Non-Participation - Change my mind

Players who do not actively participate in games should be reported and banned from ranked for the rest of the season and not receive any end of season rewards.


From now on, I will automatically report someone who:

  • Misses a ban (is afk in draft)

  • Instantly locks a hero when we needed a tank or healer without communicating their intent.

  • Doesn’t communicate in draft and picks randomly

Non-Participation in Draft to me means you are not using every tool available to you to construct a valid composition and working towards a victory condition.

Non-participation in draft most oftenly leads to an unwinnable game (unless the enemy team is much weaker in skill, which should never happen, unless the Matchmaker failed miserably… (separate discussion))

In Game

I always report people who:

  • Refuse to do objectives*

  • Refuse to join team fights*

  • Refuse to heal a specific player because they had a “disagreement in draft or game” or anything along those lines.

  • Calls “GG” after the first fight and goes afk or sits in lane till the game ends.

(*) - (Unless it was specifically communicated, like hard pushing a keep instead)

The goal of the game is to achieve victory (Destroy the enemy nexus), so if you are not aiming for victory (or doing things that are not working towards the goal), you are not participating and should be banned.

We should all start reporting people for those reasons and add in the comments why so that they get properly punished and know why.

Change my mind


I’m curious what your rank is because unless your GM people are not this try hard. I mean people wana win but this is the internet where everyone is anti social for the most part and why they are on the internet and not talking to people at a bar or at a friends house or whatever. I am a master level player and even in master games you don’t see people “communicating” like your talking about. Players just have more common sense than lower ranks.


Not going to lie, but this could only exacerbate a problem that in the end might not be that severe. People are going to have disagreements, but it doesn’t mean they should be banned.

My main issue is about the maliciousness of their intent. Did you solo push as healer because of a gripe? Or did you do it because you were trying to make the team commit to a better strategy?

There is a level of negligence involved in some cases, but it has to be negligence with a lack of respect towards the outcome of the game. Negligence due to ignorance is not a valid reason to ban someone.


I agree with you, but if they want to play in this style, should they not be playing unranked?

Everything that you listed is not near non-participation lmao.

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  • Misses a ban (is afk in draft)

You should try waiting 10+ minutes for a match and then we can talk. Everyone I know is doing something else, so missing a ban is quite common thing. Also, its just a ban. A missed ban won’t lose you the game…

  • Instantly locks a hero when we needed a tank or healer without communicating their intent.

Why didn’t you get that said tank or healer?

  • Doesn’t communicate in draft and picks randomly

What is ‘randomly’? Randomly from your point of view? That you don’t agree with their pick?

  • Refuse to do objectives

you do realize that sometimes its better to let the objective go to soak or do camps or something? Going objectives 24/7 is not a solution and can lose you the game.

  • Refuse to join team fights

as as the above.

  • Refuse to heal a specific player because they had a “disagreement in draft or game” or anything along those lines

You sure you are talking about HL or TL? Because this sounds like bronze QM

  • Calls “GG” after the first fight and goes afk or sits in lane till the game ends

as as above


Define “valid composition.”

This “ranked” mode is still a ranked mode for casual players. The lower you are on that ladder the more casual the players are. Some players don’t want to play the “optimal” way and achieve the highest rank possible, some players prefer to play the game in their own odd way just to see how far they can go like this/what ranking they will get.
Your suggestions are a bit too tryhard and they also seem more like a “if you don’t play like i want you to play --> get reported” thing.

If you are really that tryhard - how come you don’t have your own real premade team? Then you can actively give feedback to your team members.
Just by reporting players, you will not really improve your game experience, just saying.


I really hate when I get ppl like OP on my team. They are the ones who engineer unwinnable games by tilting their whole team (or just outright throwing themselves). Also ppl like that most definitely get 2-3 reports on average per game. So, hey, go on with your false reports, you’re still being reported more yourself.


Communication is key. The report would only be valid if you said nothing and didn’t do the things that were expected of you or communicated to you. Ranked play should be competitive and it should be expected that people who chose this style are aiming for victory and not practice or to kill time.

Care to elaborate why not? That’s kind of the point of this thread…

I agree, but because you are

It meets my report standard.

However, Blizzard could easily solve this issue by implementing a “accept match” feature like League of Legends implemented in draft games to prevent afkers from potentially damaging their team’s chances at victory.

I would have if it was communicated to me that they were not going to tank/heal. But I took a role that I communicated (let’s say solo lane on Braxis for example) beforehand.

I mean random, like, did not choose their hero, they clicked on a hero already chosen or banned and got a random hero.

You obviously missed the asterisk in BOLD

Check the intro… ranked also in bold…

I get the feeling you either did not read and understand my OP at all and you’re just “forum-fighting” for fighting sake.

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i dont miss banning even when im doing other stuff. no excuses.

missed ban - agree
locking a hero regardless of comp - agree
non-communication - disagree

…but either way blizz has already said that this report is completely player defined anyway. so it really doesnt matter.

Tank, healer, Solo laner, Damage dealer, Wildcard

Unless specifically communicated that the team comp will be different for whatever reason.

Edit: Or just picking something dumb like butcher into 3 blinds instead of a mage or another decent pick.

Hero league? I cannot? Team league - I do not always have 4 people online at the same time I am. Solo queue is usually the way to go.

If we all report the people who constantly do the things I listed, it will set a standard for ranked and those who do not conform will be banned, making the games better overall.

In the end I agree with you when you say ranked is still casual at the lower end (I’d say even the diamond+ are casual too). But why would we not, as a community, shift the culture of ranked play to make it more competitive.

You are projecting and making huge assumptions based on anecdotal nonsense… The classic shifting of blame back to the accuser… tsk tsk tsk.

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Look, this ranked mode is not a tournament mode. It’s a ladder where every individual gets placed and it doesn’t matter how serious others are about this. That means you are competing against everyone else, even your own team-members. Just because you feel these games are sometimes silly/clownfiestas, it doesn’t take away the competition for the ladder-place. It’s just that it doesn’t really make sense to rank individual players in a team game. This ladder was basically copied from SC2 (a 1v1 game). Your team-members are your team-members for a single match most of the time and in a way you only want them to win when they are in your team. There is nothing wrong with bad players (there are many reasons why players are bad) playing ranked. The ladder is only for your own personal statistical grind.

The real competitive scene in HOTS plays tournament modes where fixed 5man premade teams play vs each other and players don’t get rated individually, it’s the team that gets ranked (therefore you are not competing against your own team-members). Since this game is heavly focused on teamplay i don’t think the ranked mode on the battle net makes a lot of sense but i understand why it is like that and why we have it. People who are more competitive should also understand it and organize themselves into a team to join tournament modes (there are also amateur leagues, you don’t have to be a top player).

When some1 lists only false reasons to report some1, I can draw pretty clear idea of their mental state.


Even then, you can’t prove maliciousness from a lack of communication.

In fact, communication is more likely to prove maliciousness, since any “wrong word” can be taken out of context. This would just force people to be silent.

People who have such long and nitpicky list of requirements should be playing 5 grouped TLs and content only.
Change my mind.

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Ehm, who on earth would have them? Dope, not me. Would be kicked after 1 game, if they even make it to that point.
I doubt even 5 of them (even if all are direct clones) together could manage to work…

How about you tell me why you believe my reasons for reporting non-participation is wrong instead of just making unsubstantiated assertions?

Maliciousness has nothing to do with it. Even if it is out of maliciousness or not, the player in question still didn’t do what was expected of them and did not communicate their intent (or lack of) to conform to the expected.

I guess you can say, the whole point of this is to explain why the ranked culture needs to shift and people who choose ranked as their play mode need to be more serious. What’s the point of QM and URD if you behave the same way in those modes and Ranked?

I’d say it’s more of a respect thing. When I step into ranked, My mindset is:

  • I will respect my fellow teammates and opponents.
  • I will always do my best to maximize the chance of victory.
  • I will actively participate in the “WHOLE GAME” (Draft and game)
  • I will communicate with my team my intentions and plans so that we are all on the same page.

I feel disrespected when someone doesn’t do the same. Because then, I am forced into a game where even if the game is even (player skill-wise), we are now at a disadvantage. My enjoyment of the game diminishes.


TL;DR for OP: I always report people who don’t play the way I want them to because I’m the only one who is right about how the game should be played


Only people who actively reduce their team’s chance of victory. I consider it a form of griefing and disrespect to me and the other players on both teams.

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