NA microplay is GARBAGE

And here I am in NA thinking I play pretty well.

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You are from Germany?

I lived in EU for a couple of months, but my internet was soooo bad that I just had to stop video gaming altogether. I played some games, but it was like playing in a slide show. Was all the more awful since I loved Tyrande that required good AAing. Itā€™s a shame, I would have loved to see what the meta was like to compare it with NA and do those rank climbs since I never smurfed before (other than playing my broā€™s account for a bit just to see what gold was like).

I do feel like a lot of people in NA love highlighting macro play, while glossing over the fact that good micro allows you to win fights, which believe it or not, is actually quite helpful for macro too lol.

Title confused me so much because it talks about Micro while the desc talks about Macro.

NA plays too safe in comparison to EU which impacts in specific areas, thereā€™s a lack of aggressiveness which EU commits to.

In most of EU games people literally jump through the window for the take, NA doesnā€™t most of the time, they just play very safe that performance turns out somewhat poor.

In other news, water wet pretty much.

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I agree with you, EU players seem much more aggro and will jump at any opportunity to kill you if you mispositioned.

US players will often leave you alone or not bother to chase you even if youā€™re really overextended.

Ok ok, I will play US then. It fits me more.

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Weā€™re much more supportive of support players here! Though youre in masters so thats probably not an issue anymore.


I mean, some people call me ā€œtoo defensive and safe playerā€.

No wonder I suck as assassin. I am not aggressive enough for getting kills.

Let me guess - if I tried to play support Tassadar in US in Gold rank, I wouldnā€™t be flamed by my random teammates?

I mean personally I think they flame a lot less here. That being said you probably wouldnā€™t want to play support tass. The assassin players tend to be very mediocre.

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Yeah I havenā€™t seen anyone flame for picks really. At least not until game is over.

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I played support Tassadar in Gold no matter how much hate I got back.
If course after that I hate Gold League, but anyway.

Donā€™t worry, my hell was starting during draft and continued until my core was destroyed, because someone didnā€™t pick healer/tank or someone picked Murky/other hero, who doesnā€™t fit into Tass comp, to troll and throw.

And still I had positive winrate on Tassadar and ended by 61.9%. Big Middle finger to those trolls and throwers.

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Let me amend my statement a bit.

People rarely get mad at a specific character, rather they get mad at not getting a healer, tank, or a specific role.

Havenā€™t seen anyone flame for someone wanting a specific hero. More often, people will try to draft around the off-meta pick, and create a team that is beneficial to the Vikings player, Illidan, or whatever it might be thatā€™s a little unconventional.

People will absolutely get mad if you last pick vikings instead of a tank though :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was in Gold 2-3+ years ago. And I prepicked Tassadar and tried to chat with team. And convince them Iā€™m good.

Nothing helped.

Iā€™m not a retard to ruin a game by myself. Tassadar required a good comp to work - main tank, 1 AA, mage/bruiser, healer. If your team didnā€™t have something - you will likely lose.

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Tbh, I canā€™t imagine anyone picking Tass in the current environment, claiming they are going to play support, and then NOT getting flamed the moment ANYTHING goes wrong in-game.

I was playing in Gold some months ago in my smurf.

Nothing changed. Silver is more nicer and comfortable than Gold. I was feeling enjoyment when I was coming back from Gold 5 to Silver 1 all time.

You can probably get GM there if you are plat in EU.


Iā€™m also a support player, but Iā€™m generally the opposite. Thereā€™s nothing more annoying than watching your teammate not reaching their potential because theyā€™re playing too defensively when you know you can protect them.

Iā€™m way more aggressive, which is why Tyrande and Tassadar were my two favorite heroes and why I always advocate for more hybrid type supports. When playing assassins, I feel Iā€™m too aggressive because I feel like if I was healing, I know Iā€™d survive, but thatā€™s a really bad assumption to make in QM.


Yeah, people had a humdinger of a time learning you could walk nonlateral to Deathwing Q and-- hooooh!!! Look at that! Youā€™re leaving the deathly dangerous fireā€¦

I actually want to go and stab this one as a demographical error. Itā€™s a very youthful disregard for (immediate) future consequences and circumstances. It smacks of me to players who are younger, where they make choices that have an immediate implication but donā€™t think much further.

Then again, I know my micro personally isnā€™t fantastic.

Yo I have the same issue, but with healing rather than support. It was funny, cause at first I would scream whenever my friend dove in, but now, heā€™s all ā€œsave meā€ when I know heā€™ll be fine.

Probably your mmr is lower in NA than EU. if you just started on NA, itā€™s a like a reset.

I played on EU, people were bad there too when I started. I owned my first Alarak game and I am bad with Alarak.