Nice matchmaking blizz

14 wins in a row and the to compensate 9 loses in a row, people wont cooperate even in a single draft pick. What the hell is wrong with your code devs, its unbelievable


So the coding is to fault for players draft picks?


I think that’s the point here. People in 2019 Do not, I repeat Do not know how to draft. - the actual team play is what makes games win. Drafts are everything unless someone carries with an insane Killstreak which never happens unless someone’s grouped.

Blizzard can’t code people.

Be happy it’s not 14 losses and 9 wins lol, cause that’s exactly what happened recently to me though… Yes I was tired (kind of) and got caught in couple of games, but rest were complete BS, yesterday got paired with a PAIR of “cynical a-holes” that deliberately banned my hero picks during draft and were calling out a loss even at that phase alone (not realizing or at least not admitting that they were the problem, BOTH of them also)