My aram tier list

very little of this seems accurate.


this is grandmaster aram player tier list :bone:

I know “Tiers Lists” are almost always horribly inaccurate, but these couple are especially so. There is so much wrong with each of these lists.

First strike is listing Hanzo at anything above C, let alone S.

KT, Nazeebo, and Raynor all belong in S.

Alarak, KTZ, and Mephisto are all solid A rankers, but their performance tends to vary way too wildly based on player skill for them to place in S rank.

Gul’dan, Valla, and Probius should all go in A as well.

Raynor, Jaina, and Fenix do not belong down in C. Raynor belongs in S, Jaina belongs in A, and Fenix belongs in B at least.

Again, another big strike for putting Tassadar in anything above C, let alone S.

Ana, Stukov, and Brightwing belong in S. Lucio used to, but his rework changed that.

Lili, Morales, and Alex belong in A.

Diablo is either a low A or a high B at best.

ETC and Anub’arak easily belong in S.

Johanna is a solid A ranker.

Artanis and Dehaka are easily S rankers.

Imperius, Rexxar, and Sonya should all go in A.

D.Va is a B at best.

Chen is terrible, and definitely fits better in E or F than in C.

Yrel and Malthael belong nowhere near A rank. Neither belongs anywhere above D, and Yrel probably deserves to be down in E or F with Chen.

its subjective from you (also from me thats why i said MY aram tier list)
but atleast i have some screenshots of top stats on each top tier hero for example tassadar

i posted it already

and u were talking about yrel to be in tier with chen
dont forget to check heal stat (lvl 4 heal btw)

hanzo is definetly tier S with no comment
its learn to play issue if player cant do dmg with him
and nazeebo wtf he cant even get stacks here

trust level 3 minion pls

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This is a sample size of 3, and none of them support your assertion that Tassadar is an “S tier Support/Healer.”

Yrel, Malthael, and Chen are statistically the worst 3 Bruisers in the ARAM gamemode.

Hanzo is “S tier” in the same way a half-eaten piece of pizza that was dropped upside-down on the sidewalk and left there in the sun for 2 days is “5 star cuisine.”

In other words, he fits best in E or D tier, and absolutely no higher than C.

It’s actually far more of an L2P issue if you’re struggling against him. He’s all about single-target poke, and in a mode where everyone is constantly clumped up and fighting, high-AoE/DPS/CC heroes rein supreme, and Hanzo is none of those.

And yet he has literally the fifth highest winrate of all heroes in ARAM. He doesn’t need Voodoo Ritual all that much because his Toad build’s damage and area denial is insanely high.

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TLV aren’t banned. I was offered them in this week brawl.

Also, Fenix should be higher on that list and Rexxar too.

Junkrat and Hammer S tier.

hanzo is just L2P issue not gonna argue with you
i know there is 90% aram hanzos bad but it doesnt mean hes not tier S
hes L2P issue not only in aram
same with yrel
and malthael has problem when hes against a lot of ranged heroes maybe i should put him lower

idk from where are u getting aram statistics

“I know he’s trash but he’s still ‘S tier!’”

HotsLogs, filter for Brawl.

hes trash only when trash player plays him :slight_smile:

He’s only not trash when playing against trash opponents.

yeah… thats why hes first pick/ first ban on master league+

And also why his winrate is about 7% below average at that level.

Stats don’t lie, Hanzo is trash.

hots logs are pretty fake
and 70% popularity and 1% popularity is big difference too
u have never been master so stop arguing

“Any statistics that don’t agree with me are fake.”

And is still only a matter of subjective opinion and not a measure of objective performance.

Neither have you.
Difference is, I have statistics and facts on my side. You have nothing but wild speculation and “muh feels.”

i was gm #12 in HL and gm #12 in TL last season
all i say is facts from my own games
all u say are wrong facts because popularity matters and also hots logs sucks shows like 10% games from all games

reason why i said u have never been master is because u said hanzo is trash and thats bronze5-silver1 sentence
here i put screenshot to show how bad hanzo is
(i have 20+ sceenshots like this)

My experience is the opposite. Most games I have Tassadar on my team we win. Note that he sucks as solo healer as he is not a healer but he is actually very good as a hybrid damage dealer who can also absorb damage with tactical shields, aka a support.

The problem is that he sucks damage wise. Heroes like Stukov can easily get similar healing numbers but can also be used offensively so end up with decent damage numbers as well as fantastic healing unlike Cain.

She sucks against poke comps as she has bursty heal rather than sustain. However if you have melee assassins she is fantastic as stim + shield + heal keeps them alive. She is very much a gamble to pick as she can work very well or be very bad.

Malfurion is borderline broken. As long as your team can sustain to late game he becomes impossibly powerful as he is one of the few heroes with infinite damage scaling. I once lost out to an all support team purely because Malfurion ended up doing >700 dps thanks to treant. He is poor as a solo support however due to his lack of mana sustain but as a hybrid support + DPS he is very good.

??? Who?!

Kharazim is not bad, but only one the ones with mercs that you can dive out to quest from.

Hammer is not S tier by any means. She is actually very low tier because so much that is S tier hard counters her due to siege placement. Anyone with skill shots will always land on her and that means that Junkrat and Li Ming obliterate her and since they are both S/A tier they are very common picks in single lane.

Hanzo is A tier due to zoning and range. He is very safe to play and does a ton of damage. However He is not instant win and care must be taken to only choose him if the rest of the team lacks damage. 2 hanzos will likely result in a loss as front line is just too weak then.

Raynor is more A tier as he has less damage than heroes like Tychus.

KTZ is S tier. Seen so many games carried by them. Once dual shade + Death and Decay is going even enemy tanks melt. However he is skill based I agree so having one on your team is not instant win, but the same can be said to all heroes.

He is wrongly classed. He is a fantastic damage dealer or auxiliary support. He just sucks as only healer since he cannot heal at all well. He should be mixed with assassins or bruisers for this classification due to that more suits what he does.

Artanis is too comp dependant. His damage is too low for a melee hero in this sort of play and unless the enemy goes auto attack heavy his support ultility is bad. Yes he can dash swap enemies, but again if the enemy team is a sustain ranged team you will not be swapping anyone but the tank. Hence A or B classification better suits.

Sonya is certainly a B or C since she sucks at taking damage and one almost always have enough superior ranged damage dealers to make her pointless. Her only tricks are chase and ultimate stun but so many other heroes offer better.

For the same reason Sgt Hammer is also low tier. He is too easily countered due to being stationary. Every skill shot lands on him and feeds the enemy stacks for infinite damage quests. He also has no stun or disrupt capability outside of barrel.

Yrel has everything a tank needs such as armor, stun, slow and mobility. Hence she is actually a very good tank. However she being a newer hero means few people will pick her over other heroes so she is seldom seen.

Nazeebo does not need to. Even without level 20 trait improvement he still hits like a truck. For example if he talented spider quest 1 jar alone can deal nearly 2k damage which will leave squishy heroes critical and wounded heroes dead. His most powerful build depending on comp is frogs since the zoning on that is insane and no matter where you take the damage it will hurt.

He is A tier certainly. The problem is that he cannot finish off heroes very well as he has to stay back because the instant he pokes his head out he will be stomped. He also has very strong weaknesses which require ally selections to compensate. Certainly well below KTZ hence A.

But as mentioned above this proves that Tassadar is just a very good choice. Never pick him as a healing support but rather as a damage dealer/actual support. There are tons of heroes I would choose him over and when I have one on my team I mostly am not disappointed.

As far as supports go I would put him S with Zarya who does something similar. Tassadar has no energy manage issues but has potentially less DPS than Zarya. Both are good at zoning, absorbing damage disrupting enemies.

His dragons provide massive zoning which is exactly what makes him effective. Additionally once his quest is complete he has sufficient range to poke the enemy back line from his own back line. He is a very high skill requiring hero but if chosen wisely will win you games. I would certainly put him at A especially in the right hands.

Yes they are not banned. They really should be but they are not…

Most Hanzo players are just trash at playing Hanzo. It is when one fights 2 of them and one has 3 times the hero damage than the other… In the right hands though he can be a real game changer. But again depends on comps and not the sort of hero you pick over a front line if your team lacks one.

I’mma call bull on that real hard, especially if you think Tassadar is also somehow “S tier,” and the fact that you said this in another thread:

Which was, of course, entirely false in every way.

First off, all your claims are opinions based on your own personal experience. There are no statistics involved there, just entirely subjective opinion and speculation based on how well or, in this case I suspect, poorly you do against a hero.

Second, HotsLogs is very accurate. It shows a good 75+% of all games, and the devs have confirmed multiple times that HotsLogs’ data reliably matches their own internal data.

Third, even if HotsLogs actually did only track 10% of the games played, that sample size is probably a good thousand times or more larger than your own personal data set, and is therefore far more reliable even if we take your claims of him dominating so many of your games as ironclad fact. Especially because HotsLogs factors in many more players, so your own inability to handle him becomes just a drop in the sea of other players who may or may not be able to handle him themselves.

It’s actually an “all-levels” sentence. Hanzo is performing significantly lower than most other heroes at literally all levels of play.

Also, the #1 reason I’ve never been and never will be a Masters ranked player is because I don’t even bother with Ranked. There are too many people like you who always waste their bans or insta-lock some poorly performing hero because “They’re OP!!!1!” or complain or whine or flame at me for not being dumb enough to do so myself. Bonus points because those same people almost always cost us the match because of course they do.

Ooohh, you have “20+ screenshots like this” cherry picked just for this! Well, why don’t I just pop on over to HotsLogs and-- oh, look at that, Hanzo is in the bottom 6 heroes again, what a surprise!

Ding, dong~, looks like the actual statistics still say your opinion is wrong.

I’d put Hammer in B at the very lowest, though I agree she doesn’t belong in S tier. The right comp can mess her up real bad, but outside of those circumstances she’s nigh-unstoppable. I’d say she fits comfortably into a mid to low A.

Hanzo’s long-range makes him safe to play, sure, but his zoning and damage is actually pretty pitiful and non-threatening (respectively) against any comp not comprised exclusively of very squishy heroes.
There are quite a few simple ways to avoid Hanzo’s attacks, whether it be walking behind minions, towers, or a higher-health teammate or just juking him out.
Additionally, his single-target nature means his damage rarely gets meaningful effect, as it is hard to land the multiple attacks needed for a single target to feel any significant pressure without putting his own very fragile healthbar within retaliation range.

Also, his winrate in Brawl is 44.8%. That’s pretty crap.

Honestly, Hanzo’s lucky I said C-tier is the highest he belongs in. He probably fits in better with his brother down in D.

I see Raynors consistently doubling Tychus’ total damage, both hero and structure, in ARAM. His damage is far more consistent and reliable, and he also has far more sustain and utility than Tychus has access to. Raynor is certainly has only A-tier impact, but literally almost anyone can get that kind of impact out of him, which bumps him up to S.

Also, Tychus is probably about C tier, as his success is too dependent on the enemy comp, specifically how many and which Tank(s) they have.

I’d agree with this, though that still doesn’t earn him a place above C. He’s basically meh at everything, which is fine, but still not as useful as being specialized and really good at one thing like KT, Zul’jin, and Zarya are.

Artanis really isn’t all that comp dependent. His sustain procs super easily in ARAM, and his damage output can get absolutely insane late-game.

Additionally, Suppression Pule has far more impact and utility than simply suppressing ADCs. It denies heroes’ like Orphea’s self-sustain from her Trait, Garrosh’s damage reduction from his Oppressor talent, and Lucio from getting mana or CDR from his Up the Frequency talent.

And if you don’t want to bother with that, you can pick Purifier Beam and its level 20 upgrade for even more extreme late-game snowballing.

She’s got two of the same problems Chen has: she’s too easily shut down by any CC, and her ability to tank damage is pretty poor. She melts under any focused fire, and her own merely decent CC output does not compensate for her other weaknesses.

That must include most Masters players, then.

Hanzo is not a game-changer. He’s a win-more. He amplifies the severity of any game’s outcome. If his team is winning, he can make it a stomp. If his team is losing, he can also make it a stomp, but in the other team’s favor. Either way, he tends to lose far more often than he wins.

oh i was wrong
and what has this in common with all of this?

im not gonna waste time answering you this is my last reply to you
you said hanzo is trash hero and its all i needed to know about your knowledge about this game (no clue)
go check stream
hasuobs or cris
every time they can pick hanzo they pick him (atleast if cris is playing on main acc)
and it doesnt matter if enemy team has zera or some other hanzo counter

you said ur not playing ranked
so ur playing probably QM
so all i have learned is your personal QM experience about hanzo and fake NA statistics on hots logs
when ur checking hots logs so much then atleast look at the popularity because
20games and 70% winr means nothing and even that is drafted in the best possible draft for that hero

You cannot hide behind minions outside of early game since the minions will be dead very fast from allied skills. Additionally Hanzo should be attacking from the sides meaning that allied heroes are not very effective at blocking his skills.

His zoning is high end. His Dragonstrike renders a large part of the lane unpassable. At worst it forces the enemies to reposition or split up in half, at best it will deal thousands of damage. The cooldown on it is also quite low at level 20, especially if the user is skilled at landing hits.

That is because so many players are just bad at him. If you are missing most of your shots or spend most of the game dead it does not matter how good a hero is.

His zoning is fantastic. Force Wall is one of the most powerful ultimate abilities in the game. You cannot compare him with Kael or Zuljin since those have no support functionality. His only real comparison is Zarya who trades some functionality with him. Zarya has more damage potential (if at max energy) but loses out on zoning, especially late game. Tassadar also has access to percentage damage if appropriate, unlike Zarya.

His damage output is not insane compared with actual damage heroes. And although his trait procs a lot, it will have little value against some comps as the amount is small and against anything but spells he lacks armor.

For 4 seconds… Up time is ~8%, assuming you land it on the people you want. So many other heroes have more valuable ultimates unless that 8% up time corresponds to massive amounts of damage reduced.

Also comp dependant. Since for maximum value it has to kill someone, something Artanis is not that good at compared with other heroes. Also even with the increased speed it will struggle to kill hyper mobile enemies.

All tanks melt under focus fire… She is not as vulnerable to CC as one might think due to her trait. Additionally if people are focusing CC on her it is good since they are wasting valuable CC on a tank rather than on the DPS behind her so will likely lose. As far as bullet sponges go she is pretty good.

Yes because being “Master” does not make you suddenly good at Hanzo… You are good at Hanzo if you actually use Hanzo a lot and learn to play him well.