NEW HERO: Teron - Specialist

Hello! My name is Dmitriy Torgashin. I am glad to present you my new concept - new hero-specialist for HotS.

Hero: Teron

Class: Specialists

Bio: The character is a project of the Nexus magicians. Teron was created specifically for competitions.

*Pictures of 3D-model Teron:

A -

B -


Playing for Teron requires the player to immerse themselves in the understanding of game tasks and the situation on the battlefield. This hero has interesting command abilities, but there are also significant disadvantages - the lack of escape and reduction of the distance, dependence on dexterity, weakness against magicians. Playing for Teron, you need to properly prepare the battle place and gain time to attack.


Health – 2275 basically hit points.

Dexterity – Teron uses Dexterity instead of Mana. The maximum number of dexterity units is 10. Abilities spend 1 unit, ultimates 3. One unit recovers in 3 seconds. Fountain increases recovery rate by 50% for 4 seconds.

\\ Abilities

Q – “Webchain” - It spreads in a straight line in the specified direction a barbed wire that activates after 2.5 seconds and becomes invisible from a distance of more than 1 meter. When an enemy hits the net, it takes 200 points of damage, and an additional 100 points in 3 seconds. Movement slows by 15% for 1.5 seconds. The network exists for 25 seconds. At the same time can be placed no more than 2 webchains. The ability cannot be placed “inside” opponents. Cooldown: 10 seconds.

*Picture -

W – “Dagger Swing” - Deals 150 damage to all enemies in front of them, and an additional 150 points in 4 seconds. Cooldown: 6 seconds.

-Quest 1: Hit the enemy heroes with a “Dagger Swing” 10 times.

-Reward 1: The ability will receive a 2 charge.

-Quest 2: Hit the enemy heroes with a “Dagger Swing” 25 times.

-Reward 2: Ability damage will be increased by 20%.


E - “Aim Shooting” - Makes 6 shots at the selected target. The ability can be used when walking. Only one target can be selected per application, and if it goes beyond the action field, the ability stops. During the action, the movement speed of Teron decreases to 75%. Cooldown: 12 seconds.

-Quest 1: Hit enemy heroes with Aim Shooting 40 times.

-Reward 1: Range of ability will increase by 20%.

-Quest 2: Hit enemy heroes with Aim Shooting 60 times.

-Reward 2: Every 3rd shot from ability will deal 25% more damage. Movement speed will increase up to 90%

D – “First Aid” - Heals self or a selected ally hero for 250 units in 3 seconds. Ability is interrupted if the Teron moves from the place, or if the ally goes beyond the ability field. Cooldown: 80 seconds.

-Quest: Restore the first-aid 1000 units of health.

-Reward: Healing time is reduced to 2 seconds.

R1 – “Turret” - Places the big turret in the selected place, which can be controlled by any allied hero. While in the turret, an ally is protected by its strength of 2,250 units. Auto attack turrets deal 220 damage every second. The duration of the turret is 8 seconds. Cooldown: 100 seconds.

  • Radius of Turret autoattacks bigger than radius of Sergeant Hammer. This ultimate is mini-counterpick of SGT.


R2 – “Landing Force” - After 2 sec activation, a detachment of 4 special forces soldiers arrives at the chosen location. The lifetime of the soldiers is 45 seconds. Cooldown: 80 seconds.

-Quest: Save the lives of all 4 paratroopers in battle on the line for 10 seconds.

-Reward 1: Ability will summon an additional 2 ranged shooters, and their lifetime will increase by 5 seconds.

-Reward 2: Active ability [1] – “Covering” - Orders the chosen minion to follow Teron. Maximum 4 minions at once. Catapult requires 2 charges. Pressing the button again cancels the order, and the minion is sent to the nearest line.

\\ Talents

— 1 level

1) “Traps” – The ability [Q] gets a second charge of webchains.

2) Quest – “Master-catcher’ - Hit enemy heroes with webchains 10 times. Reward: The duration will increase to 40 seconds, and the maximum number of simultaneous networks will increase to 3.

3) “Additional Training” – Expands the area sides of damage with the ability “Dagger Swing” by 30%. Also increases initial damage by 20%.

*Picture -

4) Quest - “Melee Fighter” - Apply 850 damage to enemy heroes with your Dagger Swing ability. Reward: Increases periodic damage by 15%. Cooldown reduced by 2 seconds.

5) “Improved Pistol” - Increases the range of auto-attack from a pistol by 1 m, but reduces the rate of fire by 10%.

-Quest: Hit enemy heroes with an auto attack 60 times.

-Reward: Shooting speed will be restored and additionally increase by 5%.

— 4 level

1) Active ability - “Poisoned Webchain” - After activating, the next distributed webchain will deal an additional 150 points of periodic damage.

2) Active ability – “Dagger Throw” - After activating, the next application of [W] will allow you to throw a dagger at a chosen target, causing 150 damage. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

3) “Battle Skills” - If “Dagger Swing” hit 2 or more enemy heroes, the cooldown is increased by 40% for 3 seconds.

4) Passive ability - “Double First Aid Kit” - Ability D receives a second charge, but healing effectiveness is reduced by 30%. Recovery time is reduced by 15 seconds.

— 7 level

1) “New Placement Method” - Reduces webchain activation time by 1.5 seconds.

2) “Big Diversion” - Increases the size and damage from webchains by 15%, but increases the radius of their detection by 0.5 m. The cooldown time decreases by 2 seconds.

3) “Instigator” - Increases damage to opponents who are not heroes by 150%.

— 10 level

1) R1 – “Turret” – Description at the beginning of the article.

2) R2 – “Landing Force” - Description at the beginning of the article.

— 13 level

1) “Grounding” - Every second hit on the same enemy hero with [W] ability for 8 seconds slows it down by 5% for 1 second. Each subsequent hit increases the slowdown effect by 5%, maximum up to 20%.

2) “Machete” - Increases the size of the Dagger by 20%, increases the damage from autoattacks by 10%, and increases the radius of [W] by 15%. But, slows autoattacks by 15%.

3) Passive - “Improved Equipment” - Increases maximum health by 600 units and gives 10 units of kinetic armor.

— 16 level

1) “Dual Chains” – Webchains ability can now work twice, but if it’s the same enemy, then no more than once every 3 seconds.

2) “Hardening in Battle” - Each hit with the ability to “Dagger Swing” on an enemy hero increases the damage from it by 15. Maximum bonus is 150 units. Accumulated bonus is lost when death.

3) “Detector Bullets” – Ranged autoattacks and [E]-ability reveal the location of the target enemy hero for 3 seconds.

4) Passive - “Stationary First Aid Kit” - Ability D now places a first aid kit in the selected location, using which the allied hero regains his health. Placed first aid kit have 300 hit points. The lifetime of the first-aid kit is 60 seconds.

— 20 level

1) R1 - “Long-Range Turret” - Increases the radius of the turret autoattacks by 50% and increases the damage from it by 20%. The cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds.

2) R1 – “Upgrade to Vehicle” - Allows the Turret to move around the battlefield and shooting when walking. Increases its lifetime to 12 seconds.

3) R2 - “Improved Special Forces” - [R2] ability places warriors in the chosen place with increased health by 200 units and with 100 units of shield. Together with the landing party is located one catapult.

3) “Explosive Bullets” - All bullets hit the target from an autoattacks or from the [E] ability explode in 3 seconds, dealing 50 damage.

4) “Old Warrior” - Increases dexterity recovery rate by 20%.

Thanks for watching! :slight_smile:

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