially when we use relative words that don’t really have a meaning with more context or absolute values. Who are you to be said person that defines how other players should think?

Who judges if a person is reducing the chance of victory?
This just means the same thing again: If i think you are reducing the chance of victory → report.
I think it’s almost impossible to truthfully judge every player correctly, sorry.

Some requirements are sound : prepicking, not saying gg the first minute or not healing because salty.
I would agree with not being afk but with the long queues and the absence of a ready check button it is not always possible in HL and something Blizz can resolve (the button thing).
The tank and heal problem is the whole team issue , picking tank or heal should be resolved mid draft.
Bad plays are bound to happen, getting banned for a mistake would mean people would be banned for every loss they get and assessing good or bad play is sometimes subjective too.
I stand corrected , playing 5 man TL is the closer of what you want.

I’m talking about big things that make a game unwinnable. Statistically, teams with no tank/healer lose more vs teams with them.

Blizzard is making hero roles more specific and they are trying to implement a preferred role indicator for draft modes which is definitely a step in the right direction and it also adds leverage to the argument that they want to change the ranked culture and promote having a valid team comp

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Depends , prefering to play tank and healer may not guarantee better matches for those guys.
I would find it hillarious if everyone prefers playing assassin because they don’t want to heal or tank for bads and get better matches not choosing those roles .

No, but at least a player like myself who prefers damage dealers but is very adaptable, will see nobody wants to tank right away and play one.

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And they said i was a tryhard becouse i refused to stay in base in a 4 - 32 ToD.

I think you are looking too deep into it, but if you feel comfortable just report and move on. Theres no need to create such a drama post unless you wanna loose that finger, right? :hocho:

PS: btw we won ;).

If they give up, specially on ToD, I’d report afk/non-participation. The report feature is there so the community can choose what is acceptable or not. I specified what I deem to not be acceptable behavior in a ranked game. If we were all on board with that, we would legit cleanse ranked of players who deliberately reduce their team’s chances of victory and we would create better games in the future once the culture around ranked play changes.

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Of course!

This happens. It doesn’t happen often, but it can happen. When you have to sit in queue for lots of minutes to find a match, many things can happen that might force you to get out of your chair and it really sucks to stop the queue. Imagine you are sitting there waiting for 15 minutes to find a match and suddenly you have to go to the bathroom. Even if you take a couple minutes on the bathroom, it could be enough for you to miss a ban. While it sucks to miss the first ban, it’s not the end of the world. If the player miss all 3 bans, it’s literally that he will get kicked from the match for being afk (unless it’s TL, blizz change this with the new storm league please). If he misses the 3 bans, then I’d think about reporting, but maybe I wouldn’t. But reporting for missing a ban, that’s overreacting.

While this sucks (and I also hate it), this is not non-participation. Non-participation is not “someone did something I don’t agree with”. Non-participation = afk/not afk but staying in base or doing nothing for a good amount of the match.

Same as above. No one is required to pick a hero because it is best for the comp/it is needed to fit a standard comp. Again, it sucks when someone does that, but this is neither reportable nor non-participation.

While it sucks to have that teammate who never joins objectives/teamfights even when pushing other lanes are not the best call, he is not not participating. That person just thinks the way he is playing is the right way, we can’t really report someone for that just like we can’t report someone for playing bad. Lack of knowledge is not reportable. BUT, I’ve had some players saying they would never help the team because “insert toxic reasons here”. That I agree with reporting because he is not helping on purpose and he knows that.

While this is a really troll move, I don’t think this is reportable because no one is obligated to play healer and heal everyone. If he says it on chat though, then I’d report.

Yeah, that is also annoying, but unless he says specifically that he is not going to help, sitting in lane is not reportable. Afk in base is though.


And how did you determine that this is a “valid composition?” What criteria did you use? And picking Butcher against three blinds, or literally any other reason, is not grounds for being reported, silenced, or banned.

for someone particular to non-participation, behaps you should participate better in your own concerns and offer to change someones mind on why they should bother to ‘change your mind’

Its a lazy assertion that demands people waste their time on a menial labor that pretty much has 0% change to accomplish much of anything as the whole assertion of ‘change my mind’ is on the basis that they aren’t going to do so.

So ‘change my mind’ that’s there’s something to be gained in ‘changing’ your mind.


… ‘cleanse’? Am I to take it that this is part of some ‘holy purge.’

But seriously. this thread is why, whenever I start getting that idea to try my hand in competitive… To make a serious effort towards seeing how I rank compared with others, and make an effort to learn how to be a better player to improve my standing… I remember why I don’t set foot in the mode.

Threads like this.

It’s certainly the case that people like the OP constantly tout the fact that the ‘object of a game is to win.’ They focus on that so hard that the only way that they enjoy the game is if they win, and dominate while doing so. To do anything less is to just disrespect the game. They don’t look at the second half of the quote…

The purpose of a game is to have fun.

The only time I could view the OP’s entire argument in this thread as valid is if the OP and the people playing it were in an official eSports team, where there is a direct incentive to win. Outside of that environment, I think the OP would be better served by just forming a 5-man group.

Finally, ‘change my mind’ is called ‘Begging the Question’… a fallacy that assumes the person making the argument is already right and it’s not their job to advance evidence or argument to support their conclusions. You propose a change, you support it with evidence. Failure to do that isn’t going to change anyone ELSE’S mind, and instead just entrenches both sides more.


Un-queue, or go before you queue. Respect for others. Consider that you are potentially going to miss draft (the most important part of winning a game… the setup). I legit unqueue if I have to go for a #2.

I alt-tab when I search for games, but I’m always at my computer doing other stuff in a browser or word document, etc. and always ready for the game that I chose to queue up for.

But non-participation in the draft (Team building) is kinda hard to argue against as you are legit refusing to participate in creating a valid team comp to maximize your team’s chance of victory. A team requires a valid comp to win 99% of all games of the same skill level. You need this for good reasons that I will not go into as they should be obvious to anyone past silver/gold.

If I tell him he needs to join us next time and he does that all game, I would report. Not if he derped out and didn’t realize once… I’m talking about people who, while it might just be because they are braindead, actively refuse to do what’s expected of them without telling the team (or in some cases legit flaming them for trying to tell them what to do)

Why not? It meets my standard of deliberately lowering your team’s chance to win. That’s the standard I use.

Valid Team composition is determined by the meta and going against the meta should be discussed and approved by all teammates. If we need a tank and you are last pick, didn’t say nothing and instalock butcher into 3 blinds… I’m sorry, but that is a total lack of respect to your team and is reportable by my standards.

Edit: Valid team comp can actually be determined by what you need to win the game. What works well with your team and vs the enemy team and for the map. You really think your no tank/healer comp is going to win any objectives? A comp like that only has a one shot attempt to all-in every fight, they lose every other scenario because you need a tank to protect your team and you need a healer to be able to last longer in fights.

I have fun when I win/lose a close/fair game. It has to be a challenge, free wins and unwinnable matches are not fun. You play the game and you get ONE of TWO results, you either win or lose… I don’t think you can honestly argue that striving for a loss is a valid objective. Therefore the goal of the game is to WIN. The fun factor is not the goal of the game… it’s the reason you play.

No… it’s actually a meme, it’s there for jokes if you know where it’s from…
And I am indeed asking people if they have reasons why my position is wrong… how is that begging the question?

I made the post because I’ve been noticing behaviors that I believe are/should be reportable and asking others who disagree why… It’s not like if Blizzard has a guide to reporting people in-game.

Change my mind means: I believe I am correct, indeed, but I am not asserting absolute truth (which would require evidence), just that I am convinced that what I am saying is a valid reason, but open to the possibility that it is not and am interested in hearing other points of view. Which, if convincing, might change my mind.

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Pics mic



You need a tank or healer, well, hold on hear me out, why don’t you pick said tank or healer? Why force others to play the role they do not want to play?

You would hate my friend, he has no tanks or healers, he has taken all the lowest tier heroes and he is gold ranked. He loves picking bad picks in game. sure he does not do well but he is a troll. People have asked him to pick a tank of healer and he casually and happily responds “I don’t have any” (Sometime depending on what has been banned or chosen he may say “They already took the ones i have.”

Okay, maybe this friend of yours might be the sort of guy that could lure me into the competitive mode… Still gotta get around the sort of people that start threads like this one.

I would report in an instant because, not only has he failed to communicate that he will not tank or heal, he is also trolling and probably has a terrible attitude and should probably not play ranked as he is completely disrespecting the other 9 players by doing what he does. Non-participation goes beyond just sitting in base… Draft is part of the game.

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Well your friend is the opposite coin of OP i think wouldn’t want to play with him in ranked either.

Who would ever want him on their team? honestly… He sounds like that one autistic kid in school that you are forced to tolerate to not get in trouble… Even though he is disrupting the entire class. Just like your “friend” is ruining 9 other people’s game.

I guarantee you… you would rather have me on your team then that “friend” of his. All I will do is do my best to win… Why would you even defend someone like that? Ranked should be competitive and you should always try your best… If you are unwilling, then ranked is not for you… easy no?

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I mean, I’m not talking about going for a #2. If you are just going for a #1 or going to grab a cup of water, you don’t need to unqueue. If you watch high level streamers (diamond+), a lot of people sometimes miss the first ban and no one says anything nor they are salt about that and they even win like nothing happened. Missing a ban happens. As long as they come back to play the match, it’s all fine. Reporting and being salt about someone missing 1 ban is more like a low rank move. “Omg we can’t win because we missed 1 ban, report and blame that guy”. People try to find excuses for their losses every match.

I’ve won with weird comps many times. I’ve seen people winning with weird comps many times. HGC teams had weird comps a lot of the time. Anyone is free to pick any hero even if it doesn’t fit in the draft. There’s no rule saying you must play standard or you must fill. While it can be bad sometimes, you gotta understand that this person won’t probably rank up because of that, so you soon won’t see him again. The meta for NA in HGC/open division was literally tankless comps, and surprisingly enough they were winning against “standard” comps. Should report them too for not going standard?

If you tell him to join your team it’s your word against his. If he tells you to join him and push, will you do it? Can he report you if you don’t join him as well?

Calling others braindead is a sign of toxicity and should be reported for abusive chat okay? Never do that.

Not doing what is expected from them? And what is expected from them? People expect different things in this game. Some expect to have a perfect competitive match, others expect to have fun first, others expect to meet new friends, some expect to do huge wombo combos in every match and so on. What is really expected from them? Who says what is right and wrong?

I had a match with a Sylvanas who just wanted to push all game. You know what we did? We just helped him all game and ignored all objectives. “Follow that sylvanas around” - I said. We won. Learn to adapt.


There’s the person who tries their best with what they are comfortable with, which happens to be what everyone ELSE is comfortable with. Then there’s the guy that willingly chooses the harder fight and still tries to win.

He’s better than you are, change my mind. :slight_smile: