No UI after reconnecting

Hey! So my internet had a spaz moment and froze while I was loading into a game, it was pretty early like the loading Just started and I got suspicious because the bars weren’t moving, so I checked and found out my internet disconnected.

I reconnected, the bars were still frozen after a while so I restarted my game and was able to Rejoin. However, after loading back into the game I just had no UI. I could see my hero and move around the map, but all the ability buttons were empty, the hero portrait was empty, I couldn’t move my hero, I couldn’t open the talent bar. This is essentially what my screen looked like. Eventually I got kicked for being afk and I didn’t wanna burden my team with a hero locked in spawn so I left, basically had to wait until the game ended so I could do anything else, and got the leaver penalty.

This is what my screen looked like https:// imgur . com/a/CcbpxRh