Next Hero after Orphea?

Diablo vs Deathwing and Auriel vs Ysera

Wrathion is not welcome in HotS.

Blizzard can add whoever the heck they want, regardless of who you think is welcome.


Iā€™d say the only person who is truly, 100% not welcomed would be Medā€™an


Not even Blizzard wants Medā€™an. Heck the retconned him out of canon in chronicle.

Chances are: (based on current representation and likelihood of blizzard actually making a hero per-category, also taking into consideration release dates, popularity, and meta-shifting potential since theyā€™re about to release the new matchmaking reworks, so they wonā€™t really want too much conflicting data to determine a new heroā€™s capability and balance.)


Warcraft Hero: 0% (half the roster + 3/5 of the last 5 heroes were Warcraft)

Nexus Hero: 10% (orphea was the last released hero, very unlikely but fleshing out the roster isnā€™t entirely out of the question either)

Diablo Hero: 20% (Mephisto was one of the last 3 heroes to be released, and with the D:I scandal i doubt they want more fires, but maybe they do, so moderate possibility)

Starcraft Hero: 25% (The last starcraft hero we got was Fenix, back in MARCH! Mephisto came out more recently, so SC is more reasonable than Diablo.)

Overwatch Hero: 45% (as much as we all hate them this is the most likely. The last overwatch hero was released last year, Junkrat in october 2017. This universe needs a main tank and melee assassin and arguably generates the most income when OW fans jump in for goodies. It just makes sense)

ROLES: (Based on the new upcoming role rework)

Ranged Assassin: 10% (iā€™d put this at 0 but blizzard (removed) loves these so its possible theyā€™ll just drop another)

Melee Assassin: 30% (Aside from Support, this is the lowest populated category, and the last melee we got was Maiev, back in February.)

Tank: 5% (Malā€™ganis is considered a tank, so i doubt weā€™ll see another this soon based on how much this role tends to shift the meta)

Bruiser: 10% (Iā€™d say this is just as likely as Melee assassin, but many bruisers are viable, while maybe only half of melee assassins are. Plus, Yrel is considered a bruiser and she was one of the last 5 heroes.)

Healer: 10% (The healer role is pretty fairly balanced at the moment. In representation of universes, and actual gameplay balance, i doubt they want to ruin a good thing. Whitemane was also one of the last 5 heroes.)

Support: 35% (This role has a whole 5 heroes in it now. Iā€™d like to see more variety for sure, and this role has neither a diablo, or overwatch representative. The most recently released support was Zarya, in 2016.)

Authorā€™s Notes:

My guess is that weā€™ll see an Overwatch Tank. Like Reinhardt. Since zarya is already a Support they wont need a second OW Support hero right away, and there are no Tanks ( is a bruiser, Zarya is a support) from OW yet, while there are plenty in that universe, and they are very popular.
If not a tank, a melee assassin, but who would even fit that category? Doomfist i guess.

Iā€™d like to see a new support-type hero because they tend to be the most creative. But theyā€™re also the most tricky to create so itā€™s probably unlikely. If we do get one next, it would make the most sense to be from the SC universe because of its more macro-based gameplay and many support-units, but since SC has the most representation in the support role (Tass + Aba), it stands to reason that it might be a Diablo hero since there are no Diablo supports, or even a Nexus hero.

Iā€™d like to see a new Starcraft hero because itā€™s my favorite universe and super under-represented in comparison to an equally rich-with-potential-heroes universe like Warcraft.

Edited language - Forum Mod


Itā€™s cute that you think that would stop them.

I donā€™t think the backlash for Immortal has as big an effect on them as you think it has.

If theyā€™re holding off on Diablo heroes itā€™s because they want to save something for Immortalā€™s launch, not because a few fans are upset they got a phone game.

I donā€™t hate them. Stop using ā€œallā€ when you mean ā€œyouā€.


thanks youā€™re pretty cute yourself

ā€¦The Chosen Oneā€¦


Like Orphea sheā€™s fun to play as. Iā€™m hoping for Wratheon or maybe finishing out the WC3 hero units. Think Horde and a few neutrals are left.

moira i want moira
moira moira

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Moira Thaurissan, perhaps?


We need the last member of the council of three hammers, for dwarf themed teams.

Mannoroth pls! :pray::pray::pray:


Just looked up ā€œImperiusā€ and oh my there are posts by the hundreds.
It appears as a next hero request in almost every HOTS tweet (regardless of the topic), forum for hero suggestions or anything really - there are even suggested kits by the tens and many of those are posts as of 2016.

Honestly I donā€™t get Blizzard anymore.

I used to be a SC1/BW fanboy, loved War3 TFT and Classic WoW and I donā€™t even like D3 much, but if Imperius is not the Christmas Hero announcementā€¦ I will sell my phone!


LoL New Yearā€™s: ā€œIā€¦ take back my bet.ā€

Just a idea i had yesterday. But i could see blackhearth and azshara(and possibly lady vash and neptulon aswel) with a future summer event.
Like wow bfa is gonna have a azshara patch down the road.

So could have azshara vs blackheath like alterac kind of thing.
With blackhearths group getting new pirate skins and for azshara"s group Naga/murloc skins(like murloc diablo skin).

And blackhearth would be a classic blizzard char and wouldnt just be the 3vikings.

And azshara being queen of the naga"s and pretty populair could make good addition aswell , have some tie in wow bfa so coulld get some more exposure .
and she could lead way for future heroes like Lady vashj.

Neptulon could be on either side.but id prolly see him with blackheath since he was captured by ozumat who is related to naga.
though if he is with azshara, we could get a pirate skin for ragnaros :stuck_out_tongue:

Bwonsamdi the Loa of Death


that would be amazing :smiley:

You just love Bwonsamdi dont you?

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He is so badass and i think he will have an interesting play and interaction if he entering the nexus