Need more bans with currently imbalanced meta

More and more hero changes, more and more balance issues… Currently there are more imbalanced S-tier heroes than there are bans available so one team inevitably ends up with an advantage in draft. It’s time for more bans, there’s enough heroes now to warrant 1 ban per player.

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I dont see that much “op” heroes that there is not enough ban-slots.

Tell me what you think of this idea.

The original post, I mean

I woiuld love to see 1 ban per player, that would make ranked so much more interesting.

I want 0 bans, it makes for faster picking and the impact your bans have on the game is small anyway.

In a tournament setting there should be 5 bans at least to make any difference at this stage as Hunter suggests. But for normal ranked play it’s almost irrelevant and 1 ban per player means even less ability to co-ordinate thinks so even less relevant.